Description | Including: 1) Garden entrance, Brandesburton Hall, Mar 1995 2) Main entrance, Brandesburton Hall, Mar 1995 3) Main entrance, Brandesburton Hall, Mar 1995 4) The salon, Brandesburton Hall c.1950s 5) Colonel Harrison's African Pigmies 1905 6) Colonel Harrison's memorial, Brandesburton Church, 25 Jun 1991 7) Colonel and Mrs Harrison at opening of cricket pavilion, Brandesburton 1910 8) Cricket pavilion, Brandesburton c.1912 9) Cricket pavilion, Brandesburton, Mar 1995 10) Colonel Harrison's Brandesburton Pigmies c.1905 11) Colonel Harrison's chauffeur and car c.1910 12) Main Street, Brandesburton c.1900s 13) Main Street showing Butter Cross and Black Swan, Brandesburton c.1900s 14) Pygmies in Ituri Forest, Belgian Congo 15) Jeff Green and Jack Fedney filming for TV at Brandesburton, 3 May 1994 16) NER motor buses, Brandesburton, early 1900s 17) NER motor buses, Frodingham c.1900s 18) The Pygmies at the House of Commons with Colonel Harrison and W Hoffman, Jul 1906 19) William and Jane Hoffman c.1900s 20) Brandesburton Pygmies c.1906 21) Brandesburton Pygmies c.1906 22) The Pygmies c.1900s 23) Bokane, the chief of Brandesburton Pygmies 24) Sculpture of Bokane, chief of Brandesburton Pygmies 25) Gramophone record of 1906 Pygmies conversation 26) Brandesburton Pygmies and local children 1906 27) Brandesburton Pygmies and local children 1906 28) Pygmies 29) Postcard of Brandesburton nd. [20th century] 30) Postcard of Hull nd. [20th century] 31) Mile stone, Beverley and Driffield, in garden of Pasture Close, Old Road, Leconfield, Feb 1991 32) Mile stone, Beverley and Driffield, in garden of Pasture Close, Old Road, Leconfield, Feb 1991 33) School pupils conducting traffic survey on main road, Leconfield , Feb 1995 34) New cricket pavilion, Brandesburton, Apr 1999 35) New cricket pavilion, Brandesburton, Apr 1999 36) Brandesburton Hall, 21 Jul 2000 37) Brandesburton Hall, 21 Jul 2000 38) Brandesburton Hall, 21 Jul 2000 39) Egg gatherers, Flamborough c.1900 40) Broadgate Hospital nd. [20th century] 41) Broadgate Hospital nd. [20th century] 42) Main Street, South Dalton c.1900s 43) Warter Priory nd. [20th century] 44) Warter village 1890 45) Warter village c.1891 46) Toll Bar Cottage, Woodmansey 47) Dixons Arms, Woodmansey c.1994 48) Grange Crescent, Tickton 49) Wawne ferry, River Hull, pre 1928 50) Brandesburton c.1900s 51) Driffield Police Station c.1900s 52) Driffield Police Station c.1900s 53) Cherry Burton House, 28 Mar 1989 54) Brandesburton Pygmy grave, Cherry Burton House, 28 Mar 1991 |