Description | Parties: 1) John Newlove (son and heir of Michael Newlove by Margaret (nee Wilberfoss), deceased) and Benjamin Whisker (only child of Ann late wife of Benjamin Whisker of Kingston upon Hull master and mariner, deceased and daughter of Michael Newlove and Margaret Newlove) 2) Benjamin Whisker(3 oxgangs only) and Christopher Keld of Beverley, gentleman Property: messuage in which John Newlove dwells, cottage known as Seaman and Chaplin, 2 cottages known as Walker Garth and Mattison Garth, messuage known as Millbray Garth, 6 oxgangs in the Town Fields (boundaries given) and 1 oxgang in the Town Fields (boundaries given), all in Wetwang. The 3 oxgangs are mortgaged by John Newlove to Benjamin Whisker for £200, and the remaining property is mortgaged by John Newlove to Christopher Keld for £180 |