Description | Parties: 1) Thomas Jackson and Henry Atkinson both of Leeds, esquires 2) William Atkinson of Kirkskill Hall, gentleman Property: a nineth part of the manor of Leeds with capital messuage in briggate 'next above the sign of the Beare' and 2 gardens; messuage and 2 cottages in Briggate at Bear Lane end; a walled parcel (Bear Lane, Briggate); messuage at upper end of the Shambles; messuage and croft in Briggate; messuage made for two dwellings near Kirkgate and formerly called the 'Cutt a Feather'; Clay Pitt Close; Crimles Close in Crimles Lane near Shipscar Bridge; close (Leeds-Great Woodhouse Road East; lane from Carleton Crosse-Little Woodhouse West); 2 Clough Closes or Lady Flatts in Marsh Lane; Marsh Lane Close; Bank Close; the Pighill or Paddock in Marsh Lane; 2 water fulling mills called Pitfall Mills or formerly Kings Mills under one roof, consisting of wheels and 4 stocks, with a cottage (Tenants named) To use of William Atkinson with provisions for reconveyance to Thomas Jackson in payment by him of specified sums Consideration: £1060 Witnesses: M Norcliffe, Rowland Watson, John Bowerman, Ezekiell Gates and Henry Watson |