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Expand 1 - Plans relating to Town Planning Schemes1 - Plans relating to Town Planning Schemes
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Expand 5 - Working plans and drawings5 - Working plans and drawings
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Expand 7 - Census files7 - Census files
Collapse 8 - Planning application files relating to advertisements8 - Planning application files relating to advertisements
1 - Planning application file for illuminated advertisements at Halfway Service Station, Hull Road, Woodmansey
2 - Planning application file for illuminated advertising sign and pump island for garage and petrol station, north west side of Beverley to Leven Road, Routh
3 - Planning application file for advertising signs at New Inn, Main Street, Leven
4 - Planning application file for advertisement sign 'Barley Gate', South Street, Leven
5 - Planning application file for illuminated advertising signs at Leconfield Park Filling Station, Leconfield, Beverley
6 - Planning application file for a directional sign on garden wall of Manor House, North Ferriby
7 - Planning application file for illuminated pump island at Sands Top Garage, North Newbald
8 - Planning application file for two illuminated advertisement signs at Nags Head Inn, Routh
9 - Planning application file for illuminated advertisements on Ferguson Fawsitt Arms, Main Street, Walkington
10 - Planning application file for advertisement sign at Woodmansey Stores and Transport Cafe
11 - Planning application file for advertisement sign in field adjoining Elloughton Vicarage, Elloughton-South Cave Road, Elloughton
12 - Planning application file for illuminated advertising sign on front elevation of Services Garage, Elloughton
13 - Planning application file for illuminated advertising sign at Grand Dale Garage, Ferriby High Road, North Ferriby
14 - Planning application file for illuminated advertising sign at West End Garage, Walkington
15 - Planning application file for two advertising signs on gable end of two buildings at entrance to Hackness Farm, Main Street, Swanland
16 - Planning application file for advertisement sign, the New Garage, Leven
17 - Planning application file for illuminated advertising sign, Bridge Garage, Hull Bridge
18 - Planning application file for illuminated advertising sign on forecourt of South Cave Service Station
19 - Planning application file for advertising sign at Wiles Fertilisers, Woodmansey
20 - Planning application file for advertising sign at Station Garage, Little Weighton
21 - Planning application file for village name sign, Main Street, Swanland
22 - Planning application file for direction sign at junction of Brickyard Lane with Boothferry Road, Melton
23 - Planning application file for advertisement sign at 'Dunroamin', Woodmansey
24 - Planning application file for advertisement sign at Mather's Garage, Routh
25 - Planning application file for wall advertisement at 'The Maples', Woodmansey
26 - Planning application file for illuminated box sign at New Inn, Leven
27 - Planning application file for two advertisement signs, Barley Gate, Leven
28 - Planning application file for advertising sign, Station Road, Brough
29 - Planning application file for two advertising signs, Leconfield Garage, Leconfield
30 - Planning application file for directional sign on garden wall of Manor House, North Ferriby
31 - Planning application file for three advertisement boards on wall of 13 Main Street, Leconfield
32 - Planning application file for three public information panels, Primrose Villa, Woodmansey
33 - Planning application file for conjoined advertising board in Field Ordnance Survey no. 17, Ferriby High Road, between North Ferriby and Hessle
34 - Planning application file for advertising sign at Sands Top Garage, Market Weighton Road, North Newbald
35 - Planning application file for advertising board in Field Ordnance Survey no. 261, on east side of Beverley-Hessle road, near Victoria Barracks, Beverley
36 - Planning application file for advertisement sign, Beverley-Hull Bridge Road
37 - Planning application file for illuminated advertising sign at Nag's Head Inn, Routh
38 - Planning application file for advertising sign on premises adjacent to Ferguson Fawsitt Arms, Walkington
39 - Planning application file for advertisement sign, Service Garage, Elloughton
40 - Planning application file for advertisement board, boundary wall of Victoria Barracks, Victoria Road, Woodmansey
41 - Planning application file for identification sign, West End Garage, Walkington
42 - Planning application file for illuminated advertising sign, garage and petrol filling station at junction of Annie Med Lane and Selby-Hull trunk road, South Cave
43 - Planning application file for illuminated advertising sign on wall of existing air raid shelter on south side of Church Lane, Elloughton
44 - Planning application file for three illuminated advertising signs at garage and petrol filling station on south-west side of Beverley-Hull trunk road, Woodmansey
45 - Planning application file for conjoined advertising board in Field Ordnance Survey no. 136 on west side of Beverley-Driffield road, Scorborough
46 - Planning application file for advertising board in Field Ordnance Survey no. 96 at junction of Long Lane and York-Hull trunk road, Woodmansey
47 - Planning application file for advertising board, 'The Swift', east side of York-Hull trunk road, Woodmansey
48 - Planning application file for illuminated advertising sign at Hare and Hounds Inn, Leven
49 - Planning application file for illuminated advertising sign on forecourt of garage premises on north-west side of Beverley-Walkington road, Walkington
