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Expand 1 - Documents relating to Benholme1 - Documents relating to Benholme
Expand 2 - Documents relating to Burton Fleming2 - Documents relating to Burton Fleming
Expand 3 - Documents relating to Fridaythorpe3 - Documents relating to Fridaythorpe
Expand 4 - Documents relating to Huggate4 - Documents relating to Huggate
Collapse 5 - Documents relating to Wetwang5 - Documents relating to Wetwang
1 - Lease relating to land in Wetwang
2 - Surrender and admission relating to the manor of Wetwang
3 - Surrender and admission relating to the manor of Wetwang
4 - Admission relating to the manor of Wetwang
5 - Appointment of Michael Hardy and Thomas Wharram as overseers of the poor for the township of Wetwang
6 - Admission relating to the manor of Wetwang
7 - Admission relating to the manor of the prebend of Wetwang
8 - Admission relating to the manor of Wetwang
9 - Surrender and admission relating to the manor of the prebend of Wetwang
10 - Surrender and admission relating to the manor of Wetwang
11 - Admission relating to manor of Wetwang
12 - Admission relating to the manor of Wetwang
13 - Bastardy bond for £100 concerning the children of Catherine Lundie
14 - Mortgage for £250 relating to the manor of the prebend of Wetwang
15 - Copy of mortgage as described in DDX559/20
16 - Deed of covenant relating to land in Wetwang
17 - Surrender and admission relating to the manor of Wetwang
18 - Admission relating to the manor of the prebend of Wetwang
19 - Articles of agreement relating to land in Wetwang
20 - Deed of covenant relating to land in Wetwang
21 - Surrender and admission relating to the prebendary manor of Wetwang
22 - Account of Thomas Wharram with Waite and George Hodgson
23 - Deed of covenant relating to land in Wetwang
24 - Surrender and admission relating to the manor of Wetwang
25 - Admission relating to the manor of Wetwang
26 - Recovery relating to the manor of Wetwang
27 - Surrender and admission relating to the manor of Wetwang
28 - Admission relating to the manor of Wetwang
29 - Surrender and admission relating to the manor of Wetwang
30 - Deed of covenant relating to land in Wetwang
31 - Surrender of mortgage for £1050 with 4 and three quarter per cent interest relating to manor of Wetwang
32 - Memorandum of agreement by John Newlove to Michael Harper and George Johnson farmers
33 - Surrender of mortgage for £1050 with 4 and a half per cent interest relating to manor of Wetwang
34 - Copy list of pains to be put on the church door at Wetwang
35 - Surrender and admission relating to the manor of Wetwang
36 - Bond of £2100 between John Newlove and Robert Carlile Broadley and John Lockwood
37 - Articles of agreement relating to land in Wetwang
38 - Abstract of title of Dr John Newlove to a copyhold estate within the manor of Wetwang
39 - Surrender and admission relating to the manor of Wetwang
40 - Release relating to copyhold lands of John Newlove
41 - Release as described in DDX559/46
42 - Certificate of Land Tax redemption for £3 3s relating to George Britton agent of Thomas Wharram
43 - Surrender for £385 relating to the manor of Wetwang
44 - Surrender and admission relating to the manor of Wetwang
45 - Surrender and admission relating to the manor of Wetwang
46 - Surrender relating to manor of the prebend of Wetwang by Thomas Wharram to the use of his will
47 - Surrender relating to the manor of Wetwang by Thomas Wharram to the use of his will
48 - Printed Enclosure Act for townships of Wetwang
49 - Admission relating to the manor of Wetwang
50 - Admission relating to manor of the prebend of Wetwang of Thomas Wilberfoss as nephew and heir of Thomas Wharram
Expand 6 - Documents relating to Wharram Le Street6 - Documents relating to Wharram Le Street
Expand 7 - Documents relating to sale particulars of various parishes7 - Documents relating to sale particulars of various parishes
Expand 8 - Bonds from various parishes8 - Bonds from various parishes
Expand 9 - Documents relating to Beverley and Barmston Drainage9 - Documents relating to Beverley and Barmston Drainage
Expand 10 - Legal documents10 - Legal documents
Expand 11 - Valuations of stock and crops relating to various parishes11 - Valuations of stock and crops relating to various parishes
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