Description | Draft sketches of almshouses planned to be built at Ormesby, Middlesbrough, annotated 'Draughts of Almeshouses which my Father Pennyman intended to build one at Ormesby', nd. [17th century] A letter of address to 'Gentlemen' regarding the carrying out of justice in the North Riding at the top of the page is annotated Sir Richard Graham of Norton, Sir William [Cha...] and Sir Christopher Wandesford, 13 Apr 1675 Handwritten transcripts of poems 'Faction Display'd' by Lucan, 'An epitaph upon the Lord Viscount Lonsdale' 'On the Duke of Gloucester' 'The Nine' and 'A conference between RW and E F__land in a letter to a friend June 1700' An epitaph on King William III 'The history and fall of the Conformity Bill, being an excellent new song, to the time of the Lady's fall' 1704, Untitled poem dated 1710 which mentions Prince Eugene 'A satyr upon the French king, written by a non-swearing parson and dropped out of his pocket at Samm's coffee-house', 1697 A letter containing some reflections on His Majesty's declaration for liberty of conscience, 4 Apr 1687 Epitaph of Cardinal Mazanini A charge for a sessions of the peace (manuscript address to a jury) Printed letter from the Earl of Marlborough to Sir Hugh P Dr Gale's account (in Latin) of the strong distemper and recovery of Francis Pulham of Lambeth,1675 'An account of an apparition in St John's College in Cambridge being part of a letter thence', 1706 Mr Secqueville's poem to King William on his return from victory at the Battle of the Boyne, Ireland 1690 Letter of address relating to The Glorious Revolution relates to offences and misdoings in the Riding and the law of the land, 14 May 1689 Letter from Lord Strafford regarding directions for troops, 30 Sep 1640 Parliamentary receipt for payment of fine by Sir John Gibson of Welbourne for 'Delinquency to the Parliament', 12 Jan 1649 Letter to postmasters on the northern road, ordering them to provide accommodation to Sir John Gibson and his servants, 8 Jun 1649 Letter to John Gibson from [Ralph] Davison mentions John Penyman and the payment of some money, 11 Nov 1670 Letter from Lord Fauconberg to Sir John Gibson, regarding the discussion of some business, 27 Mar 1669 Letter from William Davison to Sir John Gibson, regarding family matters, 14 Nov 1670 and 18 Dec 1670 with copy reply (includes rough notes 'agenda', to do with the garden/estate. Letter from Thomas Gower to Sir John Gibson, discusses prosecution of individuals and other government matters, 24 Oct 1667 Earl of Strafford’s letter to Sir John Gibson, regarding the disbanding of the horse and plans for the troops, 30 Sep 1640 'Notes on the case' concerning Sir John Gibson's case with Lord Strafford regarding alum works, nd. late 1630s Copy letter of Earl of Shaftesbury's letter to Lord Carlisle about parliament, 1675 Mr Preston's letter to John Gibson, 'and my return to my Lord upon receipt of the Chancellor's letter', 1667 |