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Collapse 1 - Gillyatt Sumner miscellaneous printed records book1 - Gillyatt Sumner miscellaneous printed records book
1 - Note relating to a members' meeting of the Literary Triumvirate [Part of DDX1942/1]
2-4 - Notes for a sermon or talk on whether this life is productive more of happiness than misery and poetry [Part of DDX1942/1]
5 - Notice of the rules and regulations of the Adelphi, or the Hull Literary and Philosophical Society [Part of DDX1942/1]
6 - Handwritten notes on honesty and a poem called 'On the Rose' [Part of DDX1942/1]
8 - Notes which are taken from the writings of John Locke [Part of DDX1942/1]
9 - Lists of those who polled in the Burnby election and voted for [Mr] Westrington [Part of DDX1942/1]
10 - 'A New Song, on the return of Mr Graham, from London', printed sheet [Part of DDX1942/1]
11 - A catalogue of the law library of the late Mr Hugall, sold by auction, printed sheet [Part of DDX1942/1]
12 - Letter from Robert Rylar, Hull, to Mr Empson, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
13 - Letter from Robert Rylar relating to a cricket match [Part of DDX1942/1]
14 - 'Lines on the death of Eliza Fenby', by Paul Walker, printed sheet [Part of DDX1942/1]
15 - 'Catholic Emancipation!! A New Comic Song', by Mr L S Thompson of Tom Coffin Tavern, handbill [Part of DDX1942/1]
16-17 - A meeting of the committee of the Hull and East Riding Anti-Slavery Association, handbill [Part of DDX1942/1]
18 - A poem by Peter O'Dornin on the Irish language, printed excerpt [Part of DDX1942/1]
19 - Printed note relating to books and artwork [Part of DDX1942/1]
20-21 - Blank printed forms requesting an individual's presence to attend the Quarter Sessions at Hull [Part of DDX1942/1]
22-23 - Blank printed bills issued by the parish officers to the High Constable listing their various jobs [Part of DDX1942/1]
24 - Blank printed form requesting information from the constable and overseers about tax [Part of DDX1942/1]
25-26 - Blank receipt of Keyingham taxes' poor rate [Part of DDX1942/1]
27 - Notice declaring Patrington Petty Sessions [Part of DDX1942/1]
28-31 - Printed notices relating to the establishing of a law library at Hull [Part of DDX1942/1]
32-37 - Blank printed bills and receipts issued by the parish assistant overseer and high constable [Part of DDX1942/1]
38 - Advertisement of new books published, 'The Housewives' Guide', 'The Servant's Companion' and 'The new whole art of confectionary' [Part of DDX1942/1]
39-41 - Lists of books relating to Pallisters, bookseller of Preston [Part of DDX1942/1]
42 - Notice of a special sessions to be held at Patrington [Part of DDX1942/1]
43 - Notice of the next meeting of the Patrington Agricultural Society [Part of DDX1942/1]
44 - Notice on the levying of poor rates of Patrington Union [Part of DDX1942/1]
45 - Notice that Mr Henry Robinson's bull, 'Houghton', will be available to serve cows at 7 shillings each [Part of DDX1942/1]
46-47 - Notice that 'Priam', the property of Mr J Wells will serve mares this season at the Blue Bell, Hull [Part of DDX1942/1]
48 - Notice that Mr Thomas Wilson of Stone Ferry and Mr George Wray of Keyingham with serve their mares this season at Keyingham [Part of DDX1942/1]
48-49 - Notice that 'Scarborough', the horse of Mr Thomas Wilson of Stone Ferry and Mr George Wray of Keyingham will serve mares this season [Part of DDX1942/1]
50 - Notice that 'Visitor', will serve mares this season, 1839, the property of John Stockdale and Richard Stockdale, Skerne [Part of DDX1942/1]
51 - Auction notice for the smack 'Three Brothers', wrecked at Sand le Mere, Tunstall, to take place on Friday 1 February, 1839 [Part of DDX1942/1]
52-54 - Notice that on 9 February 1839 the Patrington Association for the Prosecution of Felons and Misdemeanors was renewed for a term of seven years from the 18 May 1839 [Part of DDX1942/1]
55 - Notice of a timber sale at Winestead Plantations [Part of DDX1942/1]
56 - Blank general statement setting out the income and expenditure of the Wyton and Flinton Turnpike Trust [Part of DDX1942/1]
57 - Blank form for the nomination of assessors and collectors for Patrington Land and Assessed Taxes for 1839 [Part of DDX1942/1]
58 - Auction notice of farming and sheep stock at North Park near Hedon on 7 March 1839 [Part of DDX1942/1]
59 - Sale notice of farming stock and implements on the premises of Mr Bell at Humbleton, to take place on 28 March 1839 [Part of DDX1942/1]
60 - Notice informing that the special sessions for examining highway accounts will be held at the Hildyard Arms, Patrington on 13 April [Part of DDX1942/1]
61 - Auction notice of horses at Wyton near Hull, to be held on 18 March 1839 [Part of DDX1942/1]
62 - Auction notice of the remaining stock implements at Mr Bell's, Humbleton, to be held on 11 April 1839 [Part of DDX1942/1]
63 - Auction notice of stock and farming implements on the premises of Mr Michael Bonfrey, to be held on 1 April 1839 [Part of DDX1942/1]
64 - Notice that Burton Constable Hunt races will take place on 3 and 4 April 1839 [Part of DDX1942/1]
65 - Auction notice of farming stock and implements on the premises of Mrs Craggs, who is retiring from business, to be held on 5 April 1839 [Part of DDX1942/1]
66 - Auction notice of farming stock and implements on the premises of Mrs Craggs, who is retiring from business, to be held on 5 April 1839 [Part of DDX1942/1]
67 - Notice of the amended dietary allowance for inmates of Patrington workhouse [Part of DDX1942/1]
68 - Auction notice of household furniture on the premises of Mr Francis Pearson at Holmpton, to be held on 18 April 1839 [Part of DDX1942/1]
69 - Hymn sheet listing hymns to be sung at the fifteenth anniversary of the Wesleyan Sunday school, Patrington, on 5 May 1839 [Part of DDX1942/1]
70 - Reward notice for information leading to the conviction of a felon who, on 30 April [1839] prop opened the pollard clow doors between the farms of Mr J Fewson and Mr T Leak, thereby causing serious injury [Part of DDX1942/1]
71 - Auction notice of genteel household furniture at Burstwick, near Hedon to be held at Mrs Craggs' on 16 May 1839 [Part of DDX1942/1]
72 - Blank sheet of Patrington Union letter headed paper [Part of DDX1942/1]
73 - Notice for Ottringham Races to take place on Whit Monday, 20 May 1839 [Part of DDX1942/1]
74 - Notice for Holmpton Races to take place on 4 June 1839 with foot races for a number of hats [as prizes] [Part of DDX1942/1]
75 - Notice for Holmpton Races to take place on 4 June 1839 and foot races for a number of hats [as prizes] [Part of DDX1942/1]
76 - Notice for Patrington Amicable Society's annual feast to be held on 5 June 1839 [Part of DDX1942/1]
77 - Notice for Owthorne Races to take place on 6 June 1839 with a foot race for a number of hats [as prizes] [Part of DDX1942/1]
78-79 - Notice of Patrington Union account showing the amount of money spent by several parishes for the relief of the poor [Part of DDX1942/1]
80 - Notice that Wesleyan Foreign Missions will preach a sermon at Preston Wesleyan chapel, Sproatley, and at Roos on 9 June 1839 [Part of DDX1942/1]
81 - Printed note that the next meeting of the Patrington Agricultural Society will meet at the Hildyard Arms on 13 July 1839 [Part of DDX1942/1]
82 - Notice for Tunstall Races to be held on 1 July 1839 [Part of DDX1942/1]
83 - Notice of sermons in aid of the Church Missionary Society to be held on 14 July 1839 by Rev Charles Hodgson, rector of Barton-le-Street [Part of DDX1942/1]
84 - Notice for Wesleyan Foreign Missions to hold a public missionary meeting at Sunk Island on 17 July 1839 where various people will address the meeting [Part of DDX1942/1]
85 - Notice for the Church Missionary Society to hold a meeting at Hornsea parish church on 24 July [1839] with various sermons [Part of DDX1942/1]
86 - Auction notice of wheat at Mrs Craggs, Burstwick, on 21 August 1839 [Part of DDX1942/1]
87 - Note that the Brewster Sessions for South Holderness Division will take place at the Hildyard Arms on 28 August [Part of DDX1942/1]
88 - Blank ale licence issued by the Licensing Committee of South Holderness Division [Part of DDX1942/1]
89 - Leaflet of Sproatley Floral and Horticultural Society listing subscribers and financial prizes to be awarded at the next show [Part of DDX1942/1]
90 - Notice of grand floral and horticultural exhibition at Sproatley on 2 October 1839 [Part of DDX1942/1]
91 - Leaflet requesting drainage tax amount, blank [Part of DDX1942/1]
92 - Printed memoranda, requesting forms of receipts, issued by the clerk to commissioners of South Holderness relating to Game Duty [Part of DDX1942/1]
93 - Auction notice of wood at Patrington in a garth of Mr J Atkinson, innkeeper [Part of DDX1942/1]
94 - Auction notice of the brig 'Stranger', wrecked at Spurn and to be held at The Granby Inn, Easington [Part of DDX1942/1]
95 - Auction notice of wood at Patrington Havenside [Part of DDX1942/1]
96 - Auction notice of household furniture to be sold at the premises of Mr J Jackson, Havenside, Patrington [Part of DDX1942/1]
97 - Notice relating to lost sheep belonging to J Hall of Aldbrough [Part of DDX1942/1]
98 - Auction notice of four milch cows, 50 tons of old and new hay and sundry articles of household furniture, sold by Mr T Daniels at Hedon [Part of DDX1942/1]
99 - Notice of a ploughing match held by the Patrington Agricultural Society to be held on a bean stubble field of Mr John Thorpe at Winestead [Part of DDX1942/1]
100 - Notice relating to the Burton Constable Hunt races [Part of DDX1942/1]
101 - Printed memoranda notifying the next meeting of Patrington Agricultural Society [Part of DDX1942/1]
102 - Notice that the Patrington Agricultural Society will offer prizes for the best bull, heifer, ram and boar to be shown at Patrington on Saturday, 11 July 1840 [Part of DDX1942/1]
103 - List of sweepstakes relating to horse racing [Part of DDX1942/1]
104 - Blank form for an individual to pay a proportion of the township rate for the Public Stock of the East Riding [Part of DDX1942/1]
105 - Form requesting a transfer of an ale license, Patrington area, blank [Part of DDX1942/1]
106 - Notice that the next Patrington Agricultural Society wil be held in Patrington on 9 January 1841 [Part of DDX1942/1]
107 - Notice for a Patrington Agricultural Society ploughing competition on Wednesday 27 January, 1841 [Part of DDX1942/1]
108 - Notice that 'Dash' the property of Mr H Fussey and Mr W Fussey will serve mares this season [Part of DDX1942/1]
109 - Printed letter issued by W F Duncan, Keld Gate, Beverley, requesting patronage and support in his venture into the wine and spirit trade [Part of DDX1942/1]
110-111 - Leaflet relating to Francis Wilbe, watch and clockmaker who has moved to new premises in Saturday Market [Part of DDX1942/1]
112 - Auction notice of 200 lots of maiden ash trees to be held on 12 February 1841 in Little Wood, Walkington [Part of DDX1942/1]
113 - Item missing - removed from volume
114 - Auction notice of household furniture and linen to be held at the premises of Mrs Craggs, deceased, at Burstwick on 20 February, 1841 [Part of DDX1942/1]
115-116 - Catalogue of elegant household furniture, pianofortes, plate, linen, books, china and glass to be sold by auction on the premises of Mr James Robinson, Scale Lane, Hull on 24 to 26 February 1841 [Part of DDX1942/1]
117 - Auction notice of well-selected library books to be held at Mr James Robinson's, Scale Lane, Hull on 26 February 1841 [Part of DDX1942/1]
118 - Notice of two prodigies of nature, two Hibernian youths, aged seven years old and weighing eleven stones, nine pounds, the younger child aged three years, weighing eleven stones, five pounds, can be seen at the Pack Horse Inn, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
119 - Auction notice of livestock sale at Kilnwick Percy farm, the property of Lord Denison, on 9-10 March 1841 [Part of DDX1942/1]
120 - Poster advertising the business of Hutty and Keys drapers, Market Place, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
121 - Notice advertising the business of Hutty and Keys in the Market Place, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
122-123 - Auction notice of a sheep and dead stock at Newbald Lodge on 15 March, 1841, the property of Messrs Stephenson [Part of DDX1942/1]
124 - Notice requesting information about the person who entered the property of Thomas Morell and removed some bricks from the top of the oven and thrust them into it, rendering it unusable [Part of DDX1942/1]
125 - Blank form nominating and appointing individuals to be overseers of the poor [Part of DDX1942/1]
126 - Auction notice of tools, implements and stock in trade of Mr W Norris of Beswick to be held on 2 April 1841 [Part of DDX1942/1]
127 - Auction notice of 35 horses, mule, fat beasts and other horned cattle to be held at Newbald Lodge on 2 April 1841 [Part of DDX1942/1]
128 - Auction notice of live and dead stock and household furniture to be held at Mr George Blanchard's, Withernwick on 5 April, 1841 [Part of DDX1942/1]
129 - Poster advertising cheap paper hangings for May and Loftus, Market Place, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
130-133 - Notice advertising cheap paper hangings at John Kemp's shop, Market Place, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
134 - Sales notice advertising stock, including linen and woollen drapery of John Foster, Market Place, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
135 - Item missing
136 - Poster advertising Messrs Keevil who will deliver two lectures on astronomy and the polarization of light which will be illustrated using the largest orrery in the kingdom, to be held at the Assembly Rooms, Norwood on 6 to 8 April, 1841 [Part of DDX1942/1]
137 - Printed notice that a special sessions will be held at Patrington on 15 May 1841 for hearing appeals against poor rates [Part of DDX1942/1]
138 - Schedule showing the number of paupers relieved, money spent and the parishes balance within Patrington Union [Part of DDX1942/1]
139 - Notice that W Owen, druggist and chemist of Beverley has taken over the premises formally occupied by Mr W Earle, on the corner of North Bar Within and the Market Place, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
140-141 - Printed letter notifiying that William Owen has taken over the chemist and druggist lately occupied by Mr W Earle of Market Place, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
142 - Notice advertising the business of Plaxton and Robinsons, drapers, at Toll Gavel (adjoining the Post Office), Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
143 - Item missing - removed from volume
144 - Auction notice for new books to be sold at the Victoria Auction Mart near the Fish Shambles on 26 April, 1841 [Part of DDX1942/1]
145 - Auction notice for live and dead farming stock and household furniture to be held on 26 April 1841 at the farm of Mr George Riby, Boynton, near Bridlington [Part of DDX1942/1]
146 - Auction notice for a sale of household furniture on 29 April 1841 at the premises in Grayburn Lane, of a lady lately deceased [Part of DDX1942/1]
147 - Leaflet advertising the business of W Loft, cabinet and chairmaker, upholsterer, carver and undertaker, and his new assortment of paper hangings at Toll Gavel, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
