Description | Includes: Informations of John Skelton of Welton stating that William Moody and two other officers for hearth money did come to Henry Skelton's house and threaten to break open his doors and did assault him. 'My Lord Chancellor’s letter to my Lord Fauconberg', Clarendon House - copy letter refers to John Gibson's satisfactory behaviour towards the king, discusses the hearth tax and the 'chymney money' providing revenue and the obstinacy of the common people, 27 Apr 1667 Letter from John Gibson to Lord Fauconberg, 22 Apr 1667 Counsell's letter concerning hearth money, 27 Jun 1667 Warrant for General William Moody Counsel's warrant for the Skeltons of Welton (assault case), 1667 Answers to six articles exhibited upon oath against John Gibson esquire and three Skeltons of Welton, 22 Apr 1667 Letter from Sir Thomas Gower to John Gibson at Malton (for North Riding Sessions) relates to Skelton case, 11 Jan 1667 Copy letter to Sir T Gower regarding the Skeltons, 29 Apr 1667 |