Description | No 1 Bond between Edward Barford and Richard Rotheram of land at Selby 1628 No 2 Indenture for a messuage at Selby (John Liddell of Selby and Thomas Pearson) 10 Oct 1650 with copy indenture 10 Oct 1653 between John Liddell and Thomas Pearson and John Head No 3 Final agreement between Thomas Pearson, John Head plaintiffs and John Liddell and Mary Liddell his wife, deforceants 1653 No 4 Deed for land at Selby 2 Feb 1710 (George Wilkinson and Anne Wilkinson his wife and John Foster. This deed includes a bond and a final agreement No 5 Conveyance from John Foster and George Wilkinson and Ann Wilkinson his wife to Leonard Chamberlain of half a house at Selby, 14-15 May 11th year of Anne with bond No 6 Indenture for a house at Selby (Mary Wilkinson widow and Leonard Chamberlain) 9-10 Jun 1712 with bond 1712 Includes a small plan showing land at Millgate, Selby showing school and hospital 'necessaries', 'Selby plans 1799 which shows floor plan No 7 Selby Hospital plans and estimates 1799 |