148 - Auction notice for a sale of farming and household items at the Three Tuns Inn Yard at Patrington to be held on 1 May 1841 [Part of DDX1942/1]
149 - Leaflet advertising A Fewster, tuscan and straw bonnet maker of Burstwick [Part of DDX1942/1]
150 - Advertising leaflet for H Harwood, linen draper, silk mercer, haberdasher of North Bar Street, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
151 - Auction notice for beasts, sheep, horses, pigs and farming implements, at Hilston, Holderness, to take place on 13 May, 1841 [Part of DDX1942/1]
152 - Advertising leaflet for T Ward, boot and shoe warehouse, Butcher Row, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
153 - Poster advertising a sale at W S Wreghitt, draper, mercer and hosier of North Bar Street, Beverley, and to inform his customer of his new purchases from the London and West Riding markets [Part of DDX1942/1]
154 - Advertising leaflet for a sale at W S Wreghitt, draper, mercer and hosier of North Bar Street, Beverley, and to inform his customer of his new purchases from the London and West Riding markets [Part of DDX1942/1]
155 - Blank printed receipt issued by the high constable to the overseers of the poor [Part of DDX1942/1]
156 - Notice that Holmpton races will take place on 27 May 1841 for various horses and ponies with a hurdle and other foot races [Part of DDX1942/1]
157 - Printed letter from Sir Clifford Constable, Paris, addressed to Cuthebert Ovington, Yorkshire [Part of DDX1942/1]
158 - Advertising leaflet for W B Peacock, hairdresser and perfumer, who has opened a new shop in Hunslet Lane, Leeds [Part of DDX1942/1]
159 - Auction notice to innkeepers and brewers for a sale of brewing utensils, about 400 gallons of ale and household furniture to take place at Mr William Sneeston's, the Buck Inn, Beckside, Beverley on 14 June 1841 [Part of DDX1942/1]
160 - Poster advertising Cookes' olympic arena and new circus, Register Square, Beverley on 21 June 1841 and during the week [Part of DDX1942/1]
161 - Poster advertising Cookes' circus, Register Square, Beverley, on 28 June 1841 and during the week [Part of DDX1942/1]
162 - Advertising leaflet for Cookes' circus, Register Square, Beverley on 5 July 1841 [Part of DDX1942/1]
163 - Item missing
164 - Poster advertising J A Sanvidge, cabinetmaker and carver, upholsterer, paperhanger and undertaker of North Bar Street Without, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
165 - Auction notice for the sweep of the scythe over a field containing upwards of 40 acres called Rudstone Enholme in the parish of Welwick to take place on 17 July 1841 [Part of DDX1942/1]
166 - Printed letter from George Iveson, honorary secretary of the Patrington Agricultural Society [Part of DDX1942/1]
167 - Poster advertising Cookes' circus, Register Square, Beverley on 12 July 1841 [Part of DDX1942/1]
168 - Poster advertising Cookes' circus, Register Square, Beverley on 13 July 1841 [Part of DDX1942/1]
169 - Auction notice for a furniture sale at West Newton on 14 July 1841 on the premises of Thomas Evans [Part of DDX1942/1]
170 - Printed schedule of information extracted from Patrington Union's quarterly abstract showing the number of paupers relieved, the amount of money spent and the balances due from the several parishes, ending 26 June 1841 [Part of DDX1942/1]
170b - Poster advertising Cookes' circus, Register Square, Beverley, for the benefit of Mr H Cooke, tightrope artiste, equestrian and leaper on 19 July 1841 [Part of DDX1942/1]
171 - Printed letter from a clown of Cookes' Circus informing the recipient that the next performance will surpass all previous ones [Part of DDX1942/1]
172 - Poster advertising Cookes' circus, Register Square, Beverley for its performance on 21 July 1841 [Part of DDX1942/1]
173 - Poster advertising Cookes' circus, Register Square, Beverley for its performance on 22 July 1841 [Part of DDX1942/1]
174 - Advertising notice of the armed Iron Man (Mr Furr) of Cookes' circus, who will appear on 24 July 1841 [Part of DDX1942/1]
175 - Item missing
176 - Poster advertising Cookes' circus featuring Mr Furr as the clown on 24 July 1841 [Part of DDX1942/1]
177 - Poster advertising Cookes' circus for the benefit of Mr James Cooke, equestrian, on 26 July 1841 [Part of DDX1942/1]
178 - Poster advertising Cookes' circus, Register Square, Beverley, for the benefit of Mr Smith, instructor and trainer of horses on 27 July 1841 [Part of DDX1942/1]
179 - Printed letter from William Stickney of Ridgmont, relating to a breed of giant clover which can grow to between eight and fifteen feet high [Part of DDX1942/1]
180 - Advertising leaflet for Robert Wilson, corn dressing machine maker, Landress Lane, Beverley promoting his business to potential customers [Part of DDX1942/1]
181 - Advertising leaflet 'Growth of Wool', by Thomas Bigg which looks at a sheep dipping composition (with testimonies supporting the product) [Part of DDX1942/1]
182 - Advertising leaflet 'Growth of Wool', by Thomas Bigg which looks at sheep dipping composition (with testimonies supporting the product) [Part of DDX1942/1]
183 - Advertising poster for Thomas Bigg's sheep dipping composition which improves the growth of wool [Part of DDX1942/1]
184 - Item missing
185 - Notice for a lost bundle of saddlers' leather which was mislaid on the road between Beverley and Leconfield [Part of DDX1942/1]
186 - Notice of new goods at G R Donkin and W Donkin, linen drapers, silk mercers and haberdashers, No.14, Market Place, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
187 - Leaflet for G R Donkin and W Donkin, linen drapers, silk mercers and haberdashers, No.14, Market Place, Beverley, announcing their sale [Part of DDX1942/1]
188 - Poster advertising W Howell, linen draper, mercer, hosier and haberdasher, of North Bar Street, Beverley and his selection of autumn and winter goods [Part of DDX1942/1]
189 - Poster advertising G C Tuting and his extensive stock of winter goods and lists his woollen department at his shop in the Market Place, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
190 - Auction notice for 130 lots of oak and 30 lots of ash and birchwood lying at Burkill Wood, Bentley parish, to be sold on 23 August 1841 [Part of DDX1942/1]
191 - Poster advertising the grand floral and horticultural exhibition at Sproatley on 29 September 1841 [Part of DDX1942/1]
192 - Advertising leaflet for C S Hopper, plumber and glazier [Part of DDX1942/1]
193 - Notice advertising a sale of valuable books, fine engravings, account books, sold by A D English, at Wednesday Market, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
194 - Poster advertising Van Amburgh's royal collection of trained animals to be exhibited in a field near Beverley on 11 September 1841 [Part of DDX1942/1]
195 - Printed advert in the style of a poem promoting the different materials available at Plaxton and Robinson's drapers, Tollgavel, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
196 - Notice for John Foster, linen and woollen draper, silk-mercer, thanking his customers for their support and informing them of his new autumn and winter goods [Part of DDX1942/1]
197 - Notice for H Harwood, linen draper, silk mercer, haberdasher of North Bar Street, Beverley, listing its extensive stock [Part of DDX1942/1]
198 - Notice advertising Hutty and Key, linen and woollen drapers, silk mercers, haberdashers, Market Place, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
199 - Auction notice for four valuable horses, two fat pigs and household furniture to be sold at the premises of Mr John Harrison of the Bay Horse, innkeeper and horse dealer, Cottingham [Part of DDX1942/1]
200 - Auction poster advertising a sale of household furniture, livestock, timber trees, the possession of Thomas Denton who is leaving the neighbourhood and which will take place at Flemingate, Beverley, 28 to 29 October 1841 [Part of DDX1942/1]
201 - Notice advertising R Southwick, tailor and draper, Market Place, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
202 - Notice advertising S Southwick, tailor and draper, Wednesday Market, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
203 - Notice for annual hirings of servants at Patrington on 12 November 1841 [Part of DDX1942/1]
204 - Item missing
205 - Advertising notice for Isaac Dunn, brewer and porter merchant at Patrington, lately occupied by John Marritt [Part of DDX1942/1]
206 - Advertising leaflet for Walkden's Japan Ink with instructions for use [Part of DDX1942/1]
207 - Sale leaflet for Harwood's linen draper and silk mercer, North Bar Street, Beverley, which includes a consignment of Orleans cloth [Part of DDX1942/1]
208 - Advertising notice for L Robinson's linen and woollen drapery [Part of DDX1942/1]
209 - Leaflet advertising William Lovel, tailor and habit- maker, Toll Gavel, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
210 - Leaflet advertising R Cass, hat manufacturer, silk and woollen dyer, clothes cleaner and steam renovator, Toll Gavel, Beverley (next door to the Red Lion Inn) [Part of DDX1942/1]
211-212 - Leaflet advertising R Taylor's Victoria tea mart, Market Place, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
213 - Poster advertising the premiums at the agricultural exhibition of stock and implements on 27 July 1842, East Riding Agricultural Association [Part of DDX1942/1]
214-215 - Leaflet advertising B Stamford, joiner, wheelwright, gig maker at the Sun Inn [Part of DDX1942/1]
216 - Leaflet advertising John Harrison, shoeing smith, North Bar Street, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
217 - Envelope addressed to Gillyatt Sumner, Woodmansey [Part of DDX1942/1]
218 - Auction poster for farming stock, stacks of corn and household furniture at the premises of Mr Joseph Stephenson and to be sold on 26 January 1842 [Part of DDX1942/1]
219 - Auction notice of household furniture at Keldgate, Beverley at the premises of Mr William Mitchell on 27 January 1842 [Part of DDX1942/1]
220-222 - Advertising leaflet for Mr Appleyard, tailor, draper and hatter, Market Place, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
223 - Advertising notice for G C Tuting, woollen draper, Market Place, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
224 - Leaflet 'Conversation with two military officers in a stage coach' which examines Christianity, author anonymous [Part of DDX1942/1]
225 - Poster advertising the sale of John Hustwick's stock from his ironmongery business to take place at North Bar Street, Beverley, due to his continued indisposition [Part of DDX1942/1]
226 - Auction notice of livestock implements and husbandry to be sold at the farm recently occupied by the late Mr W M Thompson, Skidby and to be sold on 10 and 11 February, 1842 [Part of DDX1942/1]
227 - Notice of the Hull and Beverley pilot coach, well horsed and driven by William Balfour [Part of DDX1942/1]
228-229 - Auction sale of books to take place on 15 and 16 February at a house in Toll Gavel, Beverley lately occupied by Mr Willis (lists some of the books) [Part of DDX1942/1]
230 - Auction notice of live and dead stock, implements of husbandry, household furniture on 21 February 1842 at the premises of Mr Thomas Hodsman at Woodmansey [Part of DDX1942/1]
231 - Item missing
232-233 - Notice of John Green, printer and bookbinder, located opposite St Mary's church, Hengate, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
234 - Auction notice of new and well-wrought articles at the premises of Mr Ralph Bennison, Walkington on 2 March 1842 [Part of DDX1942/1]
235 - Auction notice of stock and farming implements to be sold at the farm at Tunstall belonging to Mr Lorrimar on 3 March 1842 [Part of DDX1942/1]
236 - Item missing
237 - Auction notice of modern and genteel household furniture to take place on the premises late in the occupation of Mr James Watson, junior, painter, Lairgate, Beverley on 14 March 1842 [Part of DDX1942/1]
238 - Leaflet advertising Messrs Abraham and Co, picture dealers in Toll Gavel, opposite the Post Office, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
239-240 - Auction notice of original oil paintings by ancient masters to be sold on 15 and 16 March 1842, in the house lately occupied by Mr Willis, located opposite Mr Jackson's, surgeon, Toll Gavel, Beverley (auction items are listed on the reverse) [Part of DDX1942/1]
241 - Leaflet advertising woollen drapers of 87, Corner Shop, Top of Briggate, Leeds [Part of DDX1942/1]
242 - Sale notice of well-seasoned cut-up wood at Thomas Crump and Sons, Beverley Saw Mills [Part of DDX1942/1]
243 - Sale notice for chips and fire clogs at Beverley Saw Mills, Thomas Crump and Son [Part of DDX1942/1]
244 - Auction notice of a stock of sheep and draught horses to take place at the premises occupied by Mrs Pearson, Folkton on 16 March 1842 [Part of DDX1942/1]
245 - Leaflet advertising cheap coals on the vessels of Joseph Atkinson, Beverley Beck [Part of DDX1942/1]
246 - Item missing
247 - Advertising notice for Matthew Brown Dosser, saddler and harness maker, located near the Fish Shambles, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
248 - Delivery note for J Garton and Company, tobacco and snuff manufacturers, No 54 Market Place, Hull [Part of DDX1942/1]
249-250 - Leaflet advertising silhouettes created by Mr Lowe and his assistant at the Painting Rooms adjoining the Bazaar, Junction Street, Hull [Part of DDX1942/1]
251 - Notice advertising J Peacock, boot and shoemaker, recently purchased goods at his premises adjoining the New Burial Ground, North Bar Street, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
252 - Leaflet advertising Luke Robinson's woollen and linen drapery [Part of DDX1942/1]
253-254 - Advertising notice for Thomas Watson, joiner and cabinet maker at his new furniture warehouse, Wednesday Market, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
255-256 - Leaflet advertising Thomas Watson, grocer, Wednesday Market, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
257 - Auction notice for valuable farming stock including horses, beasts, ewes and implements to be sold on 21 March 1842 at the premises of the late Mr Mark Cook, Bishop Burton [Part of DDX1942/1]
258 - Notice of a distribution of £3,000 worth of cabinet furniture for the benefit of the Cabinet Makers' Trade Society through a subscription process to be decided on 24 March 1842 [Part of DDX1942/1]
259 - Auction notice of ten ewes, a brown pony, a chestnut pony and other animals to take place on 26 March 1842 on the Market Hill, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
260-261 - Poster for John Kemp, bookseller, who is selling off several thousand yards of paper hanging at his premises at Market Place, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
262 - Poster for W S Wreghitt (successor to Mr James Smith), linen draper, silk mercer and haberdasher, North Bar Street, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
263-264 - Leaflet advertising John Kemp, bookseller, who is selling three thousand yards of paper hangings at Market Place, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
265 - Auction notice of valuable livestock to be held on 6 April 1842 at the farm of William Lund, Burn Park, parish of Cottingham [Part of DDX1942/1]
