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1 - Lease and release relating to land at Thorpe Bassett
2 - Final agreement for £120 relating to land at Thorpe Bassett
3 - Conveyance for £950 relating to land at Thorpe Bassett
4 - Sealed copy Award of Exchange relating to buildings and land atThorpe Bassett
5 - Agreement between Henrianna Annabella Hale and Sir George Cholmley
6 - Abstract of title of Mrs HA Hale
7 - Account and receipt for succession duty on property at Thorpe Bassett
8 - Appointment and conveyance for lands at Thorpe Bassett
9 - Memorandum of agreement relating to Isaac Atkinson and Williaqm Allen
10 - Lease and release for lands at Thorpe Bassett
11 - Mortgage for £200 relating to property at Thorpe Bassett
12 - Conveyance of land at Thorpe Bassett
13 - Grant of easement for 5 shillings per annum for laying and maintaining water pipes through lands in Thorpe Bassett
14 - Lease and settlement for lands at Thorpe Bassett
15 - Lease for one year of land at Thorpe Bassett
16 - Final agreement in duplicate relating to land at Thorpe Bassett
17 - Lease, release and conveyance relating to house and land as described in DDTB/15
18 - Lease, assignment and mortgage relating to land at Thorpe Bassett
19 - Lease and transfer of mortgage relating to land at Thorpe Bassett
20 - Lease and release for land at Thorpe Bassett
21 - Final agreement between William Atkinson and Hannah Atkinson
22 - Mortgage for £200 relating to land at Thorpe Bassett
23 - Transfer of mortgage for property at Thorpe Bassett
24 - Transfer of mortgage for property at Thorpe Bassett
25 - Receipts for succession duty relating to John Atkinson, deceased and Ann Atkinson, deceased
26 - Declaration by John Clifford of Westow, farmer, about William Atkinson formerly of Rillington, yeoman, and later of Thorpe Bassett, innkeeper, and his family and affairs
27 - Conveyance of land at Thorpe Bassett
28 - Copy release and surrender relating to land at Thorpe Bassett and Scagglethorpe
29 - Lease and partition deed relating to lands at Thorpe Bassett
30 - Lease and partition as described in DDTB/29
31 - Probate of will of Peter Owston of Thorpe Bassett, gentleman
32 - Lease and release for land at Thorpe Bassett
33 - Lease and mortgage for £1600 relating to land at Thorpe Bassett
34 - Deed of covenant to assign term of 1000 years for indemnifying against tithes for land at Thorpe Bassett
35 - Mortgage for £1000 relating to land at Thorpe Bassett
36 - Release of certain claims and demands arising under the will of Peter Owston late of Thorpe Bassett, deceased
37 - Copy will of Hannah Owston of Thorpe Bassett
38 - Assignment of the residue of the term of 1000 years on purchase of the indemnity against tithes of land at Thorpe Bassett
39 - Reconveyance relating to land as described in DDTB/33[?]
40 - Mortgage for £3000 relating to land at Thorpe Bassett
41 - Extract of letters of administration of Thomas Owston late of Thorpe Bassett, gentleman
42 - Certified copies of the register of burials for Thorpe Bassett showing Owstons and Allinsons entries, 1815-1845
43 - Mortgage for £1000 relating to land at Thorpe Bassett
44 - Sub-mortgage for £1000 relating to land at Thorpe Bassett
45 - Declaration by Walter Wilson of Thorpe Bassett, shepherd, concerning the Owston family
46 - Declaration by George Barnby of New Malton, printer and stationer relating to George Bartindale with certified extract from burial register
47 - Reconveyance for land at Thorpe Bassett
48 - Conveyance of land at Thorpe Bassett
49 - Indemnity bond of £1200 against claims relating to 2 garths and payment of legacies under will of Peter Owston
50 - Grant of sporting rights relating to land as described in DDTB/48
51 - Lease and marriage settlement relating to Geoffrey Simpkin
52 - Copy will of Jane Baldock of Scagglethorpe, widow
53 - Memorandum of tenancy agreement between Hannah Atkinson of Whitby and William Banks, farmer relating to land at Thorpe Bassett
54 - Settled account for a fir coffin for Mrs Atkinson
