Finding NoDDRI/21/2
Extent1 Item
TitleBargain and sale relating to property in Leven
Date6 Dec 1591
1) George Fenwicke alias Crawe, Attinwicke [Atwick?], gentleman
2) George Creswell, Nunkeeling alias Keelinge, gentleman
Property: messuage, farm or grange house ('sive le graunge house'), two closes pasture with appurtenant meadow called South Baswick with fishing, hawking and all appurtenances
Consideration: £240
Power of attorney to John Carleton, yeoman, and Roger Clitherowe, yeoman, to deliver seisin
Sealed at Seton [Seaton] in Holdernes [Holderness]
Witnesses: Thomas Watson, Peter Fusse, Roger Clitheray
With livery of seisin, 28 Feb 1592
Witnesses: William Clark, James Hobsone, Thomas Starman, Thomas Greneshawe, Simond Leeke, wife Emot, William Leek, Susan Leeke called Simonis
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