266 - Auction notice of household furniture to be held on the premises of Mr George Johnson, Bricklayer, Middleton on 6 April 1842 [Part of DDX1942/1]
267 - Notice advertising Hutty and Key, linen and woollen drapery, silk mercery and general haberdashers at Market Place, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
268-270 - Auction notice of a furniture sale at Mr Owen, chemist and druggist, corner of Market Place and North Bar Street, Beverley on 9 to 11 April 1842 [Part of DDX1942/1]
271 - Advertising notice of W Howell, draper, North Bar Street, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
272 - Poster advertising Howell, linen draper, silk mercer, glover, hosier, haberdasher and laceman, new stock arrived in the showroom and will be displayed on 16 April 1842 [Part of DDX1942/1]
273 - Item missing
274 - Notice for a £5 reward for information relating to the return of a wether hog sheep [Part of DDX1942/1]
275 - Auction notice of household furniture and pieces of old foreign china, pictures and books to take place at the Exchange Sale Rooms, Hull on 23 May, 1842 and the following few days [Part of DDX1942/1]
276 - Item missing
277 - Advertising notice for Atkinson's quinine tooth powder, sold at W Issott, perfumer and hair cutter, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
278 - Auction notice for household furniture and the stock of Mr Richard Empson, plumber and glazier, Saturday Market, 25 and 26 May 1842 [Part of DDX1942/1]
279 - Advertising notice for Harwood's silks, shawls, muslins, linens, North Bar Street, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
280 - Item missing
281 - Advertising notice for Mr Henry Harwood, North Bar Street, Beverley, superior three cord linen thread on reels [Part of DDX1942/1]
282 - Notice of a sermon preached by Rev W T Sandys to take place on 6 June 1842 at the house of Mr John Taylor, Lion and Lamb Inn, Beverley to commemorate the first anniversary of the 'Court Foresters' Delight', Ancient Order of Forresters [Part of DDX1942/1]
283 - Item missing
284 - Item missing
285 - Advertising notice of the Florentine Venus, female anatomical model, to be displayed at the Dispensary, Register Square, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
286 - Notice of a camp meeting of the Primitive Methodist New Connexion at Beverley Westwood on 12 June 1842 [Part of DDX1942/1]
287-288 - Notice of books to be allocated to shareholders at Wilberforce Rooms, St John Street, Hull, 13 June 1842 [Part of DDX1942/1]
289 - Poster advertising a sermon by Rev Dr Vaughan of London at Lairgate chapel, Beverley, on 14 Jun 1842 to celebrate the twenty-seventh anniversary of the Beverley Juvenile Society, on behalf of the London Missionary Society [Part of DDX1942/1]
290 - Notice for a fruit, vegetable, plant and flower show to be held in the new public hall, Beverley on 15 June [1842] and on behalf of the Beverley and East Riding Floral and Horticultural Society [Part of DDX1942/1]
291 - Auction notice of furniture and a library of books to be held on 29 and 30 June and 1 July, 1842 at Everingham rectory, the home of the late Rev William Marsden [Part of DDX1942/1]
292 - Advertising notice for Joseph Jones and Co, clothier who have just received a quantity of fine west of England manufactured cloths at 65 and 66 Market Place and 1 Silver Street, Hull [Part of DDX1942/1]
293 - Advertising notice of S Hyam, branch of the Pantechnetheca, tailoring, woollen drapery, 9 Briggate, Leeds [Part of DDX1942/1]
294-299 - Advertising leaflet of S Hyam's tailoring and ready-made cloth, 9 Briggate, Leeds [Part of DDX1942/1]
300-303 - Advertising leaflet of S Hyam's tailoring and ready-made clothing, 9 Briggate, Leeds [Part of DDX1942/1]
304 - Advertising leaflet of S Hyam's tailoring and ready-made clothing, 9 Briggate, Leeds [Part of DDX1942/1]
305 - Advertising leaflet for the Temperance Hotel, 22 Hunslet Lane, Leeds which has been refurbished by Benjamin Smith [Part of DDX1942/1]
306 - Leaflet for William Hirst informing the public about his intention to still supply felted woven fabric despite great difficulties regarding his machinery [Part of DDX1942/1]
307 - Notice of a public meeting to be held at the Guildhall, Beverley on 21 July 1842 on behalf of the Port of Hull Society [Part of DDX1942/1]
308 - Item missing
309 - Leaflet for T W Sherwood's foreign and British spirits, Landress Lane, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
310 - Item missing
311 - Item missing
312 - Notice for a £1 10s reward to those who assist in the conviction of the felon who stole four strakes of tire and a plough beast, the property of Mr John Robinson, wheelwright and blacksmith, issued by the Brandesburton Association for the Prosecution of Felons and Misdemeanants [Part of DDX1942/1]
313-317 - Programme list of the entries for the different premiums and sweepstakes of the East Riding Agricultural Assocation's awards at Beverley, 27 Jul 1842 [Part of DDX1942/1]
318 - Sale notice of 'the switch and fog' of a close in Westwood, near to Mr Lowson's mill [Part of DDX1942/1]
319 - Notice of premiums intended to be given by Bridlington Agricultural Association at their agricultural show to be held on 11 Aug 1842 [Part of DDX1942/1]
320-321 - Auction notice for 45 shearing rams to be sold on 10 August 1842 at the premises of Mr W Simpson, Broadgate, Walkington [Part of DDX1942/1]
322 - Item missing
323 - Notice of Thomas Duffill, junior, brazier, tin plate, iron and zinc worker that he intends to carry on running his late brother's business above the premises in Donaldson's Square, North Bar Street Within [Part of DDX1942/1]
324-325 - Notice that G R Donkin and W Donkin, linen drapers, silk mercers, haberdashers, hosiers and glovers have moved to more spacious premises lately occupied by R Taylor, Market Place, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
326 - Auction notice of furniture from a genteel household, an assortment of glass and china and engravings to be sold on 22 August 1842 at 5, Charlotte Street, Hull [Part of DDX1942/1]
327 - Item missing
328 - Poster for a Fancy Fair at Hull Zoological Gardens to be held on 23 August and for the three following days [Part of DDX1942/1]
329 - Auction notice for household furniture to be sold on 24 August 1842 at the Grammar School, Keldgate, Beverley, part of the household of Rev Z S Warren, who is leaving Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
330 - Auction notice for furniture and goosefeather beds, piano, electrifying machine, two chimney glasses to be sold on 31 August 1842 at the premises of Mr F C Beauvais, deceased, Tollgavel, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
331-332 - Auction notice for corn and growing crops, part of the livestock of Mr Joseph Hopkinson, to be sold on 1 September 1842 at Billings Hill [Part of DDX1942/1]
333 - Advertising notice for F M'Neill [McNeill] and Co, providers of cheap roofing and improved patent asphalted felt and who will be available at Doncaster 2 to 4 August, 1842 [Part of DDX1942/1]
334 - Item missing
335 - Poster advertising T Dykes, late with Mr W West, analytical and manufacturing chemist and druggist, Leeds, and successor to the late F C Beauvais, dispensing chemist and druggist, tea dealer, Tollgavel, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
336 - Advertising notice for T Dykes, late with Mr W West, analytical and manufacturing chemist and druggist, Leeds and successor to the late F C Beauvais, dispensing chemist and druggist, tea dealer of Tollgavel, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
337 - Advertising leaflet for Thomas Dykes, late pupil of Mr William West, analytical and manufacturing chemist and druggist, Leeds, and successor to the late F C Beauvais, dispensing chemist and druggist, tea dealer of Tollgavel, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
338-339 - Poster for Beverley and East Riding Floral and Horticultural Society, exhibition of fruits, vegetables, plants and flowers to be held in the New Public Rooms, Beverley on 7 September [1842] [Part of DDX1942/1]
340-341 - Leaflet advertising Beverley and East Riding Floral and Horticultural Society, exhibition of fruits, vegetables, plants and flowers to be held in the New Public Rooms, Beverley on 7 September [1842] [Part of DDX1942/1]
342 - Item missing
343 - Poster advertising the Wesleyan Missionary bazaar held by the committee of the ladies who are selling useful and fancy articles in the new hall of the Mechanics' Institute, Register Square, Beverley on 7 and 8 September 1842 [Part of DDX1942/1]
344-346 - Leaflet advertising the Wesleyan Missionary bazaar held by the committee of the ladies who are selling useful and fancy articles in the new hall of the Mechanics' Institute, Register Square, Beverley on 7 and 8 September 1842 [Part of DDX1942/1]
347 - Leaflet advertising Henry Suddaby who has taken a room in Minster Moorgate for the instruction of youths of both sexes [Part of DDX1942/1]
348-350 - Leaflet advertising W S Wreghitt who has received his latest stock of autumn goods consisting of tartans, velvets, chene royals and chusans at North Bar Street, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
351 - Auction notice to grocers and others for stock in trade to be sold on 14 September 1842 on the premises of Mr Robert Jefferson, North Bar Within [Part of DDX1942/1]
352 - Leaflet advertising a subscription available at Mr Cade, watchmaker, Market Place, Beverley to take part in a distribution of £2,000 worth of cabinet furniture, scarfs, handkerchiefs, duscapes and plain satins manufactured by the distressed weavers of Spitalfields [Part of DDX1942/1]
353-354 - Poster advertising a subscription available at Mr Cade, watchmaker, Market Place, Beverley to take part in a distribution of £2,000 worth of cabinet furniture, scarfs, handkerchiefs, duscapes and plain satins manufactured by the distressed weavers of Spitalfields [Part of DDX1942/1]
355 - Poster advertising extensive bankrupt stock of drapery upwards of £2,200, late in the possession of Mr H Harwood, and now offered by G C Tuting on his new premises opposite the cross, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
356 - Leaflet advertising extensive bankrupt stock of drapery upwards of £2,200, late in the possession of Mr H Harwood, and now offered by G C Tuting on his new premises opposite the cross, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
357 - Item missing
358 - Leaflet advertising extensive bankrupt stock of drapery upwards of £2,200, late in the possession of Mr H Harwood, and now offered by G C Tuting on his new premises opposite the cross, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
359 - Notice advertising a £10 reward for information regarding the theft of a bay mare from a stable in the Old Hall Yard, Howden on 27 September 1842 [Part of DDX1942/1]
360 - Notice advertising three sermons to be preached by Mr W Malton and Mr J Stamp of Hull to commemorate the opening of the primitive methodist new connexion place of worship on 2 October 1842 [Part of DDX1942/1]
361 - Notice advertising Tapp and Agars sale of broad cloths, tweeds, cassimeres, moleskins, flannels at Hull cloth hall, 2 Whitefriargate [Part of DDX1942/1]
362 - Notice advertising H Hannath's new drapery establishment and its new extensive stock of drapery goods, Market Place, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
363 - Notice advertising lectures at Beverley and East Riding Mechanics' Institute New Hall, Register Square [Part of DDX1942/1]
364 - Poster advertising 'The Farmer's Magazine' and its highly finished engravings of prize animals, descriptions of new implements and machinery and the proceedings of the Royal Agricultural Society [Part of DDX1942/1]
365 - Notice advertising John Foster's drapery and its new stock of autumn and winter linen and woollen drapery, Market Place, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
366 - Notice advertising W Howell, linen draper, mercer, hosier and haberdasher, and his new stock of autumn and winter goods, North Bar Street, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
367-369 - Notice advertising Hutty and Key, linen and woollen drapers, Market Place, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
371 - Notice advertising John Allart's arrival from Holland with Francina Kroone, the greatest living wonder, at the Wilberforce Rooms, Hull [Part of DDX1942/1]
372 - Auction notice of live and dead stock, implements of husbandry to be sold on 26 October 1842 at Tickton [Part of DDX1942/1]
373 - Leaflet advertising N Austin, hat manufacturer and cloth dresser [Part of DDX1942/1]
374 - Leaflet advertising Dr Bushea, lecturer and teacher of practical phrenology, 283, Strand, London who has arrived in Beverley at Miss Ellis's Market Place, Beverley for two weeks [Part of DDX1942/1]
375-376 - Leaflet advertising Edward's breakfast powder, Mr Charles Kemp, North Bar Without (sole agent for Beverley) [Part of DDX1942/1]
Expand 377377
377-378 - Items missing
379 - Notice advertising G C Tuting and his extensive stock of winter goods in his woollen department, Market Place, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
380 - Notice advertising Thomas Watson, joiner, cabinet maker, who is selling off an assortment of household furniture [Part of DDX1942/1]
381-382 - Leaflet advertising Woodell and Co tobacco manufacturers, Tollgavel, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
383-384 - Notice advertising sermons to be preached at Wesleyan chapel, Walkergate, Beverley, commemorating its anniversary by Rev R Newton on 19 October 1842 and on 23 October by Rev J Cusworth [Part of DDX1942/1]
385 - Notice advertising J Marshall, who has entered upon the shop lately occupied by Mr H Harwood, has new stock of draper and hosiery which he intends to sell from 22 October 1842 [Part of DDX1942/1]
386 - Notice advertising a day school to be opened by W Grainger for the instruction of youth of both sexes at Waltham Lane, North Bar Within, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
387 - Notice advertising the grand exhibitions of dissolving views as displayed at the Argyle Rooms in London and to be displayed at the Mechanics' Institute, Beverley on 24 October 1842 [Part of DDX1942/1]
388-389 - Auction notice listing books from the library of gentleman from the country to take place at the Auction-Mart, Salthouse Lane, Hull on 31 October [Part of DDX1942/1]
390 - Notice for a ten shillings reward regarding the return of leather purse lost in the Sittings, near the Cross, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
391 - Notice for two lectures to be given by Mr Flavey at the Guildhall on the corn and provision laws on 11 and 15 November 1842 [Part of DDX1942/1]
392 - Poster advertising that 'The Hull Packet and East Riding Times', having changed hands is now seeking advertisers. Agents for Beverley include Mr Kemp, bookseller, Miss Gardham, Mr Johnson, bookseller, Mr Ramsden, bookseller, Mr Ellis, Post Office [Part of DDX1942/1]
393 - Poster for Ducrow's London National Establishment with his peerless and pre-eminent stud of horses, at Dock Green, Hull 16 November [Part of DDX1942/1]
394-395 - Notice advertising John Wilson junior, who has just received a stock of Parisian Beaver hats at his premises in the Market Place, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