55 - Notice to quit from Isaac Atkinson to William Banks
56 - Settled account, Mr Thompson to G Foord and T Atkinson, Coffin
57 - Receipt for property and land tax relating to the Thorpe Bassett Estate
58 - Account for property and land tax relating to the Thorpe Bassett Estate
59 - Certified copy of entry in Whitby Burials Register for Hannah Atkinson widow of Thomas, labourer
60 - Certified copy of entry in Whitby Marriage Register
61 - Copy declaration by Christopher Robson of Whitby, joiner, concerning Isaac Atkinson and Joseph Thompson, master mariner, his nephew
62 - Declaration by Thomas Burks of Thorpe Bassett, labourer, about the 3 closes containing 11 acres and called 'Peels'
63 - Declaration by Christopher Robson of Whitby joiner identical with the copy declaration as described in DDTB/61
64 - Certified copy of an entry in the Whitby Baptisms Register concerning Joseph Thompson, son of Christopher and Hannah Thompson
65 - Certified copy of an entry in Whitby Burials Register concerning Hannah Thompson wife of Christopher (Roper), 33 years
66 - Certificate of acknowledgment of deed by Mary, wife of Joseph Thompson
67 - Certified copy of an entry in the Burial Register of St Leonards, New Malton
68 - Conveyance of land at Thorpe Bassett
69 - Conveyance of land and Thorpe Bassett
70 - Lease and release relating to land at Rillington
71 - Probate of will and codicil of John Lamb the Elder of Rillington, yeoman
72 - Grants of tithes relating to the Thorpe Bassett Estate
73 - Copy of grant of tithes as described in DDTB/72
74 - Probate of the will of Thomas Lamb of Rillington, yeoman
75 - Probate of the will of Lucy Lamb of Rillington, widow
76 - Copy lease of land at Thorpe Bassett
77 - Release and partition relating to land as described in DDBT/76
78 - Copy of release and partition as described in DDTB/77
79 - Mortgage for £700 relating to land at Thorpe Bassett
80 - Copy will of Thomas Lamb of Rillington, gentleman
81 - Final agreement for land at Rillington and Thorpe Bassett
82 - Lease, appointment of release relating to land at Thorpe Bassett
83 - Assignment relating to land at Thorpe Bassett
84 - Mortgage for £750 relating to land at Thorpe Bassett
85 - Surrender of mortgage term for £750 relating to land at Thorpe Bassett
86 - Covenant for production of title deeds relating to land at Thorpe Bassett
87 - Conveyance of land at Thorpe Bassett
88 - Assignment of 2 terms of 1000 years for rectorial tithes at Thorpe Bassett
89 - Conveyance of land at Thorpe Bassett
90 - Mortgage for £1000 and assignment of terms relating to land at Thorpe Bassett
91 - Bond of indemnity relating to Elizabeth Mary Allen of The Lodge, Old Malton, widow, bound to John Micklethwait of Ardsley, esquire, in the sum of £400
92 - Certified copy memorial of will of Sarah Thompson otherwise Dame Sarah Dawes of York, deceased
93 - Copy release relating to land at Scagglethorpe
94 - Copy of endorsement (transfer of mortgage ?) on release dated 22nd Jan 1778 relating to property in Scagglethorpe
95 - Copy mortgage for £5000 relating to lands at Thorpe Bassett and Scagglethorpe
96 - Copy further charge of £600 relating to DDTB/95
97 - Copy reconveyance of land as described in DDTB/95
98 - Copy reconveyance of land as described in DDTB/93
99 - Abstract of title of Richard Thompson, esquire relating to the Manors of Thorpe Bassett and Scagglethorpe
100 - Lease and release relating to the Manors and estates of Thorpe Bassett and Scagglethorpe
101 - Assignment of residue of terms of 200 years and 500 years relating to the Manors of Thorpe Bassett and Scagglethorpe
102 - Release by the executors of Beilby Thompson and the heirs of Lady Dawes of the Manors and estates of Thorpe Bassett and Scagglethorpe
103 - Lease, release and surrender of property at Thorpe Bassett and Scagglethorpe
104 - Assignment relating to property at Thorpe Bassett and Scagglethorpe
105 - Lease and conveyance of lands at Thorpe Bassett and Scagglethorpe
106 - Lease and conveyance of lands at Thorpe Bassett and Scagglethorpe
