Finding NoDDRI/17/1
Extent1 Item
TitleCrown lease for 31 years by letters patent to William Bethell esquire relating to property in Hempholme
Date5 Nov 1773
DescriptionProperty: manor of Hempholme (alias Hemphaw alias Octonholme) with a moiety of the capital messuage, two closes called West Croft and Larum Close, eight acres in South Field and half an acre meadow in the Mead; the other moiety of the capital messuage with a garth, half an acre in the Mead and eight acres in Southfield; cottage, garth, one acre in the Mead and eight acres in Southfield; cottage, garth, close called Gillingarth, one acres in the mead and eight acres in Southfield; cottage, garth, one acres in the Mead, eight acres in the Southfield; cottage, garth, one acre in the Mead, two acres in a close called Haverholme and eight acres in the Southfield and the fourth part of a fishery called North End Fishings; cottage, garth, one acre in the Mead, Forty Penny Close and eight acres in the Southfield; cottage, garth, one acre in the Mead, two acres in Haverholme and Hempholme and eight acres in Southfield; cottage, garth the fourth part of North End Fishings and eight acres in Southfield; cottage, garth, one acre in the Mead, two acres in Haverholme and eight acres in Southfield; cottage, garth, one acre in the Mead, two acres in Haverholme and eight acres in Southfield; cottage, garth, Reynold Close, the fourth part of North End Fishings and eight acres in Southfield; cottage, closes called two Good Alehouse Closes and Bowbridge Carr, eight acres in Southfield, the ferryboat in Hempholme and pasture for three horses in Southfield; cottage, garth, one acre meadow in the Mead and eight acres in Southfield; cottage, garth, one acre in the Mead, and eight acres in the Southfield, two acres in Haverholme and the fourth part of North End Fishings; cottage, garth, one acre in the Mead, two acres in the Mead, two acres in Haverholme and the fishing of Lecey Carre; cottage, garth, one acre in the Mead, two acres in Haverholme and eight acres in Southfield; cottage, garth, one acre in the Mead, two acres in Haverholme and eight acres in Southfield; cottage, garth, one acre in the Mead, two acres in Haverholme and eight acres in the Southfield; cottage, garth, one acre in the Mead, two acres in Haverholme and eight acres in Southfield; eight acres in Southfield; Closes called Northfield (133 acres) and Tronchenhill Carr (100 acres); rents and tenants specified
Sometime parcel of the possessions of Sir Thomas Heneage and granted to Queen Elizabeth in exchange for other lands
Consideration: for a fine of £180; yearly rent of £6 until 10 Apr 1793, £13 11s thereafter for remainder of the term
Recites a previous lease (10 Apr 1762) to Hugh Bethell
With portrait of George III
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