396 - Item missing
397 - Notice advertising the performance of the Gifford family at the Mechanics' New Hall on 24 November 1842 [Part of DDX1942/1]
398 - Poster advertising the members of the Lockington Association for the Prosecution of Felons [Part of DDX1942/1]
399 - Notice of a list of persons sworn in as constables, South Holderness division [Part of DDX1942/1]
400 - Auction notice of a river sloop or vessel called 'The Marys of Knottingley', to be sold at the house of Mr Harrison, Fleece Inn, Beckside [Part of DDX1942/1]
401 - Leaflet advertising pigeon shooting to be held at the house of James Wilkinson, Buck Inn, Beckside on 28 November 1842 [Part of DDX1942/1]
402 - Notice advertising the Gifford family's performance at the Mechanics' New Hall, Beverley, to take place on 2 December 1842 which includes dramatic representations (and in aid of the building fund) [Part of DDX1942/1]
403-404 - Notice of James Hopper's daily coach 'The Beverlac' which will run from the Rose and Crown, Beverley to Hull, from 5 December 1842 to March 1843 [Part of DDX1942/1]
405 - Poster for a £50 reward regarding a stack of straw that was set alight at Mr Francis Johnson's at South Newbald [Part of DDX1942/1]
406 - Item missing
407 - Notice advertising the Gifford family's Grand Juvenile Night at the Mechanics' New Hall, Beverley on 8 December 1842 [Part of DDX1942/1]
408 - Leaflet advertising the Gifford family entertainment, Master Gifford's 'Rise and Progress of the Drama' monologue and Miss Rose Gifford who will perform 'A Day in Paris' on 12 December 1842 [Part of DDX1942/1]
409 - Item missing
410-411 - Leaflet of a lecture on American slavery given by Moses Roper, a former slave, who will deliver his address at the Guildhall, Beverley on 13 December 1842 [Part of DDX1942/1]
412-413 - Notice advertising the Gifford family entertainment, Miss Rose Gifford and her four sisters, Master George Gifford and his monologue on the early and latter days of Shakespeare [Part of DDX1942/1]
414 - Auction notice for household furniture to be sold on the premises of the late Mrs Elizabeth Squire, Tickton, on 15 December 1842 [Part of DDX1942/1]
415 - Advertising leaflet 'Growth of Wool', by Thomas Bigg which looks at sheep dipping composition with testimonies supporting the product [Part of DDX1942/1]
416 - Auction notice for household furniture to be sold at the Corn Exchange, Beverley, on 22 December 1842 [Part of DDX1942/1]
417 - Printed schedule of information extracted from Beverley Union quarterly abstract showing the number of paupers relieved, the amount of money spent and the balances due from the several parishes ending 24 December 1842 [Part of DDX1942/1]
418 - Printed schedule of information extracted from Skirlaugh Union quarterly abstract showing the number of paupers relieved, the amount of money spent and the balances due from the several parishes ending 25 December 1842 [Part of DDX1942/1]
419 - Leaflet advertising Hutty and Key, linen and woollen drapers, Market Place, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
420 - Booklet for Mechi's wooden cases, cutlery and other steel products [Part of DDX1942/1]
421 - Item missing
422 - Item missing
423 - Item missing
424 - Item missing
425 - Item missing
426 - Item missing
427 - Item missing
428 - Item missing
429 - Item missing
430 - Item missing
431 - Item missing
432 - Notice advertising 'Beauties of the Bosphorus' by Miss Pardoe, illustrated in a series of 'Views of Constantinople and its Environs' and 'Scenery of Ireland' by N P Willis [Part of DDX1942/1]
433 - Note that the commissioners of Keyingham Level Drainage did decree certain work on the depths of Humbleton Bridge Drain to the junction of the Brails Drain and Gallow Bridge Drain, East Newton Drain [Part of DDX1942/1]
434 - Notice for a concert and ball at the Assembly Rooms, Beverley, on 29 December 1842 [Part of DDX1942/1]
435 - Leaflet for G R and W Donkin, linen drapers, haberdashers, hosiers and glovers, Market Place, Beverley, advertising their winter goods [Part of DDX1942/1]
436 - Leaflet for Red Boot, Boot and Shoe Mart, 8 Lowgate, Hull, advertising free trade through peace with China and the great reduction in consequence of the new tariff [Part of DDX1942/1]
437 - Train timetable for journeys from Hull to London with fares for passengers, horses and carriages and other instructions [Part of DDX1942/1]
438 - Poster advertising Noble's Almanack for Hull, Yorkshire, Lincolnshire, northern and midland counties for 1843, by Mr Sollitt, published by Joseph Noble, 23 Market Place, Hull [Part of DDX1942/1]
439 - Leaflet advertising Noble's Almanack for Hull, Yorkshire, Lincolnshire, northern and midland counties for 1843, by Mr Sollitt, published by Joseph Noble, 23 Market Place, Hull [Part of DDX1942/1]
440 - Notice advertising rewards to those who provide information leading to the prosecution of felons who have committed burglaries, issued by the Brandesburton Association for the Prosecution of Felons, includes members' names and places of abode [Part of DDX1942/1]
441 - Notice for William Fussey, saddler, North Bar Street, Beverley, who has resigned his business in favour of Robert Smithson [Part of DDX1942/1]
442-443 - Rules and regulations of the East Riding cricket club at a meeting held at Beverley on 3 January 1843, includes a list of members, printed [Part of DDX1942/1]
444-447 - Pamphlet of premiums intended to be given at the agricultural exhibition of stock and implements held at Beverley on 26 July 1843 and published by the East Riding Agricultural Association [Part of DDX1942/1]
448 - Notice for lectures and essays to be held at the New Hall, Register Square in January, by W Gordon on the effects of hunger and thirst upon the human constitution, another speaker on the improvement of leisuretime and Rev E Higginson of Hull on the utility of friendly or benefit societies all to be held at the Beverley and East Riding Mechanics' Institute [Part of DDX1942/1]
449-450 - Notice for Mr Alfred Greville (from London) illustrative vocal entertainment at the Mechanics' Hall, Beverley on 11 January 1843 [Part of DDX1942/1]
451 - Auction notice for a furniture exchange at the Exchange, Market Place, Beverley on 16 January 1843, items previously removed from the premises of Mr George Jennison [Part of DDX1942/1]
452 - Notice for a tea party and ball at the Roos Arms, Roos, on 25 January, 1843 [Part of DDX1942/1]
453 - Notice advertising Red House, tea and provision mart, Lady-Gate, opposite the Globe Inn, Beverley, to be opened by Charles Crook from Hull [Part of DDX1942/1]
454-455 - Notice advertising Red House, tea and provision mart, Lady-Gate, opposite the Globe Inn, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
456 - Item missing
457 - Notice advertising Red House, tea and provision mart, Lady-Gate, opposite the Globe Inn, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
458-459 - Notice advertising Red House, tea and provision mart, Lady-Gate, opposite the Globe Inn, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
460 - Poster advertising Red House, tea and provision mart, Lady-Gate, opposite the Globe Inn, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
461-462 - Leaflet advertising genuine arrow root, with instructions about its health-giving properties and directions for use [Part of DDX1942/1]
463 - Notice advertising Mr Kendrew, teas and coffees, 5 Kingston Street, Hull, with further information regarding their teas and coffees [Part of DDX1942/1]
464 - Notice for Thomas Watson's new furniture warehouse, Wednesday Market, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
465 - Notice advertising the Christian Temperance and port of Hull Mariners' Magazine for the Promotion of Evangelical Religion and the Principles of True Temperance, printed by Jabez Eden, Market Place, Hull [Part of DDX1942/1]
466 - Auction notice for farming stock to be sold on 3 Febuary 1843 at Burton Agnes together with household furniture of Mr William Atkinson [Part of DDX1942/1]
467 - Notice advertising reduced fares between Derby and the North and London on the Birmingham and Derby railway [Part of DDX1942/1]
468-469 - Notice advertising May and Loftus cheap paper hangings, upholsterers, near the Corn Exchange, Market Place, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
470 - Notice advertising Parker and Co, hats, corner of North Bar Street and Market Place [Part of DDX1942/1]
471 - Notice advertising J W Davis, dyer and calico glazer, 20 George Street, Hull [Part of DDX1942/1]
472 - Notice advertising a musical lecture to be given by Mr Fraser of Edinburgh on 7 February 1843 in the hall of the Beverley and East Riding Mechanics' Institute, including duets by the Misses Fraser [Part of DDX1942/1]
473 - Leaflet advertising the Temperance Hotel, Ropergate, Pontefract, run by E Dyson [Part of DDX1942/1]
474 - Notice advertising a musical lecture to be given by Mr Fraser of Edinburgh on 14 and 16 February 1843 in the hall of the Beverley and East Riding Mechanics' Institute, including duets by the Misses Fraser [Part of DDX1942/1]
475 - Notice advertising Baxter's oil-coloured portraits of the missionaries [Part of DDX1942/1]
476-479 - Notice for Luke Robinson, woollen and linen draper, silk mercer, hosier and glover, advertising a large stock of cloths and broad cloths [Part of DDX1942/1]
480 - Item missing
481 - Auction notice for farming stock to be sold on 9 March 1843 at Mr W Simpson's, Broadgate, Walkington [Part of DDX1942/1]
482 - Notice advertising lectures and essays to take place at the New Hall, Register Square in March on astronomy (illustrated by a large transparent orrery) by Mr Sollitt of Hull, oil painting by Mr Murphy of Hull and the advantages arising from improvements in mechanism and manufacturers by a member of the institute [Part of DDX1942/1]
483 - Printed letter advertising 'The Nonconformist' newspaper established to advocate the principles of civil and religious liberty [Part of DDX1942/1]
484 - Notice advertising Cuff's Farmer's Friend, Cuff's Foot-Rot Powders and other Cuff's products to cure the scour or looseness in lambs, sheep, calves, cows and all cattle [Part of DDX1942/1]
485 - Notice advertising T Dykes, horse and cattle medicines (successor to the late F C Beauvais), Toll Gavel, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
486-487 - Notice advertising G C Tuting, draper, Market Place, Beverley, and his extensive stock of bankrupt goods [Part of DDX1942/1]
488 - Notice for T Barker who is auctioning choice engravings and etchings in the shop of Mr Malby, tailor, Toll-Gavel on 18 March 1843 [Part of DDX1942/1]
489 - Notice of a lecture on the 'Sin of War' to be given by George Pilkington (late captain of the corps of Royal Engineers) and its inconsistency with the teachings of the gospel at the Friends' Meeting House, Wood Lane, Beverley on 27 March 1843 [Part of DDX1942/1]
490 - Notice advertising W Clifton, woollen-draper, silk mercer and his stock of woollen cloths and superfine broad cloths, Market Place, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
491 - Item missing
492-493 - Notice advertising H Hannath's new drapery goods for the Spring trade, Market Place, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
494 - Poster for J A Sanwidge, paper hangings, North Bar Without, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
495 - Printed letter advertising W S Wreghitt, draper, and his French and British dress fashions [Part of DDX1942/1]
496 - Notice advertising a vocal and instrumental concert at the Mechanics' Institute, Beverley, on 6 April, principal performers Miss Saunders, Mr and Mrs Giles, Mr Sigmont, Mr Coverdale and Mr Leng [Part of DDX1942/1]
497-499 - Poster advertising G C Tuting, drapers, Market Place, Beverley, who wishes to direct the public's attention to his straw and fancy department [Part of DDX1942/1]
500-501 - Notice for H Harwood, draper, who will open a shop lately occupied by Mr H Watson, North Bar Street Within, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
502 - Envelope addressed to Gillyatt Sumner [Part of DDX1942/1]
503-506 - Material relating to the Imperial Austrian State Loan [Part of DDX1942/1]
507 - Poster for lectures and meetings to be held in the large room, Turner's Yard, Lairgate, on 11 April 1843, a Public Temperance Meeting, a lecture to be given on 13 April by the Rev W Ayre, a public temperance meeting on 14 April, chaired by E Thompson and a lecture by Mr J Teare on 15 April [Part of DDX1942/1]
508-509 - Auction notice of forty prime fat beasts to be sold at the Rose and Crown Inn, Beverley on 19 April 1843 [Part of DDX1942/1]
510 - Notice advertising a vocal and instrumental concert at the Mechanics' Institute, Beverley on 13 April 1843, principal performers Miss Saunders, Mr and Mrs Giles, Mr Sigmont, Mr Coverdale and Mr Leng [Part of DDX1942/1]
511 - Poster for services connected with the anniversary of the Beverley Wesleyan Missionary Society on 20 April with Rev J Everett of York at Walker Gate chapel, on 23 April with Rev R Thompson of Hull at Walker Gate chapel, and a public meeting at the same chapel on 27 April 1843 [Part of DDX1942/1]
512 - Railway ticket for the Hull and Selby railway, second class [Part of DDX1942/1]
513 - Auction notice for fifty fat beasts to be sold on 19 April, 1843 at Cold Arbour, Bishop Burton, the property of Thomas Almack [Part of DDX1942/1]
514 - Poster for sermons to be given on the occasion of the first anniversary of the Albion chapel on 23 April 1843 by Rev Newman Hall and Rev James Sherman and on 24 April 1843 by Rev James Parsons of York and Rev James Sherman and a public tea meeting on 25 April 1843 [Part of DDX1942/1]
515 - Auction notice for groceries to be sold on the premises of Mr William Wood, grocer, Market Place on 24 April 1843 [Part of DDX1942/1]
516 - Auction poster of furniture to be held on the premises of Mr Legard together with live and dead farming stock at the George Inn, Caistor, Lincolnshire on 9, 10 and 12 May 1843 [Part of DDX1942/1]
517 - Fifty-fourth annual report of the Amicable and Friendly Society at Etton from 1 May 1842 to 1 May 1843 [Part of DDX1942/1]
518 - Auction notice of 44 lots of ash poles to be sold at Weelsby, field adjoining Clee Field, Brocklesby Park on 18 May 1843 [Part of DDX1942/1]
519 - Poster advertising a sale of woollen cloths, kersey, kerseymeres, fancy trouserings, fustians, velvets, satins, blankets of bankrupt stock purchased from the assignees of William Moss by Ullathorne and Davis who will sell them from 3 May at their own establishment [Part of DDX1942/1]
520 - Auction notice of livestock, farming implements, genteel household furniture to be sold on the farm of Mr Hall, Weel, on 3 May 1843 [Part of DDX1942/1]
521 - Notice advertising T Kirk, tailor and clothes cleaner, Dog and Duck Lane, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
522 - Poster advertising Mr Michael Algernon Sydney and the Sydney family performing various recitals on 4 May 1843 at the Mechanics' Hall, Beverley, including 'An illustration of Patience', 'The Horrors of Jealousy', 'Presumption rectified' [Part of DDX1942/1]
