Description | Parties: 1) John son of Henry Milner de Cowyk [Cowick] 2) Richard de Thornton of Snayth [Snaith] Property: four acres and 1 selion of land in the east field of Snayth lying in diverse places, namely two acres lying together in two selions between the land formerly Parhed' [sic] on the west and the land of John de Cowyk on the east, butting on the vill of Cowyk on the south and le Wro on the north; two acres lying at le Holmer in three selions between Thomas de Carlynghowe on the east and Henry Camyn on the west, butting on the road leading through the middle of the field towards Rouclyff [Rawcliffe] on the south, and the hedge or fence of the field on the north; one selion lying between William Lynlay on the east and the land of John Davnay in the tenure of John Hillom on the west, butting on the vill of Cowyk on the south and the road leading towards Rouclyff on the north Witnesses: Thomas de Baln, Snayth, William Lynlay, Cowyk, Simon de Gledowe, Cowyk, John Rudd, Cowyk, William Dey, Cowyk Latin With damaged seal |