Description | With notes of William Notte, auditor, and John Bellowe, surveyor Property: a) Malton Priory: Carr Cote Grange; messuage, oxgang and a flat in Knapton; oxgang in Wyntringham [Wintringham] b) Preceptory of Holy Trinity, Beverley: cottage, toft and oxgang in Estlutton [East Lutton], rent from West Lutton c) Kirkham Priory: capital messuage and 24 oxgangs; tenement and ten oxgangs in Levenyng [Leavening] d) Drax Priory: messuage, toft and croft, two Prior Closes, two Townend Closes, and two oxgangs; toft, croft and two oxgangs; cottage and garden in Brayton e) Yedingham Priory: messuages, tofts, oxgangs, closes and rents in Yedingham f) Meaux Abbey: water corn-mill in Birdsall g) Kirkham Priory: tenements, oxgangs, cottages and sheepgates in Sextendale [Thixendale] and Berythorpe; tenement in Birdsall h) Nunburnholme Priory: close called Writholme in Beylbye [Bielby] i) Preceptory of Holy Trinity, Beverley: messuage and two bovates in Beverley j) Malton Priory: property in Castlegate, Old Malton Gayte, Grenegayte, Appleby Gayte, Yorkhowsegate, Marketstede, Newbyggyngayte, and Spytyllmanlayne in New Malton |