523 - Printed letter advertising S Southwick, tailor and draper, Wednesday Market, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
524 - Notice advertising Mr Clarke's grand automaton exhibition to be held at the Fleece Inn, including 100 wonderful performing figures, an animated skeleton, the polander, tight-rope dancer, Ramo Samee, the East Indian juggler, a lady changing into a balloon and a Joe Grimaldi clown [Part of DDX1942/1]
525 - Leaflet advertising G R and W Donkin, drapers and silk mercers, Market Place, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
526 - Notice for Edward Shaw, woollen cloth manufacturer at the new woollen cloth emporium, Toll Gavel, Beverley, who has taken the shop lately occupied by Messrs Plaxton and Robinson which he will open on 12 May 1843 [Part of DDX1942/1]
527 - Notice advertising D Morley, King's Head Inn, Market Place, Beverley, cheap accommodation and an omnibus, starting on 29 May offering journeys along the road including the Black Swan, Mytongate and daily coach carrying the mail bags to travel to the Spread Eagle, Market Place, Hull and returning in the evening, an omnibus to Hornsea two days a week [Part of DDX1942/1]
528 - Leaflet advertising Samuel Brown's general furnishing warehouse, 25 Whitefriargate, Hull [Part of DDX1942/1]
529 - Notice advertising R Watson, joiner, cabinetmaker, undertaker, Lady Gate, Beverley, and informing the public that he will carry on the business despite his brother, Henry Watson having left the business [Part of DDX1942/1]
530 - Notice advertising H Harwood's linen drapery and silk mercery and millinery and the summer fashions at North Bar Within, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
531 - Poster advertising premiums intended to be given at the agricultural show held by Burlington Agricultural Show on 19 Jul 1843 [Part of DDX1942/1]
532 - Poster advertising Tourniaires' entertainment at arena Dock Green [Hull] on 27 May 1843 including equestrian tableau, Italian bandit, Mademoiselle Lousie's Pas Gracieux, games of Indians, Don Quichotte and Sancho Pancha and fireworks [Part of DDX1942/1]
533 - Poster advertising Mr Mackintosh (late lecturer on geology before the Literary and Philosophical Society of Hull) who will deliver a lecture on mesmerism at the Great Assembly Room on 30 May [1843] and invites members of the audience to experience mesmerism [Part of DDX1942/1]
534 - Notice advertising Patrington Haven tolls to be let at the Hildyard Arms, Patrington, on 6 July 1843, by order of James Iveson, clerk to the trustees [Part of DDX1942/1]
535 - Notice for a reward of £3 for information concerning the killing of a gimmer hog sheep in a field near Westwood Gate, Walkington, in the occupation of Mr George Sheffield [Part of DDX1942/1]
536 - Poster advertising Tourniaire's attractions at Hull Zoological Gardens, splendid rural equestrian fetes, colossal pictorial typorama Rome from the Tiber, fabric of St Peter's being illuminated, Monsieur Tourniaire's company of Olympians, horses and many other entertainments, the astonishing and sagacious elephant of the gardens and procession of the camel, llamas, buffalo on 8 and 9 of June, 1843 [Part of DDX1942/1]
537 - Notice advertising a camp meeting at Beverley Westwood on 11 June 1843 on behalf of the Primitive Methodist New Connexion where Messrs Buck, Malton, Newton, Acum and Leaf, from Hull are expected to attend, followed by a public tea meeting on 12 June 1843 [Part of DDX1942/1]
538 - Poster advertising a sermon to be given by Rev W F Hook (vicar of leeds, chaplain in ordinary to the Queen) on 21 June 1843 at St Mary's church, Beverley, on behalf of the Incorporated Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts. Also an annual meeting of the district society for the East Riding to be be held at the Public Rooms with the Venerable Archdeacon Wilberforce in the chair [Part of DDX1942/1]
539 - Notice advising that Beverley and Skidby Drainage are seeking proposals to bottom scour the main drain and that they should be submitted by 29 June 1843 and that they should attend the house of Mr Jonathan Broadbent at Dunswell, by order J Myers, clerk to the trustees [Part of DDX1942/1]
540 - Poster advertising Ducrow's unrivalled stud of horses and fairy ponies under the management of Signor Hillier at Hull Zoological Gardens on 26 June 1843, also includes many entertainments, an Old English Pageant of a Summer's Morn of 1665, Master Andrew Ducrow in The Recruiting party of 1747, gymnastic artistes, tightrope dancers, Mr Moseley and The Indian of the Wilds, pony races, Mr Cotterell and Sons as The Contortions of Hong Kong or Polandri [Part of DDX1942/1]
541 - Notice advertising S Hyam's, tailor and outfitter, 9 Briggate, Leeds, giving details of the stock available and includes a poem advertising his business [Part of DDX1942/1]
542 - Original stanzas on odd fellowship, written on witnessing the anniversary of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows of the Manchester Unity, held at host Morley's, King's Head Inn, Beverley on 26 June 1843 [Part of DDX1942/1]
543 - Handwritten note regarding profits and rent [Part of DDX1942/1]
544-545 - Poster advertising a dinner at the King's Arms Inn for members at the annual exhibition of stock and implements of the East Riding Agricultural Association, together with three silver cups, two pieces of plate and silver medals will be judged [Part of DDX1942/1]
546-547 - Notes advertising writing, shorthand or arithmetic lessons for the working class to be given by Mr and Mrs Buck in rooms at 38 Corn Exchange, top of Briggate, Leeds [Part of DDX1942/1]
548 - Notice advertising a ball on the fair day evening at Mr Straker's large room, Hall Garth Inn. where an excellent Quadrille band will be in attendance [Part of DDX1942/1]
549 - Auction notice for a sale of furniture, furnishings china, cut glass, library of books and other effects of E M Whyte to be held on 12 to 14 July 1843 at Hotham House, North Cave, and available to view on 10 and 11 July 1843 [Part of DDX1942/1]
550 - Notice for three anniversary sermons to be given at the Primitive Methodist chapel, Wednesday Market on 16 July 1843 by Mr W Sanderson from Hull, Mr R Trushell from London and a stranger, followed by a public tea meeting on 17 July 1843 [Part of DDX1942/1]
551 - Notice for Edward Shaw's woollen cloth emporium, Toll Gavel, near the Post Office, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
552 - Notice for a course of six lectures from 20th July to 28 July on a portion of the United States of America and the Canadas to be given by F S Calvert, professor of rhetoric, King's College, Aberdeen, being the digest of observations made on the spot during a recent tour [Part of DDX1942/1]
553 - Notice for Mr Bullen's company to perform on 20 July 1843 at the New Theatre, Mechanics' Hall, Register Square, Beverley, including Clari the maid of Milan, singing and dancing by Miss R Bullen, a drama 'The Hunter of the Alps' and the 'Irish Tutor, or new lights' [Part of DDX1942/1]
554 - Poster for Hull and Selby Railway, Yorkshire Agricultural meeting at Doncaster on 1 to 3 August 1843, listing train times [Part of DDX1942/1]
555 - Notice advertising F M Neill and Co improved patent asphalted felt, includes testimonials on the reverse [Part of DDX1942/1]
556 - Notice for performances from Mr Bullen's troupe at the Mechanics' Hall, Register Square, Beverley on 24 July 1843 which will include 'Lady of Lyons, or Love and Pride', 'Seven Ages of Man', 'Robert Macaire; or the Two Murderers' [Part of DDX1942/1]
557 - Notice for performances from Mr Bullen's troupe at the Mechanics' Hall, Register Square, Beverley on 26 July 1843 which will include 'Othello, the moor of Venice', 'Charles the twelfth; or the seige of Stralsand' [Part of DDX1942/1]
558-560 - Poster for a list of sweepstakes and premiums for the East Riding Agricultural Association to be awarded at Beverley on 26 July 1843 [Part of DDX1942/1]
561 - Fragment of a poster of performances at the Mechanics' Hall, Register Square, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
562 - Envelope addressed to Gillyat Sumner, Woodmansey [Part of DDX1942/1]
563-566 - Printed letter advertising a grand prize and premium drawing from Peter Joseph Schneider, Frankfort on the Main, printed description of the scheme and lists of prizes [Part of DDX1942/1]
567 - Notice advertising dramatic performances to be given on 12 Aug 1843 at the Mechanics' Hall, Register Square, Beverley, to include 'Warlock of the Glen, or the fisherman of Glencairn', 'Fox and the wolf; or, woman's wit', 'Blue Beard, or female curiosity' [Part of DDX1942/1]
568 - Notice advertising dramatic performances to be given on 14 August 1843 at the Mechanics' Hall, Register Square, Beverley and to include 'Romeo and Juliet', 'Tom Thumb or, the court of King Arthur', 'Floating Beacon; or the Norwegian wreckers' [Part of DDX1942/1]
569 - Notice advertising Bendigo, the boxing champion of England, who has won fights against Langan, Brassey, Looney, Caunt and Deaf Burke, who will have a set-to with his pupil Tommy Smith, the 'chequer' lad at Drypool Feast on 15th and 16th August, assisted by the Hull and Leeds Fancy and the Bristol Youth [Part of DDX1942/1]
570 - Notice advertising performances for the benefit of Miss Goodwin to be given on 16 August 1843 at the Mechanics' Institute, Register Square, Beverley, to include 'Dream at Sea or the bride of the tomb', 'Man about Beverley', Sleeping draught; or love, law and laudanum' [Part of DDX1942/1]
571-572 - Leaflet advertising Henry Harwood, linen draper, silk mercer, North Bar Street, Beverley, who is selling off his stock of summer goods [Part of DDX1942/1]
573-574 - Poster requesting tenders from contractors relating to the piling of the banks of the Foredyke stream, near Paper-Mill Bridge, and near Leeds Bridge, in the township of Sutton [Part of DDX1942/1]
575 - Poster requesting tenders from contractors relating to the rebuilding of Linley-Hill Bridge in the parish of Leven [Part of DDX1942/1]
576 - Notice advertising the sale of a field of excellent hay to be sold by private contract on 25th August 1843, at Billings Hill. If it is unsold it will be offered by auction at Beverley the following day [Part of DDX1942/1]
577 - Poster advertising three sermons to be given on 27 August 1843 by Rev F Islop and Mr J Welch at Lair Gate Chapel, the Baptist Chapel and the Wesleyan Chapel, Walkergate to celebrate the Beverley annivesary of the Port of Hull Society for the Religious Instruction of sailors and rivermen, followed by a public meeting on 28 August at the Town Hall [Part of DDX1942/1]
578-579 - Leaflet recording the history and purpose of the Port of Hull Society for the Religious Instruction of Seamen [Part of DDX1942/1]
580-581 - Notice advertising G F Maskell, linen drapery (lately occupied by Mr J Marshall), North Bar Street which will open on 11 September 1843 with a new stock of linen [Part of DDX1942/1]
582-583 - Notice advertising contracts for provisions to the Guardians of Beverley Union [Part of DDX1942/1]
584 - Notice advertising H Lowe's National Boot and shoe Bazaar, 36 Lowgate, Hull which includes a price list [Part of DDX1942/1]
585 - Notice regarding the Sunday evening delivery of letters in Hull written by 'A lover of civil and religious liberty' [Part of DDX1942/1]
586 - Auction notice for the remaining household furniture of Mr Henry Watson, cabinet maker and joiner to be sold on 18 September 1843 at the warehouse, North Bar Within [Part of DDX1942/1]
587 - Poster addressed to the 'Electors of Hull' complaining about the Water Committee of the Corporation's decision to cut off the supply from Spring Head and the quality of water from the River Hull [Part of DDX1942/1]
588-590 - Poster listing the catalogue of old books on sale at the shop of J Kemp, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
591 - Printed letter from Mr Mark Spencer, land surveyor and valuer, advertising his services to the nobility and gentry of Beverley and the East Riding of the County of York and that he has moved from Minster Moorgate to Walker Gate [Part of DDX1942/1]
592 - Notice for a sale of wood to be sold by private contract on 30 September 1843 in the Three Tuns Inn Yard, Patrington [Part of DDX1942/1]
593 - Auction notice of stock in trade and household furniture of Mr Joseph Richardson, grocer and draper, to be sold on 4 Oct 1843 at Ottringham [Part of DDX1942/1]
594 - Notice for Edward Harrison, whitesmith, locksmith, bellhanger, Toll Gavel, Beverley, informing that he has commenced business in the workshop recently occupied by William Loft [Part of DDX1942/1]
595 - Notice advertising M Lockwood and Son, hatters, Market Place, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
596 - Item missing
597 - Leaflet advertising Plummer and Co, new and cheap drapery establishment, No 3, Briggate, Leeds [Part of DDX1942/1]
598 - Leaflet advertising H Collinson, hair cutter, perfumer and tobacconist of 13 and 14 Castle Street, Hull [Part of DDX1942/1]
599 - Notice advertising T Collison, woollen and linen draper, silk-mercer, hosier, Market Place, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
600 - Notice advertising William Flint, butcher who has taken the shop lately in the occupation of Mr Robinson, North Bar Street Within and intends to open his shop on 12 October [Part of DDX1942/1]
601 - Notice advertising Henry Hannath's linen and woollen drapery, new stock for the autumn and winter seasons, Market Place, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
602 - Notice advertising a sermon at Beverley Minster on 15 October 1843 by Rev W Knight on behalf of the Public Dispensary for the Sick Poor [Part of DDX1942/1]
603 - Notice advertising a sermon by Rev J Pottinger of Bradford and a public meeting to be held on 8 October 1843 at the Baptist Chapel, Well Lane, Beverley and sermon at Bishop Burton on 8 October 1843 on behalf of the Baptist Missions [Part of DDX1942/1]
604 - Poster advertising Wombwell's Royal Menagerie, under patronage of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert, which includes four elephants, rhinoceros, lions and lionesses, giraffe or cameleopard, a pair of alpacas, Mexican panther, the gnu, beautiful zebras, the nyl-ghau, the simia marmonts, black and brown bears, long-nosed anteater, the ichneumon or man preserver, African porcupines, pelicans, gnu, ostrich or emu, the great condor, serpents from Java [Part of DDX1942/1]
605 - Item missing
606 - Poster advertising J Cokayne's the Canadian giantesses, twin sisters aged 26 who stand nearly seven feet high, the fair circassians who are the fairest women in the world and a white negro man [Part of DDX1942/1]
607-608 - Notice of a public meeting to be held on 18 October 1843 at Lair Gate Chapel when addresses will be given by Rev Thomas Stratten of Hull, Rev J C Brown of Beverley, the Rev J Evison of Swanland, Rev J Morley of Hull, Rev James Bruce of Howden, Rev James Sibree and Rev Newman Hall of Hull [Part of DDX1942/1]
609 - Notice advertising Henry Harwood, linen draper, silk mercer, North Bar Street, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
610 - Notice advertising a lost ewe sheep, strayed or conveyed from a field adjoining Winestead Bar on 14th or 15th October 1843, belonging to John Wing of Patrington [Part of DDX1942/1]
