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Expand 1 - Beeford Manor Court, extracts of fines and other documents1 - Beeford Manor Court, extracts of fines and other documents
Expand 2 - Scrapbooks of Beverley documents and printed ephemera collected by Gillyatt Sumner2 - Scrapbooks of Beverley documents and printed ephemera collected by Gillyatt Sumner
Expand 3 - William Prince Arnott, freeman of the City of Hull, family papers3 - William Prince Arnott, freeman of the City of Hull, family papers
Collapse 4 - Beverley printed notices and handbills and miscellaneous documents4 - Beverley printed notices and handbills and miscellaneous documents
Expand 1 - Particulars and bills of sale relating to properties in Beverley and elsewhere1 - Particulars and bills of sale relating to properties in Beverley and elsewhere
Expand 2 - Handbills relating to religious meetings and sermons2 - Handbills relating to religious meetings and sermons
Expand 3 - Handbills offering rewards3 - Handbills offering rewards
Expand 4 - Various handbills4 - Various handbills
Expand 5 - Miscellaneous printed sources5 - Miscellaneous printed sources
Collapse 6 - Various documents relating to Beverley6 - Various documents relating to Beverley
1 - Extracts from Calendar of Charter Rolls and Inquisitions ad quod damnum relating to Beverley in the hand of Gillyatt Sumner
2 - Schedule of wills relating to Beverley Charities
3 - Poem in celebration of a wedding by J Bayley
4 - Order from Gillyatt Sumner to J Parkinson Druggist of Silver Street Hull
5 - Letter from William Medd of Pocklington to Mr Sumner oil leather dresser at the Beck End Beverley
6 - Recipes for dyeing leather
7 - Draft notice relating to lease of messuage and yard property of Gillyatt Sumner?
8 - Notes on methods of catching rats
9 - Bundle of miscellaneous vouchers
10 - Portion of volume assembled by Gillyatt Sumner relating to 'Q' Calendars of prisoners etc
11 - 'Names of towns within the liberty of Beverley Hall Garth within which any person may be arrested by a Warrant or destrained by his goods for any cause of action ...'
12 - Conditions of sale relating to land in Beverley Parks
13 - List of fares of chairmen in Beverley
14 - Notice relating to rents on houses in Beverley
15 - List of rents of Christopher Duncum’s five tenements adjoining Holme Church Yard
16 - Draft tenancy agreement for 2 years at £8 8s rent relating to land in Beverley
17 - Invitation to dinner from the Brotherly Society to Gillyatt Sumner
18 - Copy of letter from Gillyatt Sumner junior to William Bravinder
19 - List relating to the distribution of charity loaves in Beverley
20 - Portion of draft deed relating to land in Beverley
21 - Visiting card of George Poulson
22 - Label addressed to George Poulson of North Bar Street Beverley
23 - Document relating to rental of property
24 - Fragment of a poem relating to the Battle of Flodden
25 - Advice on courses to be adopted and receiving or issuing writs
26 - Questions and answers on geography
27 - Memorandum of Orders in Beverley Court of Requests
28 - Tickets possibly for issue of a Beverley Charity
29 - 'Monthly extracts from the Correspondence of the British and Foreign Bible Society'
30 - Acquittance concerning legacies bequeathed by will of William Collinson
31 - Portion of volume assembled by Gillyatt Sumner
32 - Copy portion of deed relating to land in Beverley
33 - Extract from 'Hull and East Riding Times' relating to report on laying foundation stone of Beverley Minster Chapel of Ease
34 - 'Register of Events for the Year 1840. Carefully recorded by Paul Walker'
35 - 'Register of Events for the Year 1840. Carefully recorded by Paul Walker'
36 - Certificate of churchwardens of St Martin
37 - Land tax document
38 - 'The Names of the thirteen Brutes who not content with the Dinner allowed out of the Funds belonging the parish Church of Saint John in Beverley to the Parish of Saint Martin devoured the share of the same Dinner belonging to the Parish of Saint John at the Sun Inn in Beverley on Rogation Monday'
39 - 'Rules to be observed by the Vergers employed in Beverley Minster'
40 - Plan of Beverley Iron and Waggon Company’s works
41 - Papers relating to the Beverley Church Institute Discussion and elocution class
42 - Printed circular letter from Richard Care Group Leader of Beverley Town Guard giving instructions to Special Constables in the event of an invasion
Expand 5 - Miscellaneous documents relating to Beverley5 - Miscellaneous documents relating to Beverley
Expand 6 - Green's Household Almanack6 - Green's Household Almanack
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