107 - Surrender of term of 2000 years and assignment of 2 other terms relating to an estate at Thorpe Bassett and Scagglethorpe
108 - Map of Thorpe Bassett
109 - Survey of estates at Thorpe Bassett and Scagglethorpe
110 - Agreement for purchase of the Bassett House Estate
111 - Transfer of charge for estate duty relating to lands under the will of George Cholmley
112 - Deed of release relating to the Thorpe Bassett Estates
113 - Mortgage bond for £4000 concerning Joseph Rider of New Malton, merchant and George Knowles late of Bradford now of Dublin, excavator and builder
114 - Mortgage by demise for £4000 relating to lands at Thorpe Bassett and Scaggethorpe
115 - Schedule of title deeds relating to an estate in Thorpe Bassett and Scagglethorpe the property of Joseph Rider and now in mortgage to George Knowles
116 - Mortgage bond for £5000 between Joseph Rider of New Malton, merchant and George Knowles, late of Bradford and now of Dublin, excavator and builder
117 - Mortgage for £2500 relating to an estate at Thorpe Bassett and Scagglethorpe
118 - Mortgage bond for £2400 between Joseph Rider of New Malton, merchant and George Knowles late of Dublin but now of Ripon, esquire
119 - Mortgage for £1200 relating to an estate at Thorpe Bassett and Scagglethorpe
120 - Lease and release relating to an estate in Thorpe Bassett and Scagglethorpe
121 - Lease and release relating to an estate at Thorpe Bassett and Scagglethorpe
122 - Lease and conveyance of an estate at Thorpe Bassett and Scagglethorpe
123 - Lease, appointment and release relating to an estate at Thorpe Bassett and Scagglethorpe
124 - Assignment and surrender relating to an estate at Thorpe Bassett
125 - Bargain, sale, mortgage and assignment relating to property at Thorpe Bassett
126 - Mortgage for £1000 relating to an estate at Thorpe Bassett and Scagglethorpe
127 - Lease and release relating to land at Thorpe Bassett and Scagglethorpe
128 - Lease and reconveyance for land at Thorpe Bassett and Scagglethorpe
129 - Release relating to Bassett House and estate in Thorpe Bassett and Scagglethorpe
130 - Conveyance and assignment of an estate at Thorpe Bassett, Scagglethorpe and Rillington
131 - Assignment of the residue of terms of 200 years and 500 years in a house and lands at Thorpe Bassett and Scagglethorpe
132 - Conveyance of Bassett House and an estate at Thorpe Bassett, Scagglethorpe and Rillington
133 - Conveyance and settlement of the Thorpe Bassett Estate
134 - Demise to indemnify the Thorpe Bassett Estate against tithes
135 - Assignment relating to property as described in DDTB/134
136 - Assignment relating to property as described in DDTB/134
137 - Assignment relating to property as described in DDTB/134
138 - Abstract of documents of title being an indemnity against tithes of land in Thorpe Bassett now the property of William Dunlop
139 - Lease and release relating to lands at Thorpe Bassett
140 - Mortgage for £2600 relating to proeprty as described in DDTB/139
141 - Lease, conveyance and assignment relating to the Donkin family
142 - Lease, appointment and release with surrender of mortgage term relating to property as described in DDTB/139
143 - Abstracts of title, supplemental abstract and further abstract to a farmhouse and several closes of land in Thorpe Bassett, formerly belonging to Mr Christopher Owston, deceased
144 - Conveyance of land as described in DDTB/139
145 - Lists of fields and acreages relating to Farm, Bydales and Sand Closes
146 - Letters between Robert Owston on behalf of his father Christopher Owston and solicitors about arranging a mortgage
147 - Schedules of title deeds relating to a farm and lands at Thorpe Bassett in mortgage from Christopher Owston to Mary Robinson for £3500
148 - Draft account of Messrs Russell and Company in account with Mr Christopher Owston
149 - Valuation by Mr Morgan of the Equitable Assurance Office of annuity and deferred payment, l846
150 - Papers relating to the wills of John Owston the younger and the elder
151 - Lease and release relating to lands at Thorpe Bassett
