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Expand 1 - Document presented 26 October 19891 - Document presented 26 October 1989
Expand 1 - Document presented by Beverley Public Library per Local History Librarian, 26 October 1989 1 - Document presented by Beverley Public Library per Local History Librarian, 26 October 1989
Expand 2 - Documents deposited 24 January 19902 - Documents deposited 24 January 1990
Expand 2 - Documents presented by Beverley Local Studies Library (provenance unknown), 24 January 1990 (Accession 2363)2 - Documents presented by Beverley Local Studies Library (provenance unknown), 24 January 1990 (Accession 2363)
Collapse 3 - Documents deposited 2 October 19923 - Documents deposited 2 October 1992
Expand 1 - Miscellaneous documents1 - Miscellaneous documents
Expand 1 - Miscellaneous documents1 - Miscellaneous documents
Expand 2 - Beaumont family papers2 - Beaumont family papers
Expand 2 - Beaumont family papers2 - Beaumont family papers
Collapse 3 - Papers relating to Turner's charity, Beverley3 - Papers relating to Turner's charity, Beverley
1 - Blank circular to applicants and details of the charity
2 - List of applicants (printed) and certificate of surveyor
3 - List of applicants (printed) and certificate of surveyor
4 - List of applicants revised after report
5 - List of applicants (printed) and certificate of surveyor
6 - List of applicants (printed) and certificate of surveyor
7 - List of applicants (printed) and certificate of surveyor (copy)
8 - List of applicants (printed) and certificate of surveyor
9 - List of applicants (printed) and certificate of surveyor
10 - List of applicants (printed) and certificate of surveyor
11 - List of applicants
12 - List of applicants (printed) and certificate of surveyor
13 - Supplementary surveyor's report on Mr Danby's, Weedly, Brough
14 - List of applicants (printed) and certificate of surveyor
15 - List of applicants (printed) and certificate of surveyor
16 - List of applicants (printed) and certificate of surveyor
17 - List of applicants (printed) and certificate of surveyor
18 - List of applicants (printed) and certificate of surveyor
19 - List of applicants
20 - List of applicants
21 - List of applicants
22 - List of applicants
23 - List of applicants
24 - List of applicants
25 - List of applicants
26 - List of applicants
27 - List of applicants
28 - List of applicants
29 - List of applicants
30 - List of applicants
31 - List of applicants
32 - List of applicants
33 - List of applicants
34 - List of applicants
35 - List of applicants
36 - List of applicants
37 - List of applicants
38 - List of applicants
39 - List of applicants
40 - List of applicants
41 - Notice of public meeting at the Guildhall, Beverley, 18 Jan 1817, to distribute charity income
42 - Envelope containing newspaper cutting and correspondence
43 - Memoranda of distances of The Avenues from the Guildhall
44 - Letter to surveyor from clerk requested comments on circular
45 - Letter to surveyor from clerk referring to refusal of application from 59 Albany Street, Hull
46 - Letter to surveyor from Edward Watkin, Wolfreton Hall, Kirkella regarding distances from Beverley
47 - Copy letter from surveyor to trustees certifying list and listing applicants living outside 8 mile limit
48 - Letter from clerk to surveyor enclosing salary
49 - Letter from clerk to surveyor requesting report on applicants
50 - Copy letter from surveyor to Hull City Engineer regarding status of road from Stone Ferry to Bankside
51 - Letter from surveyor to trustees certifying list and listing applicants living outside 8 mile limit
52 - Letter from G A Robinson to surveyor requesting report on applicants
53 - List of addresses to visit and locate
54 - Letter from G A Robinson to surveyor regarding claimant at the Industrial School, Park Avenue
55 - Letter from surveyor to trustees certifying list and listing applicants living outside 8 mile limit
Expand 4 - Deposited 24 May 1993 (found in "lost property") (Accession 2716)4 - Deposited 24 May 1993 (found in "lost property") (Accession 2716)
Expand 4 - Documents deposited 24 May 19934 - Documents deposited 24 May 1993
Expand 5 - Documents presented 30 October 19965 - Documents presented 30 October 1996
Expand 5 - Presented 30 October 1996 (Accession 4089)5 - Presented 30 October 1996 (Accession 4089)
Expand 6 - Documents presented 12 and 27 November 19966 - Documents presented 12 and 27 November 1996
Expand 6 - Documents presented 12 and 27 November 19966 - Documents presented 12 and 27 November 1996
Expand 7 - Documents transferred 3 February 19977 - Documents transferred 3 February 1997
Expand 7 - Transferred 3 February 1997 (Accession 4111)7 - Transferred 3 February 1997 (Accession 4111)
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