50 - Planning application file for advertising board on land at junction of Selby-Hull trunk road with Gibson Lane, Melton
51 - Planning application file for advertising board in Field Ordnance Survey no. 146 on south-east side of Beverley-Leven road, Routh
52 - Planning application file for direction sign on land at junction of Gibson Lane with Selby-Hull trunk road, Melton
53 - Planning application file for advertisement, The Altisidora Inn, Bishop Burton
54 - Planning application file for continued display of advertising board in Field Ordnance Survey no. 231 at junction of Welton Road with Selby-Hull trunk road, Brough
55 - Planning application file for two illuminated advertisement signs, The Dixons Arms, Woodmansey
56 - Planning application file for continued use of advertising sign, Light Dragoon Inn, Etton
57 - Planning application file for illuminated advertising sign, Half Moon Hotel, Elloughton
58 - Planning application file for seven directional signs on the highway verge in various positions along the South Cave by-pass
59 - Planning application file for notice board on highway verge on north side of Selby-Hull trunk road between Hessle and North Ferriby
60 - Planning application file for advance sign in Field Ordnance Survey no. 109 on south side of Selby-Hull trunk road, Welton
61 - Planning application file for advertisement sign, Midland Bank Ltd, South Cave
62 - Planning application file for direction signs in Fields Ordnance Survey nos. 167 and 150, Meaux Lane, Routh
63 - Planning application file for post-mounted advertisement board, Joiner's shop, Main Street, Skidby
64 - Planning application file for continued display of advertising board, West End, South Cave
65 - Planning application file for advertising board, 300 Hull Road, Woodmansey
66 - Planning application file for consent to illuminate existing advertising sign, shop premises on west side of Market Place, South Cave
67 - Planning application file for illuminated advertising board, Welton Road, Brough
68 - Planning application file for illuminated advertising sign, Market Place, South Cave
69 - Planning application file for illuminated hanging sign, 'The Exchange', East Street, Leven
70 - Planning application file for temporary canvas banner, Bishop Burton Road, Bishop Burton
71 - Planning application file for illuminated hanging sign, The Cafe, High Stile, Leven
72 - Planning application file for advertising sign, Main Street, Swanland
73 - Planning application file for advertising sign, Shopeth Way, Woodmansey
74 - Planning application file for advertisement board, Market Weighton Road, High Gardham
75 - Planning application file for illuminated sign, New Inn, Tickton
76 - Planning application file for temporary display of advertisements on unspecified sites in the county
77 - Planning application file for wooden sign, 265 Hull Road, Woodmansey
78 - Planning application file for wooden hoarding, Town End Road, Walkington
79 - Planning application file for wooden advertisement sign, Ferriby Hall Club, Swanland Road, North Ferriby
80 - Planning application file for four public information panels, 64 Hull Road, Woodmansey
81 - Planning application file for three public information panels, Carr Farm, Tickton
82 - Planning application file for advertisement hoarding, Newbald General Stores, North Newbald
83 - Planning application file for advertisement hoarding, Rattan Row, North Newbald
84 - Planning application file for directional sign, Main Street, Skidby
85 - Planning application file for retention of two advertisements at Mill Road and Greenstiles Lane, Swanland
86 - Planning application file for advertisement, Beverley Road, Woodmansey
87 - Planning application file for public notice board in Field Ordnance Survey no. 72, Corby Park Road, North Ferriby
88 - Planning application file for notice board, Marine Avenue, North Ferriby
89 - Planning application file for illuminated advertisement, Queensgate Filling Station, Victoria Road, Beverley
90 - Planning application file for three hoardings, Beech Farm Estate, Elloughton
91 - Planning application file for notice board in bus shelter, Main Street, Swanland
92 - Planning application file for a parish notice board, Molescroft Road, Molescroft
93 - Planning application file for a parish notice board, Scrubwood Lane/Woodhall Way, Molescroft
94 - Planning application file for three illuminated advertisements, Boothferry Road, Melton
95 - Planning application file for temporary display of advertisements on unspecified sites in the county
96 - Planning application file for display of notice board, Church Road, North Ferriby
97 - Planning application file for direction sign, Rowley Rectory, Little Weighton
98 - Planning application file for direction sign, Welton Sailing Club, Boothferry Road, Welton
99 - Planning application file for two illuminated advertisements, Dog and Duck Inn, Walkington
100 - Planning application file for advertisement, Rowley Road, Little Weighton
101 - Planning application file for illuminated advertisement, 'Horstine Farmery', North Newbald
102 - Planning application file for advertisement, 2 Spring Crescent, Church Street, South Cave
103 - Planning application file for advertisement, 9 Church Street, South Cave
104 - Planning application file for three illuminated advertisements, Total Oil Filling Station, Welton Road, Elloughton
105 - Planning application file for conjoined advertisement, junction of North Ferriby by-pass and High Street, North Ferriby
106 - Planning application file for advertising board in Field Ordnance Survey no. 178, Elloughton Road, Brough
