Description | Containing: 1) Lease for 960 years as described in DDX508/6 2) Surrender by copy of one leigh in the Intack, containing around one acre, 25 Apr 1660 3) Deed of 9 Oct 1637 from John Wetwang, two selions containing one and a half acres in the fields of Withernsey; one in the south field between the lands formerly of the suppressed College of Thorneton [Thornton] on north and south and abutting on the east on the College lands and on the west on a close formerly of John Back [?], the other in the East field, with the College lands on north and south the sea on east on the Nevells on the west; also one selion of pasture, part of the ground called the Wisedale, around half an acre in Withernsey, in the Intack, with Queen Elizabeth's lands on every side, now in occupation of John Wetwang |