611-612 - Notice for sermons on behalf of the British Mission of the Congregational Churches of England and Wales to be given by Rev J C Brown on the next Sabbath [Part of DDX1942/1]
613 - Label used to seal a ream of paper and a label, 'Superfine Satin Post, John Dewdney of Heale Mill' [Part of DDX1942/1]
614 - Notice advertising G F Maskell, cheap drapery establishment, North Bar Street [Part of DDX1942/1]
615 - Poster advertising Price and North's British and American circus including unequalled equestrians and highly trained stud of American horses who will perform in Beverley on 1 November 1843 on the agricultural show ground, also includes a procession of twenty-five caparisoned horses [Part of DDX1942/1]
616-617 - Poster advertising free passages to Sydney, direct to sail from Gravesend on 1 November 1843 on the ship 'William Metcalfe', for Port Sydney on the ship 'Royal Consort' on 16 November and for Sydney on the ship 'Elizabeth' on 1 December for shepherds, agricultural labourers, mechanics, female domestics and farm servants to apply to William Stephenson, Australian Emigration Agent, 51 Lowgate, Hull [Part of DDX1942/1]
618 - Notice for a social tea meeting to be held on 1 November with a sermon at Walker Gate Chapel to be given by Rev J Stephenson of Grimsby on behalf of Beverley Wesleyan Missionary Society, also with Rev R Johnston (Baptist), Rev M Brown (Independent), Rev S Rowe, Rev T M Fitzgerald, Messrs Welch and Field of Hull [Part of DDX1942/1]
619 - Poster advertising that Charles Tigar having purchased the stock of Mr J Tigar is now selling if off 50 per cent from the original cost of hats and furs, ladies shoes [Part of DDX1942/1]
620 - Printed letter from Charles Tigar advertising that having purchased the stock of Mr J Tigar is now selling if off 30 to 50 per cent from the original cost of hats and furs, ladies shoes [Part of DDX1942/1]
621 - Auction notice for a sale of furniture together with the remaining stock of Mr Henry Watson, cabinet maker, to be sold on 2 and 3 November 1843 at the Auction Mart, Waltham Lane, North Bar Within [Part of DDX1942/1]
622-628 - Notice for C Tigar hats, furs, umbrellas, gloves and hosiery at half price and gentlemen's coats [Part of DDX1942/1]
629-630 - 'Burlington Reporter and Burlington-Quay, Driffield, Kilham, and Hunmanby Advertiser', newspaper, no 4 vol II [Part of DDX1942/1]
631 - Notice for an address by Rev W Proctor of Bishop Burton on 20 November, and a lecture by B Jacobs of Hull on the probable forms of musical instruments named in scripture with some remarks on Hebrew music to be held on 27 November at Beverley and East Riding Mechanics' Institute [Part of DDX1942/1]
632 - Notice for a public meeting to be held on 24 November 1843 at the Town Hall where Rev J Pride will deliver a full statement of the home and foreign operations of the parent society of the Beverley Auxiliary Religious Tract Society [Part of DDX1942/1]
633 - Poster Advertising W G Stather and Son letter-press printers, North Bar Within, Beverley [part of DDX1942/1]
634 - Notice of a public apology issued by William Rippon, former bellringer of Beverley Minster and Thomas Lister who apologises for the grossly false and defamatory reports against the character and reputation of the Reverend Abel John Ram, the incumbent of Beverley Minster who is threatening them both with legal action [Part of DDX1942/1]
635 - Notice advertising two lectures explaining the types of sensitive paper used in photography, or drawing by the agency of light, by A M Farlane, and interested parties are to leave their names at Mr Kemp's, bookseller [Part of DDX1942/1]
636-637 - Notice of a reward of ten guineas to those who provide information relating to four geese, five turkeys and four ducks that were stolen from Mr Forge's farm, Molescroft Grange, on behalf of Beverley Guardian Society for the Prosecution of Felons and Protection of Trade [Part of DDX1942/1]
638 - Schedule showing the number of paupers relieved, money spent and the parish's balance within Patrington Union for the quarter ending 23 December 1843 [Part of DDX1942/1]
639 - Notice of a one pound reward for information relating to a poulty robbery around 25 December 1843 from Mr R Walker's Cottages, Victoria Works, near Westwood Gate and occupied by Charles Lazenby [Part of DDX1942/1]
640 - Notice advertising Fox's Spirit Vaults, 63 Whitefriargate, Hull, includes a poem
641 - Item missing
642 - Notice advertising an experimental lecture on Phreno Mesmerism to be given by Mr Adair of the Sheffield Phrenological Society at the Hall of the Mechanics' Institute, Register Square, Beverley on 28 December 1843 [Part of DDX1942/1]
643 - Fragment of a poster
644 - Fragment of a poster
645 - Partial poster advertising talks by Joseph Sturge of Hull, light gold, alleged horse stealing and Dr Gordon's lecture on botany and Dr Horner on the mind and body [Part of DDX1942/1]
646-647 - Notice advertising a plowing [ploughing] match to take place on 29 December 1843 in a field on the farm of Mr Sherwood at Riseholme and organised by the Patrington Agricultural Society [Part of DDX1942/1]
648 - Notice of a £5 reward for information relating to a hen turkey, a quantity of fowls and 200 pigeons stolen from the premises of Mr J Almack's farm, Molescroft Hill [Part of DDX1942/1]
649 - Notice listing all the carriers attending Beverley Market which includes places they carry to, their names, inns they put up at and the places their carts stand [Part of DDX1942/1]
650 - Poster advertising premiums intended to be given at the agricultural exhibition of stock and implements to be held at Beverley on 31 July 1844 [Part of DDX1942/1]
651 - Notice for eight guineas reward for information relating to a wether sheep stolen from a field in the parish of Cranswick, the property of Mr W Moor of Burn Butts [Part of DDX1942/1]
652 - Notice for a £5 reward for information leading to the conviction of the person who stole silver plate from a house in Norwood, occupied by Mr William Dickins [Part of DDX1942/1]
653 - Notice for a £2 reward for information relating to a stolen door frame and ceiling boards taken from the Green Dragon yard, Market Place, Beverley, on behalf of Beverley Guardian Society for the Prosecution of Felons and Protection of Trade [Part of DDX1942/1]
654 - Item missing
655 - Leaflet declaring that special sessions will be held at Patrington on 10 February 1844 for hearing appeals against poor rate made within the said division
656-658 - Notice for a sermon to be given by Mr J Roantree from Market Weighton to mark the reopening of the Wesleyan Chapel, Beckside
659 - Poster for a ploughing match to take place on 17 February 1844 on seeds at South Dalton and Holme Wolds in the occupation of Mr Riley and Mr Suddaby [Part of DDX1942/1]
660 - Notice for a sermon to be preached by Rev W Procter, vicar of Bishop Burton to take place at St Mary's church on behalf of the Beverley Public Dispensary [Part of DDX1942/1]
661-662 - Advertisement for the Imperial Family Bible containing the Old and New Testaments with engravings by John Martin and published by Blackie and Son, Glasgow [Part of DDX1942/1]
663-664 - Poster advertising the 'Eastern Counties Herald', newspaper for 1 Feb 1844 which contains reports on the Lincolnshire Anti-League meetings, Irish State trials, Cobden and Bright in Hull, Hull New Dock Bill and the Hull Charity ball [Part of DDX1942/1]
665-668 - Printed declaration from the justices of the peace to the overseers of the poor of the township within the division of Holderness summoning the recipient to a meeting to decide who is to fill the position of constable [Part of DDX1942/1]
669 - Blank table showing the return of the overseers of the poor of South Division of Holderness and the return of men willing to serve in office as constable [Part of DDX1942/1]
670 - Auction notice for sale of household furniture to be sold on 15 February 1844 on the premises of the late Mr Pallister [Part of DDX1942/1]
671 - Notice advertising Brigham's sheep ointment and water, North Bar Street, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
672 - General statement of the income and expenditure of the Wyton and Flinton Turnpike Trust [Part of DDX1942/1]
673 - Leaflet advertising John Greenbury, auctioneer, appraiser, Market Place, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
674 - Notice to constable of South Division Holderness to inform every overseer of the poor to draw up a list of ten persons to be overseers of the poor for the following year and to present it to the justices of the peace [Part of DDX1942/1]
675 - Blank form to the surveyors of the highways of various townships within South Holderness division asking for returns to be completed and names to be submitted for the position of surveyor for the following year [Part of DDX1942/1]
676 - Auction notice for four and a half acres of fallow wheat, growing in a field adjoining the Sheep Walk Lane, now or lately in the occupation of Mrs Coy to be sold on 28 Feb 1844 at the house of Thomas Cockerline at the Wheat Sheaf Inn, Welwick [Part of DDX1942/1]
677 - Printed letter addressed to Gillyatt Sumner from W B Johnson, bookbinder, Market Place, Beverley, advertising that he has taken on his father's printing offices and is promoting his business
678 - Printed letter advertising John Amery, linen and woollen drapery, Market Place, Beverley
679 - Leaflet declaring the overseers of the poor should make up and perfect their accounts in writing and present them to the justices at the Hildyard Arms, Patrington on 4 April 1844
680 - Notice of a ploughing match to be held on 4 March 1844 at South Dalton and Holme Wolds which includes the judges names, the competitors and their residence, premium and award and a description of the plough and the maker's name
681 - Notice advertising that John Amery, linen and woollen drapery, has taken the premises lately occupied by William Wood and will have stock ready for inspection on 9 March 1844
682 - Notice advertising Patrington steeple chase to be held on 13 March 1844
683 - Rules and regulations for the Burton Constable band
684-686 - Notice advertising Burton Constable theatre production, 'Charles the XII of Sweden', which includes family members in the cast
687 - Notice advertising Burton Constable theatre production, 'Popping the Question', which includes family members in the cast
688 - Notice advertising W Braimbridge, boot and shoe maker, North Bar Street Within, Beverley
689-690 - Leaflets advertising W Braimbridge, boot and shoe maker, North Bar Within, Beverley
691 - Schedule relating to the election of guardians of the poor for Patrington Union, which includes a list of nominees, residence, profession
692 - Printed schedule of information extracted from Patrington Union quarterly abstract showing the number of paupers relieved, the amount of money spent and the balances due from the several parishes ending 23 March 1844 [Part of DDX1942/1]
693 - Auction notice for the sale of books, music, prints and household furniture to be sold on 26 March 1844 at the Corn Exchange, Beverley, also on sale by private contract, a freehold house and garden [Part of DDX1942/1]
694-695 - Auction notice for household furniture, the property of Richard Page, to be sold on 27 March 1844 at Walkington [Part of DDX1942/1]
696 - Poster advertising W S Wreghitt, spring fashions, North Bar Street [Part of DDX1942/1]
697 - Leaflet advertising Jane Clarkson, milliner and dress maker, Preston, East Riding of Yorkshire [Part of DDX1942/1]
698 - Auction notice for livestock and farming implements to be sold on 30 Mar 1844 on the premises of Mr John Thirsk, Patrington [Part of DDX1942/1]
699 - Notice advertising that the stud 'Young Emperor', the property of William Parkes of Keyingham, will service mares this season [Part of DDX1942/1]
700 - Notice informing that the stud 'Young Robin Hood', the property of William Carrick of Ellerby, will service mares this season [Part of DDX1942/1]
701 - Auction notice for furniture and beds to be sold on 1 April 1844 on the premises late in the occupation of Mr John Dry, Market Place, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
702 - Auction notice for useful household furniture to be sold on 10 April 1844 on the premises of Mr Joseph Moat, Walkington [Part of DDX1942/1]
703 - Auction notice for useful household furniture to be sold on 11 April 1844 on the premises of Mr Benjamin Morley, Walkington [Part of DDX1942/1]
704 - Notice advertising various public meetings and lectures to be given from 2 April 1844 to 8 April 1844 to be held at the Baptist Chapel, Well Lane, Town Hall, Mechanics' Hall, Register Square, Lair Gate Chapel, Turner's Yard, where Rev R Johnson, Rev T J Messer, Mr Webster of Hull, W G Burns, Rev C Cherry, W B Hodgson, Rev J C Brown, D Sunderland, Rev J C Brown will either chair meetings or give addresses, all on behalf of the Beverley Total Abstinence Society [Part of DDX1942/1]
705 - Poster advertising Mr H O'Connell's popular lectures on astronomy to be given on 3 April and 4 April 1844 where he will discuss the wonders of the heavens using an orrery, the earth's motion in its orbit, the sun proven to be a globe of fire, eclipses causes described, twelve signs of the zodiac, diorama or series of dissolving views, an aerial machine, transparencies illustrated by oxy-hydrogen light with both evenings to conclude with a demonstration of the amusing and highly interesting effects of laughing gas [Part of DDX1942/1]
706 - Notice advertising literary and musical evenings wtih Mr Fraser and the Misses Fraser for their second season in Beverley to be held on 4 April, 9 April and 11 April 1844 at the Mechanics' Institute, includes the programme of songs for the three nights [Part of DDX1942/1]
707 - Fragment of a notice advertising Fraser's Musical Evening [Part of DDX1942/1]
708 - Auction notice for the sale of farming implements, a neat gig and harness, household furniture, 60 stones of prime bacon to be sold on 4 April 1844 on the premises of Mr Marwood who is retiring from business, Plowland Cottage, near Patrington [Part of DDX1942/1]
709 - Leaflet advertising John Amery, linen drapery, Beverley, who has returned from London with new stock [Part of DDX1942/1]
710 - Notice advertising a public meeting and sermon to be held on 5 April 1844 to be held at Keyingham Wesleyan chapel where Rev Messers, Gartside and Ward of Patrington, Mr G Elliott of Hull and Mr C Anderson of Hedon and Mr Higham of Thirtleby are expected to address the meeting on behalf of Wesleyan Missions, Keyingham [Part of DDX1942/1]
711-712 - Auction notice for the sale of household furniture to be sold on 6 April 1844 at Winestead House, near Patrington, by order of the executors under the will of Miss Linsdall, deceased [Part of DDX1942/1]
713 - Auction notice for 200 ash and 120 beech trees and poles to be sold on 10 April 1844 on the farm in the occupation of Mr James Bell, Beverley Parks [Part of DDX1942/1]
714 - Auction notice for the sale of household furniture and other effects and three quarters of a ton of hay and one heifer to take place on 11 April 1844 on the premises of Robert Tennison, Burton Pidsea [Part of DDX1942/1]
715 - Leaflet advertising S Southwick, tailor and draper, Wednesday Market, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