152 - Counter release and copy of DDTB/151
153 - Lease and reconveyance of property as described in DDTB/151
154 - Lease and release (deed of gift) relating to property as described in DDTB/151
155 - Mortgage for £5000 relating to property as described in DDTB/151
156 - Final agreement relating to land at Thorpe Bassett
157 - Lease and release relating to land in Thorpe Bassett
158 - Mortgage for £1060 relating to property as described in DDTB/157
159 - Final agreement relating to land at Thorpe Bassett
160 - Assignment relating to property as described in DDTB/157
161 - Copy conveyance of land at the Thorpe Bassett Estate
162 - Mortgage for £500 relating to land at Thorpe Bassett
163 - Lease and mortgage relating to land at Thorpe Bassett
164 - Conveyance of land at Thorpe Bassett
165 - Assignment of a term of 1000 years relating to Milbourn's Farm at Thorpe Bassett
166 - Conveyance of land at Thorpe Bassett
167 - Certified extract from Kirby Grindalyth Burial Register
168 - Assignment of residue of 99 year term relating to land at Thorpe Bassett
169 - Lease and release relating to land at Thorpe Bassett
170 - Deed poll of release relating to land at Thorpe Bassett
171 - Mortgage by demise of land at Thorpe Bassett
172 - Lease and release relating to land at Thorpe Bassett
173 - Deed of purchase of land at Thorpe Bassett
174 - Lease and deed of purchase relating to property at Thorpe Bassett
175 - Probate of the will of Thomas Simpkin of Thorpe Bassett, yeoman
176 - Copy will of Thomas Simpkin of New Malton, gentleman
177 - Lease and release to make a tenant to the praecipe and to declare the uses of a common recovery relating to land at New Malton, Thorpe Bassett, Rillington, Scagglethorpe and Settrington
178 - Recovery relating to land at New Malton, Old Malton, Thorpe Bassett, Rillington or Rullington, Scagglethorpe and Settrington
179 - Probate of will of George Simpkin of New Malton, gentleman
180 - Lease and release relating to property as described in DDTB/176
181 - Covenant to levy fine and declaration relating to land at New Malton, Old Malton, Thorpe Bassett, Rillington or Rullington, Scagglethorpe and Settrington
182 - Final agreement relating to land at New Malton, Old Malton, Thorpe Bassett, Rillington or Rullington, Scagglethorpe and Settrington
183 - Final agreement relating to land at the Thorope Bassett Estate
184 - Final agreement relating to property as described in DDTB/182
185 - Mortgage for £1000 relating to land at Thorpe Bassett
186 - Grant of administration of Jane Barker late of Bilsdale, spinster, to William Barker of Bilsdale, yeoman her father
187 - Transfer of mortgage for £500 relating to land as described ini DDTB/184
188 - Assignment relating to land as described in DDTB/184
189 - Lease and release relating to land at Thorpe Bassett
190 - Abstract of title to property at Thorpe Bassett formerly the estate of George Parker, deceased
191 - Copy purchase deed relating to property at Thorpe Bassett
192 - Probate of the will of Richard Lovell of Thorpe Bassett, yeoman
193 - Mortgage for £80 relating to land at Thorpe Bassett
194 - Probate of the will of John Lovell the Elder of Thorpe Bassett, yeoman
195 - Lease and release relating to land at Thorpe Bassett
196 - Lease and release relating to land at Thorpe Bassett
197 - Final agreement relating to land at Thorpe Bassett
198 - Duplicate of final agreement as described in DDTB/196
199 - Bond for £84 between John Lovell of Thorpe Bassett, yeoman and John Oliver of Bridlington, common brewer
200 - Mortgage for £42 relating to land at Thorpe Bassett
201 - Mortgage for £200 relating to land at Thorpe Bassett
202 - Account from Mr John Oliver to Mr John Lovell
203 - Release of a legacy of £100: by John Lovell
204 - Release of 2 legacies of £60 and £50 from Hannah White to John Lovell
205 - Assignment of mortgage and further advance of £140 relating to property as described in DDTB/199
206 - Covenant bond for £280 between John Lovell and Robert Forge
