Description | Parties: 1) Christopher Kitlepenye of Hewthorne, yeoman 2) Robert Guhbie of Halthrope, husbandman Property: tenement with lands in open fields of Halthroppe mentions Gunbie garth, Longtoffling, Woodrowe, Kelpyte, Rysebut, Langlayes, Brodlongfoss, Narrowlongfoss, Calender, Townendland, Kitchingarth, Bartilbutts, Sowcroft, Yngnoke, Burtilhill, Estmoreland, Newelosa, Short Toffing Easthalfacres, Layergoyte, Norowsstudfauld, Narow Wycare, Birtilwell, Heysillbuskes) Witnesses: John Easinwold John Bell, William Hallaye, William Hewghe, Robert Mannard clerk, Joha Blanchard, John Gunbye, Thomas Staynley, Richard Staynley Includes memorandum (25 Aug 1577) |