716 - Notice informing that the constables have strict orders to arrest all persons engaged in affrays or fights or any disturbance during Burton Constable races [Part of DDX1942/1]
717-720 - Notice listing the races during Burton Constable Meeting, 1844 on 17 and 18 April [Part of DDX1942/1]
721 - Partial notice for a sermon at St Mary's church, Beverley to be given Rev C C Townsend , rector of Kilmacabea, on behalf of the Hiberian Society and the Church Education Society for Ireland now united, and a public meeting to be held in the Assembly Room, Norwood, Beverley on 22 April 1844 [Part of DDX1942/1]
722 - Item missing
723 - Poster advertising T Watson's furniture warehouse, next door to the Tiger Inn, North Bar Street [Part of DDX1942/1]
724 - Auction notice advertising a sale of drapery goods, straw bonnets, paper hangings, household furniture, to be sold on 27 April 1844 near the Fish Shambles, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
725 - Notice for sermons and public meetings to be held on 28 April and 30 April 1844 on behalf of Wesleyan Missions, including Rev W Hurt, Rev J C Brown, Rev Dr Beaumont [Part of DDX1942/1]
726 - Poster advertising a furniture sale to be held on 20 May 1844 at South Dalton Rectory, the property of Rev Francis Best, deceased [Part of DDX1942/1]
727 - Auction notice for a sale of valuable household furniture to be sold on 1 May 1844 at the premises of the late Robert Levett, North Bar Within, Beverley by order of his executors [Part of DDX1942/1]
728 - Item missing
729 - Leaflet advertising phonography or writing by sound by Mr J Quinton to be held at the Mechanics' Institute, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
730 - Notice advertising Donkins' bazaar, general drapery and straw bonnet warehouse, Market Place, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
731 - Auction notice for a sale of household furniture to be sold on 3 May 1844 on the premises late in the occupation of Mr H Harwood, North Bar Street Within [Part of DDX1942/1]
732 - Poster for the annual sermon to be held on 12 May 1844, at Beverley Minster by Rev Dr Carpenter of Douglas and the annual general meeting to be held on 14 May 1844 at the Assembly Room, Norwood, with Rev Dr Carpenter and Rev J Wetbrecht on behalf of the Church Missionary Society [Part of DDX1942/1]
733 - Auction notice for a sale of drawing room, dining room and breakfast room furniture, a piano by Clementi, a superior open barouche by Houlditch of London, to be sold on 14 and 15 May 1844 on the premises of the Rev A J Ram, Parsonage House, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
734 - A catalogue of new and splendid dahlias cultivated and sold by James and John Elletson, florists, Thorngumbald, Near Hedon [Part of DDX1942/1]
735 - Hymn sheet for the twentieth anniversary of the Wesleyan Sunday School, Patrington [Part of DDX1942/1]
736 - Notice to the members of the Patrington Amicable Society requesting that members attend to the rules for payment [Part of DDX1942/1]
737 - Blank invitation to celebrate the annual feast of Patrington Amicable Society [Part of DDX1942/1]
738 - Notice for Tunstall Races to take place on 1 July 1844 with bridles, whips and spurs, with a hurdle and other foot races and Tunstall Fair [Part of DDX1942/1]
739 - Notice advertising an omnibus to commence running on 3 June 1844 from the King's Head Inn, Market Place, Beverley and return in the afternoon calling at all the inns on the road with a new omnibus to commence running to Hornsea on 24 June 1844 [Part of DDX1942/1]
740 - Notice of a dissolution of partnership between Richard Oxley and Robert Oxley [Part of DDX1942/1]
741 - Notice advertising Richard Oxley, butcher, Butcher Row, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
742-743 - Leaflet advertising Mr T G Smith, finishing writing master, and reporter at Mrs Plaxton's, grocer, Market Place, includes a cartoon [Part of DDX1942/1]
744 - Notice advertising contracts for provisions to the Guardians of Beverley Union [Part of DDX1942/1]
745 - Auction notice for a sale of household furniture and dairy utensils to be sold on 1 June 1844 on the Market Hill, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
746 - Notice for the annual feast of the Patrington Amicable Society to be held on 5 June 1844 with a sermon by Rev R Metcalf [Part of DDX1942/1]
747 - Auction notice for all the household furniture to be sold on 7 June 1844, the property of Mr John Peck, Ladygate [Part of DDX1942/1]
748 - Leaflet informing that the bull 'Ravensworth', the property of Mr John Robinson, South Park, will serve cows at 6s each [Part of DDX1942/1]
749 - Notice informing that Beverley and Barmston Drainage are letting contracts for mowing and weeding of the sides and bottoms of the several drains, Main Drain, Ayke Beck to Scorbrough Beck, Nafferton Drain, Creyke Drain, part of Barmston Main Drain, from Gransmoor [Part of DDX1942/1]
750 - Notice advertising a £5 reward for information leading to the conviction of the person who stole a lamb from Mr John Swailes' field, adjoining the footpath from Beverley to Cottingham [Part of DDX1942/1]
751 - Auction notice for the wreck of the brig 'Jane' of Newcastle to be sold on 27 June 1844 at Patrington Haven [Part of DDX1942/1]
752 - Notice advertising S Hyam's, tailoring and outfitting establishment, 9 Briggate, Leeds, announcing the arrival of boys' and children's clothing, including a description and pictures of the stock [Part of DDX1942/1]
753 - Blank form appointing Thomas Crake of Kingston upon Hull as attorney [Part of DDX1942/1]
754 - Hull to Selby timetable for passenger trains commencing July 1 1844 [Part of DDX1942/1]
755 - York and North Midland Railway, time bill [timetable] on and after July 1 1844 [Part of DDX1942/1]
756 - Poster advertising the Red Rover, new coach from Hull to Burlington via Beverley and Hornsea, which will commence 1 July 1844 [Part of DDX1942/1]
757 - Poster advertising Richard Sands' American circus which will perform in Beverley on 8 July 1844, includes images of horse entertainment [Part of DDX1942/1]
758 - Poster advertising Richard Sands' American circus to perform 8 July 1844 [Part of DDX1942/1]
759 - Blank form requesting payment of the poor rate at Patrington [Part of DDX1942/1]
760 - Notice advertising the re-opening of the Wesleyan Day School, Walker Gate, Beverley on 22 July 1844, conducted by Mr Robert Handley on the Glasgow Training System [Part of DDX1942/1]
761 - Notice for a tea meeting to be held on 12 July 1844 at Mr Johnson's Barn followed by a public meeting when Rev Illingworth and Rev West from Hull, Rev Gartside, Rev Ward from Patrington will preach, on behalf of the Wesleyan Missions, Sunk Island [Part of DDX1942/1]
762 - Notice advertising Aldbrough Spa Races to be run on the sands on 18 July 1844, including the Talbot Stake, the Spa Stake, including a pedestrian hurdle race [Part of DDX1942/1]
763 - Notice for the letting of contracts for mowing, weeding and sludging of several drains including Bull Dyke, Cow Dyke and Soke Dyke, also public drains on the west of the main low land drain and east side, on behalf of Holderness Drainage [Part of DDX1942/1]
764 - Notice for a sermon to be given on 21 July 1844 by Rev J Marriner of Clapham at Mappleton, on behalf of the Church Missionary Society [Part of DDX1942/1]
765 - Notice for a meeting in aid of the Church Missionary Society to be held at Skipsea on 25 July 1844 with a sermon by Rev J Mariner, vicar of Clapham [Part of DDX1942/1]
766-767 - Notice advertising lectures on mnemonics or the art of memory to be given by Mr E Taylor at the Mechanics' Institute, Beverley on 29-30 July 1844 [Part of DDX1942/1]
768 - Leaflet advertising Hudson's washing and bleaching powder [Part of DDX1942/1]
769 - Auction notice for a sale of household furniture and a machine for manufacturing soda water and ginger beer to be sold on 5 August 1844 on the premises of Peter Barnes, Walkergate, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
770 - Notice advertising a procession by members of the Royal Brunswick Lodge, Beverley in commemoration of their third anniversary on 5 August 1844 followed by a public dinner at B Stamford's, Sun Inn [Part of DDX1942/1]
771 - Notice advertising a sermon to be given on 11 August at St Mary's church by Rev C Whately, rector of Rise on behalf of the Incorporated National Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor in the Principles of the Established Church, throughout England and Wales [Part of DDX1942/1]
772 - Auction notice for a sale of household furniture on 7 August 1844 at the Corn Exchange, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
773 - Notice advertising the consecration of St Mark in the Groves, Hull, on 7 August 1844 by the Lord Bishop of Ripon with a sermon to be preached by the Venerable Archdeacon Wilberforce [Part of DDX1942/1]
774 - A prayer of thanksgiving [Part of DDX1942/1]
775 - Auction notice for machee goods, plated Sheffield goods and miscellaneous goods to be sold on 12 August 1844 at Mr Tuting, draper, Market Place [Part of DDX1942/1]
776 - Notice requesting that no person is to sport on the lands at Weel occupied by John Brandham, William Harrison without leave in writing from Mrs Westoby of Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
777 - Notice for G F Maskell, drapery and fashionable goods, North Bar Street, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
778 - Notice for R Parker and Co, the first established hat warehouse, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
779 - Uncle Toby's conundrums, a selection of conundrums based on politicians, the monarchy and the Poor Law [Part of DDX1942/1]
780 - Auction notice for a sale of the smack 'Hazard', about 20 tons with her materials, two open boats from the condemned stores, one case of cotton fringe, 15 gallons brandy, 290 lbs tobacco to be sold on 14 August 1844 at the Custom House, Hull [Part of DDX1942/1]
781 - Report of the Union-Mill Society, Beverley from 13 February to 13 August 1844 [Part of DDX1942/1]
782-783 - 'Burlington Reporter and Burlington-Quay and Driffield Fashionable Advertiser', front page only [Part of DDX1942/1]
784 - Printed letter advertising that John Collinson, ironmonger is retiring from business after 37 years, but is being succeeded by his friend, John Dale, Market Place, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
785 - Auction notice for clover's wheat to be sold on 28 August 1844 in a field in the occupation of William Fewson [Part of DDX1942/1]
786-788 - Notice advertising that T Clough of Market Place, Beverley has disposed of his saddlery and harness business to J A Walker [Part of DDX1942/1]
789-790 - Notice for the letting of a large room, formerly occupied as a dancing room by the late Mr Southerne, and lately as a chapel, situate in the Market Place, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
791 - Notice for a tea meeting to be held on 4 September 1844 to celebrate the anniversary of the Beverley Wesleyan Sunday School [Part of DDX1942/1]
792 - Poster advertising M Jullien with his band are to give an instrumental concert on 4 September 1844 at the Music Hall, Kingston Square, Hull [Part of DDX1942/1]
793 - Auction notice for 2500 yards of superfine West of England and Yorkshire broad cloths to be sold on 9 to 12 September 1844 at the shop lately occupied by G C Tuting, Market Place, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
794-795 - Auction notice for the sale of a whole flock of sheep and other livestock to be sold on 12 and 13 September 1844, the property of Robert Denison of Waplington manor, near Pocklington [Part of DDX1942/1]
796 - Notice called 'The Late Hour System', informing that an agreement to close all drapers shops in Beverley one hour earlier on an evening has been signed by all except one and that the inhabitants of Beverley are requested to withhold their patronage of this shop, signed by the Assistant Drapers [Part of DDX1942/1]
797 - Notice of a dwelling house to let, Sow Hill, Saturday Market, Beverley, lately occupied by Henry Hannath [Part of DDX1942/1]
798-800 - Notice advertising Patrington Theatre's staging of 'Crazy Jane, or a Father's Curse', 'Red Barn or the murder of Maria Martin', 'Wreck ashore; or the Rover's Bride', 'Crossing the Line, or crowded houses', for the benefit of Mr Rickatson, Mrs Rickatson and Mr Stead [Part of DDX1942/1]
801 - Notice for a sermon to be preached by Mr J Welch on 29 Sep 1844 at the Independent chapel, Lair Gate and the Wesleyan Chapel, Walker Gate, also a public meeting to be held on 30 September in the town hall [Part of DDX1942/1]
802 - Auction notice for a furniture sale on 30 September 1844 at the house in Wednesday Market lately occupied by Miss Sarah Swailes, deceased [Part of DDX1942/1]
803-804 - Notice advertising Patrington Theatre's performance of 'Wild Man of the Woods, or Valentine and Orson' followed by a song, 'Ebony Rose', by Mr Stead and a performance of 'Harlequin Sprightly; or the House that Jack Built' [Part of DDX1942/1]
805-806 - Notice advertising Dubufe's grand original paintings of Adam and Eve in paradise, painted for the late Charles X of France, showing at the Victoria Rooms, Hull [Part of DDX1942/1]
807-808 - Notice advertising a grand concert on 1 October 1844 where Mr Braham will introduce his son and pupils Charles Braham and Hamilton Braham and Mr Braham will sing 'The sea-fight, deeper and deeper still' (a new song composed by Prince Albert), 'The Better Land', 'William Tell, the Bay of Biscay' [Part of DDX1942/1]
809-810 - Notice advertising Patrington Theatre's performance of 'My Poll and my partner Joe' on 2 October 1844 for the benefit of Mrs Kelso under the immediate patronage of General Hope, and to conclude with 'Alonzo the Brave and the Fair Imogene' [Part of DDX1942/1]
811 - Notice advertising Patrington Theatre's performance on 4 October 1844 of 'Valsha the Slave!! Valsha the Queen! Valsha the Victim!' and 'Fair Rosamond or Woodstock Bower' for the benefit of Mr Fletcher [Part of DDX1942/1]
812-813 - Notice advertising Patrington Theatre's performance of 'Trafalgar Medal' and the 'Illustrious Stranger' to be performed on 7 October 1844, under the patronage of Thomas Hildyard Lodge of the Manchester United Order of Odd Fellows', for the benefit of Miss McCarthy, the infant prodigy, and Mr McCarthy, stage manager [Part of DDX1942/1]
814 - Auction notice for furniture from a genteel household to be sold on 8 October 1844 in the house lately occupied by Mrs Hesser, Flemingate, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
815 - Notice advertising L R Stephenson, hosier, who has just returned from London and wishes to appraise his friends and visitors that he has new cheap stock at his shop at 7 Mytongate, Hull [Part of DDX1942/1]
816-818 - Notice advertising Henry Julian, grocer and tea dealer, who has taken the shop lately occupied by Mr James Taylor, Fleming Gate, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
819 - Notice advertising H Hannath's, linen and woollen drapery new stock, Market Place, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
820-822 - Notice advertising J Amery, draper and silk mercer, Market Place, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
