Description | Parties: 1) Gregory Creke, Martin on the Wolds, esquire; John Greame, William Otley, Martin, yeoman; Thomas Johnson senior, Thomas Johnson junior, William Smith, Thomas Scrowston, Thomas Darley and wife Katherine, all of Sewerby, yeomen; Henry Twissell, yeoman, wife Margaret, Joan Peacocke, widow, all of Bridlkington Key; Alice Blakelock, Suerby [Sewerby], spinster; Arthur Greame, George Tomson, Peter Smith, Michaell Moor, John Darley, Robert Howden the elder, Richard Darley, William Greame, all of Suerby, yeomen; Nicholas Woodhouse, Fraistrope, gentleman, wife Christian 2) Randall Carleile, Suerby, gentleman
Property: parcels called Huntcliffe (40 acres one rood 30 perches; the Moore North; Cliff South, Flamborough Dikes East; lands of Blakelocks and Thomas Smith West) and Guildas Pitts (13 acres three roods 25 perches; Benton Sike East; Eastfield West; West Nusam Dike North; land of Robert Blakelock South) As his allotment on an enclosure, by agreement between the parties (and four others 'now in minoritie'), of lands in the East Field of Sewerby and Marton Power of attorney to Francis Grimston, Bridlington, gentleman, and John Palmer, Bridlington, yeoman, to deliver seisin Witnesses: John Hudson, Philip Atkinson, Richard Creyk, Thomas Fenby, Thomas Haxbye Endorsement of livery of seisin Witnesses: as above with John Peacock, Richard Greame 20 Feb 1652 |