207 - Lease and conveyance on trust for sale of property as described in DDTB/199
208 - Bond for repayment of £60 between John Lovell and Hannah White
209 - Release of legacy of £100 by Mary Lovell granddaughter of John Lovell the Elder
210 - Agreement relating to the letting of property at Thorpe Bassett
211 - Lease and conveyance of equity of redemption and assignment of mortgage term for property as described in DDTB/199
212 - Account of fixtures left by John Lovell with Francis Owston and now to be taken away by Mr Owston who pays £1 6d
213 - Certificate of contract for redemption of land tax relating to land at Thorpe Bassett
214 - Lease and assignment of residue of term of 500 years and release in fee of hereditaments relating to land at Thorpe Bassett
215 - Copy grant of administration of Francis Owston late of Seamer, farmer, to his son Thomas Owston of Seamer, farmer
216 - Copy will of Thomas Owston of Seamer, yeoman
217 - Grant of administration of John Owston late of Cayton in the Parish of Seamer to William Owston his son
218 - Certified copy of entry in Willerby Burial Register of George Nesfield of Scarborough aged 69 on 19 Aug 1833
219 - Attested copy of appointment of new trustee and conveyance
220 - Articles of agreement for sale and purchase relating to property at Thorpe Bassett
221 - Copy from marriage register of Filey Parish Church
222 - Copy from register of baptisms for Cayton
223 - Copy from register of burials for Scalby
224 - Statutory declarations by Charles Nesfield and John Johnson about the farm and lands to be sold to Sir George Strickland
225 - Abstract of the title of John Johnson and John Holtby to a farm and lands at Thorpe Bassett
226 - Conveyance of land at Thorpe Bassett
227 - Lease and release relating to land at Thorpe Bassett and Scagglethorpe
228 - Memorial of a copy of the will of Sarah Thompson otherwise Dame Sarah Dawes late of York, deceased
229 - Lease and mortgage for £5000 relating to the property as described in DDTB/226
230 - Lease and reconveyance of land as described in DDTB/226
231 - Lease and release as described in DDTB/100
232 - Assignment as described in DDTB/101
233 - Lease, release and surrender relating to the manors of Thorpe Bassett and Scagglethorpe
234 - Assignment for 2 terms of 200 years and 500 years relating to land at Thorpe Bassett and Scagglethorpe
235 - Copy of a memorial of lease and release relating to Thorpe Bassett, Rillington and Scagglethorpe etc
236 - Copy of a memorial of lease and release endorsed upon the lease and release as described in DDTB/234
237 - Deed of covenant and surrender of a term of 99 years on a third share of lands in Thorpe Bassett, Rillington, Scagglethorpe, Norton and New and Old Malton
238 - Appointment and release relating to land as described in DDTB/236
239 - Deed of partition relating to the manors of Thorpe Bassett, Rillington and Scagglethorpe, lands etc in Thorpe Bassett, Rillington, Scagglethorpe, New Malton, Old Malton and Norton
240 - Copy mortgage for £6130 relating tolands at Thorpe Bassett and property in Middlesex
241 - Transcript of Mr Snell's shorthand notes on Strickland versus Wood before the Master of the Rolls
242 - Abstract of the title of George Watson Wood to the Manor of Thorpe Bassett and an estate in Thorpe Bassett
243 - Deed of covenant relating to production of mortgage as described in DDTB/239
244 - Copy deed of covenant relating to the Manor of Thorpe Bassett
245 - Letter from George Wetwan to Sir George Strickland
246 - Release and surrender relating to land and buildings at Thorpe Bassett and Scagglethorpe
247 - Assignment relating to land at Thorpe Bassett and Scagglethorpe
248 - Mortgage for £2000 relating to land at Thorpe Bassett
249 - Surrender of mortgage relating to property as described in DDTB/247
250 - Lease and partition deed relating to land etc at Thorpe Bassett
251 - Office copy of the will of Elias Inchbald of New Malton, gentleman
252 - Demise by way of mortgage and assignment of term relating to land at Thorpe Bassett
253 - Assignment relating to lands at Thorpe Bassett
