Description | Contains agenda for Special Sub-Committee for Bridlington, Feb 1964. Also includes comments on the Chamber of Trade plan 1944-1964; report on the provisional development plan for Bridlington; written statement on Bridlington Town Map; chart showing land use at time of survey and end of plan period; survey showing acreage of land, population and occupancy rate of buildings; education development plan including accommodation data for Bridlington Junior and Infant schools, 1944; survey of public and open spaces, Mar 1961; list of condemned property; application by Messrs Hardy and Company (Bridlington) Limited for the erection of dwellings on the north side of Sewerby Road, Bridlington and decision of Minister, 1958; graphical representation of rate of housing development, 1949-1955; chart showing conversions to flats, 1948-1955;chart showing natal mortality, 1951-1961; chart showing age sex distribution in Bridlington, 1951-1961; survey of land need 1957-1971; list of houses built since 1948; new residential sites in Bridlington; holiday dwellings on Bridlington area sites; industrial and storage analysis of Kirkgate redevelopment area; aerial photographs and extracts from 'Bridlington Free Press', 1955 showing areas of Bridlington including Sewerby Estate. |