Description | Originally deposited as a DVD-ROM.
Duration: 1 hour 0 mins 40 sec Timing: Action on film A film narrated by Reg Walker, visiting the Yorkshire Heritage Coast. It starts at the Portminion Model Village and continues with stops at Thornwick Bay, North Landing and Flamborough. (00:01) Opens with film of Portminion Model Village which was situated between Bridlington and Flamborough (00:17) Shots of the model village, providing close ups of particular buildings and village events depicted by the builder. It begins with the stables, horses, riders and jumps (00:33) A view of cottages by the river, with people sitting on the banks. A water mill with its wheel; a thatched cottage near by (01:15) A street of houses by the church (02:20) Cub camp with tents in a field (03:06) The cemetery and grave stones next to a field of cows (03:22) A farm, a tractor and trailer, sheep in the field, washing on the line and cows grazing (03:45) The village was built by the same man that built the model village in Hornsea (04:28) A ruined Abbey (04:49) Gypsy caravans with a group of gypsies (05:30) A row of cottages and a windmill, with a man cycling past (05:59) The hospital, an ambulance, a nurse and a man on a stretcher carried by two ambulance men (07:08) A garage , petrol pumps and mechanics working on a car (07:24) The school and children playing in the yard (07:53) The bandstand with a band playing inside (08:11) The Dog and Duck Pub; there are customers sitting outside overlooking the cricket ground. A lorry delivering barrels to the pub. The cricket pavilion with cricketers watching the match (09:48) Panoramic shots of the village, including a row of shops, the Clifton Hotel, the Manor Hotel with its open air swimming pool, the Castle and boats on the river (13:56).A group of brownies outside the Castle Guest House, where there is a woman scrubbing a step (14:15) The harbour, a group of sailors and moored fishing boats. The Harbour Hotel which is overlooked by the Castle (17:37) A cruiser on the river with a woman sunbathing and a young boy about to throw a bucket of water over her (18:15) The Smugglers Pub by the river, seagulls on the roof and an ice cream van close by. A sandy beach with people swimming and sunbathing (21:00) More shots of the village; a chemist shop, the War Memorial, a wedding at the church, trains and a campsite (30:30) The narrator finishes the film of the village by explaining that it has been sold since he took the film (31:05) Film of Thornwick Bay (31:45) A view of the caves in the cliffs and boats out at sea (32:40) A close up of the cliff tops, with the camera panning down to the sea and a rocky beach. Children are playing in the sea and exploring rock pools (34:40) A small sandy bay (34:57) A view of Thornwick Bay from the cliff tops (35:05) A tourist boat sailing round the headland (35: 28) Another view of the bay from the cliff top, zooming in on the caves and people sitting on the pebble beach (36:30) The beach is accessed by steep steps down the cliff (36:55) A close up of the tourist boat ‘The Yorkshire Belle’ and its passengers sailing back to Bridlington. The boat was built in Beverley in about 1948-49 (38:25) A view from Thornwick Bay across to Little Thornwick Bay. Along the coast there is Thornwick Bay, Little Thornwick Bay, North Landing and Flamborough with its lighthouse (39:00) A close up that shows how the waves have eroded the chalk cliffs and formed caves (40:45) Looking across to Bempton, famous for its colonies of seabirds (41:00) Shots of visitors climbing, walking and sitting on the cliffs (41:55) Film showing the cliffs topped with soil which will eventually disappear to leave bare rock (42:20) Fishing boats going out to sea (43:05) A tourist boat sailing into a cavern in the cliffs. The caverns are very narrow but rise to about 50 feet high inside (43:55) The boat emerging from the cavern (45:40).The old life boat ramp at North Landing with the life boat house at the top. It is no longer in use as it was moved to Bridlington (47:35).Visitors enjoying swimming and playing in the sea (48:25).A small beach at North Landing. A man diving from the rocks (49:25).A final view of North Landing from the cliff top (50:10).Flamborough Lighthouse built by a Bridlington builder John Patterson. There are two lighthouses; one was built in the 1600s, it was stone built and now sits on the golf course (50:50).Flamborough lighthouse no longer has a keeper, nowadays everything is automatic. There also used to be a big foghorn at Flamborough (51:05).A view of Flamborough Head and the coastline (51:48).Waves created fissures in the rocks, undermining the cliffs and causing rock falls. The soil is also eroding from the top of the cliffs leaving the bed rock exposed (53:14).The caverns in the cliffs (53:38).The stone lighthouse on the golf course, panning round to the second newer one built in the 1800s (54:10).Holiday makers enjoying the weather, the sea and the beaches (54:35).Views of the Flamborough coast (55:56).A motor boat and passengers enjoying the day (56:30).Gibraltar Rock, with the remnants of eroded rock visible in the sea. Sewerby Hall is farther along the coast (58:00).Close up of the sea birds on the cliffs and Gibraltar rock (01:00:30).Reg Walker the narrator sitting on a bench on the cliff top saying goodbye from Flamborough Head (01:00:40).The end