254 - Lease and mortgage for lands in Thorpe Bassett
255 - Articles of agreement for sale and purchase of land etc at Thorpe Bassett
256 - Lease and conveyance of lands etc at Thorpe Bassett
257 - Part of rough draft of deed
258 - Extracts from opinion of Counsel on title of late Luke Lovell to hereditaments at Thorpe Bassett
259 - Remarks on Mr Carr's opinion
260 - Articles of agreement for sale of lands at Thorpe Bassett
261 - Abstract of title of Mr William Dunlop to an estate at Thorpe Bassett contracted to be sold to Sir George Strickland baronet
262 - Abstract of mortgage deed of l821 and assignment of 1826
263 - Conveyance of land at Thorpe Bassett
264 - Probate of the will of Thomas Freer of Thorpe Bassett, yeoman
265 - Bond for £200 between Thomas Lovell the younger of Scotton, yeoman and Richard Sawden of Swine Brompton, yeoman
266 - Release of legacy to Thomas Lovell
267 - Bond of indemnity for £100 between Thomas Lovell the younger of Scotton, yeoman and Richard Sawden of Swine Brompton, yeoman
268 - Lease and reconveyance relating to land at Thorpe Bassett
269 - Bargain and sale and release relating to property as described in DDTB/267
270 - Lease, assignment of mortgage relating to property as described in DDTB/267
271 - Copy of the will of Ann Willson of Slingsby, spinster
272 - Final agreement relating to property at Thorpe Bassett
273 - Final agreement as described in DDTB/271
274 - Lease, release and conveyance relating to land as described in DDTB/267
275 - Probate of the will of Thomas Lovell of Thorpe Bassett, yeoman
276 - Certificate of contract for redemption of land tax to Luke Lovell
277 - Letter of attorney from Sarah Harrison of Macan, Cumberland, Nova Scotia, widow and executrix of John Harrison, to her son Luke Harrison of Macan, gentleman
278 - Writ of execution of an order relating to the value of tithes to be paid by Reverend Basil Wood
279 - Power of attorney given to David Smith of New Malton, grocer and tallow chandler
280 - Promissory notes from Thomas Lovell to Robert Smith (paid off 1857 ?)
281 - Certified copy death certificate of Mary Ann Level of Railway Cottages, Norton, aged 44
282 - Notice of sale by auction of 4 newly erected houses at Norton
283 - Inland Revenue Residuary Account and copy relating to the estate of Thomas Lovell late of Thorpe Bassett, gentleman
284 - Printed circular relating to legacy duty
285 - Legacy receipt relating to the estate of Thomas Lovell
286 - Copy of the will of Luke Lovell of Norton, railway clerk
287 - Schedule of title deeds relating to Mr Lovell's real estate in Thorpe Bassett
288 - Draft schedule of deeds relating to Lovell's property
289 - Copy will of Thomas Lovell of Thorpe Bassett, farmer
290 - Declaration by Thomas Walker the younger of New Malton, gentleman
291 - Declaration by Robert Smith late of Thorpe Bassett, now of Scagglethorpe, gentleman, relating to the land owned by Thomas Lovell
292 - Lease and conveyance of land in Thorpe Bassett
293 - Lease and release of land at Thorpe Bassett
294 - Deed of covenant to levy and fine and lead the uses of lands at Thorpe Bassett
295 - Final agreement and duplicate relating to land at Thorpe Bassett
296 - Conveyance of land at Thorpe Bassett
297 - Plans of an estate in Thorpe Bassett advertised for sale
298 - Abstract of the title of William Dunlop to land in Thorpe Bassett formerly the estate of Luke Lovell and now contracted to be sold to Sir George Strickland, baronet
299 - Copy release relating to land at Thorpe Bassett and Scagglethorpe
300 - Mortgage as described in DDTB/95 and DDTB/96
301 - Copy release relating to the Manor of Scagglethorpe
302 - Copy release as described in DDTB/93 and DDTB/94
303 - Copy reconveyance as described in DDTB/98
304 - Copy reconveyance as described in DDTB/97
305 - Copy release as described in DDTB/100
306 - Copy assignment as described in DDTB/101
307 - Copy release and surrender as DDTB/103
308 - Copy assignment as described in DDTB/104
309 - See lease and partition as described in DDTB/249
