Description | Parties: 1) John Lindall, Kingston upon Hull, master and mariner 2) Lionell Ripley, Kingston upon Hull, gentleman, Ralph Johnson, Kingston upon Hull, gentleman To observe a surrender of lands in the manor court of Withornesey [Withernsea] cum Owthorne as described in DDX508/37 to the use of Lionell Ripley and Ralph Johnson for a mortgage of £1OO, which is to be void if £118 is repaid by John Lindall; John Lindall to perform all rents and services and discharge the above sum Consideration: £200 Witnesses: Wilfrid Trewman, H Wilkinson, John Johnson 'Trinity House the 2d August 1716 Memorandum I the above named Lyonell Ripley doe hereby acknowledge and declare that my name Together with the abovesaid Ralph Johnson since deceased, was onely used in Trust for the Guild or Fraternity of Master Pylotts and seamen of the Trinity House in Kingston upon Hull. And that the moneys lent hereupon was the proper moneys of the said Guild. As witnes my hand the day and year above Lionell Ripley' Endorsement: 'The 14th Jul 1732 Received of Mrs Dorothea Hoar one hundred pounds the principall money within mentioned Interest for one mounth ended the 29th Jun last odd weeks abated so received in all £100 8s 4d by Mrs Lydall ord. per Samuall Hall Warden' |