107 - Planning application file for illuminated advertisement, 19 East End, Walkington
108 - Planning application file for advertisement, 9 Spring Crescent, Church Street, South Cave
109 - Planning application file for illuminated advertisement, 39 Main Street, Skidby
110 - Planning application file for direction sign, 21 West End, South Cave
111 - Planning application file for advertisement at entrance to West End Estate, Annie Med Lane, South Cave
112 - Planning application file for retention of advertisement, Field Ordnance Survey no. 119, Boothferry Road, Welton
113 - Planning application file for illuminated pole sign, Field Ordnance Survey no. 173, Beverley-Hornsea Road, Routh
114 - Planning application file for three illuminated advertisement signs, The Black Horse, Main Street, Little Weighton
115 - Planning application file for two-sided advertisement board, 324 Hull Road, Woodmansey
116 - Planning application file for illuminated box sign, Off Licence Shop, Station Road, Brough
117 - Planning application file for illuminated fascia sign, 3 Grassdale Park, Brough
118 - Planning application file for illuminated advertisement, 15 High Street, North Ferriby
119 - Planning application file for advertisement, Field Ordnance Survey no. 172, Wawne Road, Wawne
120 - Planning application file for direction sign, Beverley Road, South Cave
121 - Planning application file for warning sign, Field Ordnance Survey no. 188, Melton Bottom Road, Melton
122 - Planning application file for illuminated box sign, 42 Station Road, Brough
123 - Planning application file for advertisement, The Molescroft Inn, Molescroft
124 - Planning application file for two illuminated advertisements, Ferry Lane, South Cave
125 - Planning application file for display of name board, west side of Queensgate, Woodmansey
126 - Planning application file for illuminated advertisement, Canal Head Petrol Station on west side of Hull-Bridlington Road, Leven
127 - Planning application file for illuminated fascia sign at shop premises, Welton Road/Skillings Lane, Brough
128 - Planning application file for illuminated advertisement, Queensgate Filling Station, Victoria Road, Beverley
129 - Planning application file for illuminated advertisement, Queensgate Filling Station, Victoria Road, Woodmansey
130 - Planning application file for illuminated fascia sign, 63 Market Place, South Cave
131 - Planning application file for internally illuminated identification sign, Brough Service Station, Welton Road, Brough
132 - Planning application file for advertisement hoarding, Coronation Copse, Station Road/The Haven, Brough
133 - Planning application file for advertisement hotel sign, Field Ordnance Survey no. 356, New Road, South Cave
134 - Planning application file for direction sign, Hull/Selby Trunk Road, South Cave
135 - Planning application file for advertisement in Field Ordnance Survey no. 123, Long Lane, Beverley Parks, Woodmansey
136 - Planning application file for illuminated fascia sign at existing wine shop on Woodhall Way, Molescroft
137 - Planning application file for pole-mounted sign, 20 Welton Road, Brough
138 - Planning application file for illuminated fascia sign, 57A Welton Road, Brough
139 - Planning application file for illuminated box sign at The Stores and Post Office, Main Street, Wawne
140 - Planning application file for illuminated advertisements, hotel in Fields Ordnance Survey nos. 22 and 24, Ferriby High Road, North Ferriby
141 - Planning application file for illuminated fascia sign, Shop Unit 1, Woodhall Way, Molescroft
142 - Planning application file for free standing advertisement/direction sign in Field Ordnance Survey no. 192A, Driffield-Beverley Road, Beswick
143 - Planning application file for two free standing direction signs in Fields Ordnance Survey nos. 23 and 69, Leven Grange, Hull-Bridlington Road, Leven
144 - Planning application file for advertisement sign on north side of Melton Bottom Road, Melton
145 - Planning application file for advertisement in Field Ordnance Survey no. 28, Grange Farm, Highgate, Cherry Burton
146 - Planning application file for advertisement sign in Field Ordnance Survey no. 136b, Main Street, Cherry Burton
147 - Planning application file for direction sign in Field Ordnance Survey no. 133 on west side of White Cross-Bridlington Road, Leven
148 - Planning application file for two advertisements on front elevation and at rear of The Green Dragon, The Green, Welton
149 - Planning application file for advertisement hoarding on south side of Welton Road, Brough
150 - Planning application file for advertisement hoarding, 2 Station Road, Brough
151 - Planning application file for illuminated fascia sign, 23 Church Street, South Cave
152 - Planning application file for illuminated advertisement sign at petrol service station on south-east side of Church Street, South Cave
153 - Planning application file for illuminated box sign, Skidby Autopoint, Riplingham Road, Skidby
154 - Planning application file for illuminated advertisement and illuminated box sign, the Bear Inn, Market Place, South Cave
155 - Planning application file for illuminated projecting pictorial advertisement, the Tiger Inn, The Green, North Newbald
156 - Planning application file for illuminated advertisement at 5 West Street, Leven
157 - Planning application file for corporate identity sign at East Yorkshire Motor Services depot, Elloughton
158 - Planning application file to retain two advertisement signs at Westwinds Farm, Field Ordnance Survey no. 255, Occupation Lane, Swanland
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