310 - Lease and conveyance relating to land at Thorpe Bassett
311 - Abstract of Joseph Rider's title to an estate at Thorpe Bassett
312 - Mortgage for £1000 relating to land in Thorpe Bassett
313 - Mortgage for £5000 relating to land at Thorpe Bassett
314 - Deed of covenants relating to property as described in DDTB/312
315 - Lease and mortgage relating to land in Thorpe Bassett
316 - Copy lease and release as described in DDTB/120
317 - Copy lease and release as described in DDTB/121
318 - Copy conveyance as described in DDTB/122
319 - Copy grant of administration of Joseph Sykes Hague late of Crownest, Dewsbury, esquire
320 - Lease, reconveyance and surrender of the mortgages described in DDTB/122 and DDTB/314
321 - Reconveyance and surrender relating to the property as described in DDBT/311
322 - Deed of covenants for production of title deeds
323 - Supplemental abstract of title to an estate at Thorpe Bassett the property of Thomas Hague
324 - Mortgage for £5000 relating to property as described in DDTB/311 and DDTB/312
325 - Supplemental abstract of title of Thomas Hague to an estate at Thorpe Bassett
326 - Conveyance of land as described in DDTB/323
327 - Search certificate from East Riding deeds registry, Beverley, for land at Thorpe Bassett
328 - Abstract of the title of William Graburn to farmhouse and 212 acres of land at Thorpe Bassett contracted to be sold to Sir George Strickland, baronet
329 - Conveyance of land at Thorpe Bassett
330 - Statutory declaration by Thomas Cooke of Dewsbury, esquire, in support of pedigree of Mr Hague's family
331 - Statutory declaration by Rebecca Robinson of Holdgate, York, widow, relating to the Robinson pedigree
332 - Particulars and conditions of sale relating to William Graburn and Sir George Strickland
333 - Extracts from registers relating to the Hague family
334 - Lease and release relating to land at Thorpe Bassett
335 - Final agreement relating to land at Rillington and Thorpe Bassett
336 - Appointment, release and declaration of the uses of a fine relating to land at Thorpe Bassett
337 - Abstract of William Dunlop's title to 19 acres 2 roods of land at Thorpe Bassett contracted to be sold to Sir George Strickland
338 - Conveyance of land at Thorpe Bassett
339 - Declarations by John Webster Watson of Latymer Lodge, Hammersmith, esquire, and Leonard Hicks of Grays Inn, gentleman, relating to the Watson and Watson and Wood Wood family
340 - Duplicate deed of disclaimer by John Webster Watson of Latymer Lodge, Hammersmith, esquire
341 - Conveyance of land at Thorpe Bassett
342 - Correspondence between Sir George Strickland and solicitors, etc about the purchase, management and sale of property
343 - Attested copies of lease and release relating to land at Thorpe Bassett
344 - Mortgage for £800 relating to Sandfield Closes in Thorpe Bassett
345 - Lease, release and mortgage relatijng to land at Thorpe Bassett
346 - Lease and release relating to the property as described in DDTB/344
347 - Lease and release relating to property as described in DDBT/344
348 - Schedule of title deeds etc relating to lands at Thorpe Bassett belonging to John Nicholson
349 - Lease and reconveyance relating to property as described in DDBT/344
350 - Articles of agreement between Thomas Walker of Old Malton, gentleman, and Sir George Strickland of Newton, baronet
351 - Abstract of title of Thomas Walker to property at Thorpe Bassett contracted to be sold to Sir George Strickland, baronet
352 - Conveyance of property as described in DDBT/344
353 - Plans of Thorpe Bassett
354 - Transfer of charge for estate duty
355 - Draft mortgage relating to Thorpe Bassett, Rillington and Scagglethorpe
356 - Abstract of title of Mrs Violet Penelope Munro Curtis, formerly Cholmley, of 'Olinda', Emsworth, Southampton, to the Thorpe Bassett estate
357 - Plans of Thorpe Bassett estate accompanying DDTB/26/353-DDTB/26/355
358 - Plan referred to in a deed of dedication relating to Thorpe Bassett
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