823 - Printed letter advertising John Amery, draper and silk mercer, Market Place, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
824-825 - Notice advertising Thomas Watson, joiner, cabinet and chair maker and successor to H Watson who has moved his business from Wednesday Market to North Bar Street opposite St Mary's Church [Part of DDX1942/1]
826 - Poster advertising W S Wreghitt, family draper, North Bar Street, Beverley, showroom now open [Part of DDX1942/1]
827-828 - Notice advertising Mr Wilderspin's (inventor of the infant and training systems of education) series of four lectures to take place in October 1844 at St Mary's infant school room, Beverley, on the applicability of his plans for giving the children of the middle and upper classes religious, moral and mental and physical education [Part of DDX1942/1]
829 - Notice advertising a concert on 23 October 1844 at the Assembly Rooms, Beverley, combining melody and mirth with Mrs Waylett, Mr Alexander Lee, Mr W J Hammond [Part of DDX1942/1]
830 - Notice advertising General Tom Thumb, the American Man in Miniature who weighs only fifteen pounds, showing at the Victoria Rooms, Hull in October 1844, where he will give an imitation of Napoleon in full military costume and the Grecian statues [Part of DDX1942/1]
831 - Notice advertising British Missions in England, Ireland, and the Colonies, appeal for simultaneous collections in aid of these missions by all the congregational churches, 27 October 1844 [Part of DDX1942/1]
832 - Notice advertising two sermons to be preached in the Independent chapel, Lair Gate, Beverley on 10 November 1844 by Rev Newman Hall of Hull and in the evening by Rev William Young [Part of DDX1942/1]
833 - Notice for a public meeting to be held in the town hall on 18 November 1844 where a Rev J Pridie of Halifax will deliver a full statement of the home and foreign operations of the parent society of the Beverley Auxiliary Religious Tract Society [Part of DDX1942/1]
834 - Notice advertising John Walker, linen draper, hosier and haberdasher, East Gate, Beverley and his extra new stock [Part of DDX1942/1]
835 - Notice informing that the seventh annual report of the committee of the Beverley Guardian Society for the Prosecution of Felons, and Protection of Trade will be made at the general annual meeting of the society held in the Guildhall, Beverley on 5 Day 1844, includes a list of the elected officers for the ensuing year [Part of DDX1942/1]
836 - Notice advertising Hopper's Beverley and Hull daily coach, alteration of time to the coach 'Beverlac' [Part of DDX1942/1]
837 - Note promising to pay any person £10 for giving information that leads to the conviction of any person infringing on Suggitt's Patent Night Lamp which burns 84 hours at a cost of a penny [Part of DDX1942/1]
838 - Notice advertising a sermon to be preached at Beverley Minster on 22 December 1844 by Rev J B Birtwhistle, the incumbent, in aid of the funds of the said institution [Part of DDX1942/1]
839 - Notice advertising a neat house in St John's Place, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
840 - Notice advertising a grand concert on 31 December 1844 at the Assembly Rooms, Beverley with principal performers Mrs Marshall, Mrs Giles, Mr C Bland, Mr McMahon and Mr Giles [Part of DDX1942/1]
841 - Poster informing that at a meeting of the inhabitants of Beverley held at the Guildhall on 10 February 1845 it was decided to improve the relief of the poor and other matters, includes a list of subscribers [Part of DDX1942/1]
842 - Notice for two sermons to be preached on 23 February 1845 in St Mary's church by Rev E Woodall, officiating minister of Bainton, on behalf of St Mary's infant school, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
843 - Notice advertising a literary, scientific and musical soiree on behalf of the Beverley and East Riding Mechanics' Institute building fund, to be held in the large hall, Register Square on 27 February 1845 [Part of DDX1942/1]
844-845 - Notice advertising Burton Constable turf meeting on 9 and 10 April 1845, with rules and regulations and descriptions of races [Part of DDX1942/1]
846-849 - Advert for Mons Dr Cafferata, new discovery of specific remedies in consumption, rheumatism, scurvy, scrofula, 32 Humber Street [Part of DDX1942/1]
850 - Poster for Colton's imperial rheumatic pills and mixture, C Trushell, hair dresser, Wednesday Market, agent for Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
851 - Printed letter advertising Ford's Original and Genuine Balsam of Horehound, an effectual remedy for coughs, colds, asthma and whooping cough, for sale at R Peck, printer, Scale Lane, Hull [Part of DDX1942/1]
852 - Printed letter advertising Harvey's Bark Pills with sarsaparilla for strengthening the constitution and purifying the blood [Part of DDX1942/1]
853 - Printed letter advertising Dr John Hooper's female pills [Part of DDX1942/1]
854 - Printed letter advertising Lowden's mild bilious and liver pills, which includes a list of agents where it is sold (includes Ross and Barton, Hull) [Part of DDX1942/1]
855-860 - Printed letter advertising Lowden's celebrated cough pills, for sale at Mr Pipes, druggist, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
861-862 - Poster advertising Morison's Vegetable Universal Medicine of the British College of Health, sold by Mrs Greenbury, bootmaker, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
863 - Printed letter advertising Pinder's Celebrated Purifying Pills, for sale at Mr G Foreman, hair dresser, Lady Gate [Part of DDX1942/1]
864 - Printed letter advertising Balm of Gilead, for sale at M Turner and Co, Hull [Part of DDX1942/1]
865 - Printed letter advertising Widow Welch's Pills, adapted to disorders particular to females [Part of DDX1942/1]
866 - Poster advertising Wesley's Family Pills, available from J Ramsden, bookseller, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
867 - Printed letter advertising Whelpton's Vegetable Purifying Pills, available from Mr Noble, Market Place, Hull [Part of DDX1942/1]
868-871 - Printed letter advertising Worsdell's Vegetable Restorative Pills, available from D C Trushell, hair dresser, Wednesday Market, agent for Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
872 - Item missing
873-875 - Poster advertising Worsdell's Pills, available from D C Trushell's, hair dresser, Wednesday Market, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
876 - Poster advertising Worsdell's Pills to purify the blood, available from D C Trushell's, hair dresser, Wednesday Market, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
877 - Poster advertising Worsdell's Vegetable Restorative Pills to purify the blood, remove obstructions and improve digestion, available from D C Trushell's, hair dresser, Wednesday Market, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
878-880 - Poster advertising Worsdell's Pills [Part of DDX1942/1]
881 - Poster advertising and declaring that genuine Worsdell's Pills are prepared by J Kaye of Dalton Hall, Huddersfield and sold by D C Trushell, hair dresser, Wednesday Market [Part of DDX1942/1]
882 - Printed sheet advertising Worsdell's Almanac of Health for 1844 [Part of DDX1942/1]
883 - Printed sheet advertising Worsdell's Almanac of Health for 1845 [Part of DDX1942/1]
884 - Image used to advertise Aislabie and Davenport, grocers and dealers in tobacco and snuffs, 12 Market Place, Hull [Part of DDX1942/1]
885 - Notice advertising F Ashton's China tea warehouse, corner of Dock and Bridge Street, Hull [Part of DDX1942/1]
886 - Notice advertising F Ashton's China tea warehouse, corner of Dock and Bridge Street, Hull [Part of DDX1942/1]
887-888 - Items missing
889-891 - Engravings used to advertise F Ashton, tea dealer and grocer, corner of Dock Street and Bridge Street, Hull [Part of DDX1942/1]
892 - Leaflet advertising F Ashton, teas and coffees, tea dealer and general grocer, corner of Dock Street and Bridge Street, Hull [Part of DDX1942/1]
893-896 - Leaflet advertising F C Beauvais chemist and druggist, Toll Gavel, Beverley, sole agent for the Genuine Howqua's Mixture and Mowqua's Small Leaf Gunpowder Teas [Part of DDX1942/1]
897-898 - Leaflet advertising F C Beauvais chemist and druggist, Toll Gavel, Beverley, sole agent for the Genuine Howqua's Mixture and Mowqua's Small Leaf Gunpowder Teas, imported by Brocksopp, How and Company, London [Part of DDX1942/1]
899-900 - Engraving used to advertise H Brown, grocer and tea dealer, Hedon [Part of DDX1942/1]
901-903 - Notice advertising J Brownlow and Co, West End tea warehouse, corner of West Street and Prospect Street [Part of DDX1942/1]
904 - Cutting advertising Ashton Cox and Co, tobacco and snuff manufacturers, 51 Market Place and 2 Posterngate, Hull [Part of DDX1942/1]
905 - Engraving advertising H Davenport and Co, grocers and tea dealers, 12 Market Place, Hull [Part of DDX1942/1]
906 - Leaflet advertising a tea warehouse using a conversation between Mrs Squander and Mrs Saveall [Part of DDX1942/1]
907 - Leaflet advertising Thomas Dykes, chemist and druggist, Toll Gavel, Beverley and genuine Howqua's Mixture and Mowqua's Small Leaf Gunpowder tea [Part of DDX1942/1]
908 - Poster advertising Thomas Dykes, chemist and druggist, Toll Gavel, Beverley and genuine Howqua's Mixture and Mowqua's Small Leaf Gunpowder tea [Part of DDX1942/1]
909 - Engraving advertising Gibson and Bolton, tea warehouse, Junction Street Hull [Part of DDX1942/1]
910-914 - Notice and poems advertising Gibson and Bolton, tea warehouse, Junction Street Hull [Part of DDX1942/1]
915-916 - Packaging label for Thomas Harper and Co, tea dealers, 31 Silver Street, Hull [Part of DDX1942/1]
917-918 - Leaflet advertising Thomas Harper and Co, tea dealers, 31 Silver Street, Hull [Part of DDX1942/1]
919-920 - Packaging label and engraving for H Herdsman, grocer and tea dealer, Beck Side, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
921 - Engraving for Higgins and Walton, tobacco manufacturers, dealers in foreign cigars and snuffs, 27 Corner of Call Lane, Kirkgate, Leeds [Part of DDX1942/1]
922 - Advertisement and engraving for Michael Hind, tea and coffee dealer and grocer, Wednesday Market, Beverley (illustration shows the city of Chin-Kiang-Foo) [Part of DDX1942/1]
923 - Advertisement and engraving for Michael Hind, tea and coffee dealer and grocer, Wednesday Market, Beverley (illustration shows an engraving of the harbour of Hong Kong) [Part of DDX1942/1]
924 - Advertisement and engraving for Michael Hind, tea and coffee dealer and grocer, Wednesday Market, Beverley (illustration shows the preparation for shelling the batteries of Wantong) [Part of DDX1942/1]
925 - Advertisement and engraving for Michael Hind, tea and coffee dealer and grocer, Wednesday Market, Beverley (illustration shows the capture of the batteries of Woo-sung River) [Part of DDX1942/1]
927 - Advertisement and engraving for Michael Hind, tea and coffee dealer and grocer, Wednesday Market, Beverley (illustration shows the termination of the war with China) [Part of DDX1942/1]
929-932 - Packaging label for W Hodgson, grocer and tea dealer, cheese and butter factor, corner of Waterworks Street, Hull, with engraving [Part of DDX1942/1]
933 - Leaflet advertising W Hodgson, tea and coffee warehouses, 15 Waterworks Street and 61 High Street, Hull [Part of DDX1942/1]
934-935 - Leaflet advertising W Hodgson and Co, grocers and tea dealers, cheese and butter factors, 28 Chariot Street, Hull [Part of DDX1942/1]
936 - Engraving advertising Edward Hollidge, (late Masterman), dealer in tea, coffee, cocoa, chocolate and spices, 37 Market Place, Hull [Part of DDX1942/1]
937-938 - Advertisement for Jones and Company, tea dealers, coffee roasters, 10 Lowgate, Hull [Part of DDX1942/1]
939 - Advertisement for H Masterman's family tea warehouse, 6 Market Place, Hull [Part of DDX1942/1]
940 - Advertisement for T Middleton's, cheap tea and coffee warehouse, 21 Silver Street, Hull [Part of DDX1942/1]
941 - Advertisement for A Milner and Son, grocers and tea dealers, near the North Bridge, Hull [Part of DDX1942/1]
942-943 - Packaging label for W Murgatroyd, wholesale and retail grocer, tea dealer, coffee roaster, tobacconist, Hull [Part of DDX1942/1]
944-945 - Packaging label for Murgatroyd, wholesale and retail, grocer and tea dealer, cocoa, chocolate and spices, Waterworks Street, Hull [Part of DDX1942/1]
946 - Packaging label for P Mouat and Company, 4 shilling tea, 59 Whitefriargate, Hull, and 21 Market Street, Newcastle upon Tyne [Part of DDX1942/1]
947 - Packaging label for T Nickols, tea and coffee dealer, 5 Briggate, Leeds [Part of DDX1942/1]
948-950 - Advertisement for J Ouston and Sons, tea and coffee establishment, 1 Prospect Street, Hull [Part of DDX1942/1]
951 - Advertisement for J Ouston and Sons, dealer in teas, coffee and fruit, 30 Queen Street and 42 Prospect Street, Hull [Part of DDX1942/1]
952 - Packaging label for W Prescott, tobacconist, 6 North Bridge, Hull [Part of DDX1942/1]
953-956 - Advertisement for B M Ryder, London Tea and Colonial Mart, 2 Carlisle Street [Part of DDX1942/1]
957-958 - Packaging label for Rose's Tea and Coffee Marts, 44 Vicar Lane and 20 Kirkgate, Leeds [Part of DDX1942/1]
959 - Advertisement for W Rose, The Old Original Tea and Coffee Mart, 44 Vicar Lane, Leeds [Part of DDX1942/1]
960 - Packaging label for Sidney and Co, Importers and Dealers in Tea, Coffee and Spices, 31 Market Place, Hull [Part of DDX1942/1]
961 - Advertisement for Sidney and Co, New Tea Warehouse, 31 Market Place, Hull [Part of DDX1942/1]
962 - Packaging label for Sidney and Hall, Importers of and Dealers in Tea Coffee and Spices, 31 Market Place, Hull [Part of DDX1942/1]
963-964 - Packaging label for Sidney and Hall, The Established Tea Market, 31 Market Place, Hull [Part of DDX1942/1]
965 - Packaging label for John Lee Smith, tea dealer and coffee roaster, 38 Market Place, Hull [Part of DDX1942/1]
966-970 - Advertisement for John Lee Smith and Co, 38 Market Place, Hull, called 'Death of the Tea Monopoly' [Part of DDX1942/1]
971 - Advertisement for John Lee Smith and Co, 38 Market Place, Hull, New East India and China Company [Part of DDX1942/1]
972-974 - Advertisement for John Lee Smith and Co, the celebrated 5 shillings Congou tea, 38 Market Place, Hull [Part of DDX1942/1]
975 - Advertisement for John Lee Smith and Co, tea dealers and coffee merchants, 38 Market Place, Hull [Part of DDX1942/1]
976 - Packaging label (engraving) for J Varley, tea dealer and coffee roaster, Market Place, Selby [Part of DDX1942/1]
977-978 - Advertisement for Leonard West, tea shop, 13 Silver Street, Hull [Part of DDX1942/1]
979 - Packaging label for Wharton and Hustwick, Wholesale and Retail Grocers, tea and coffee dealers, corner of Junction Street, Hull [Part of DDX1942/1]
980-981 - Packaging label for Wharton and Co, Wholesale and Retail Grocers, tea and coffee dealers, cocoa, chocolate and spices, Junction Street and Wincolmlee, Hull [Part of DDX1942/1]
982-985 - Packaging label (different engravings) for T White's Tea Warehouse, 35 and 62 Market Place, Hull [Part of DDX1942/1]
986 - Advertisement for Woodell and Co, tea and coffee dealers and tobacco manufacturers, Toll Gavel, Beverley [Part of DDX1942/1]
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