Description | Includes: Details of statical stability plans with no yard number given
Plans with yard numbers for 'Ben Gulvain' (998), 'Hammond Innes' (1033).
Calibration scale tables with yard numbers for 'Princess Anne (901)', 'St Bartholomew' (903), 'Rubens' (917), 'Breughel' (918), 'St Dominic' (925), 'Arsenal' (928), 'Prince Charles' (929), 'Northella' (931), 'Kingston Pearl' (933), 'Kingston Beryl' (934), 'Vianova' (939), 'Onward Progress' (942), 'Boston Typhoon' (943), 'St Louis' (945), 'Kingston Amber' (946), 'William Wilberforce' (948), 'Arum' (954), 'Wyre Conquerer' (950), 'Wyre Victory' (951), 'London Town' (955), 'Westella' (956), 'Vivaria' (961), 'Robert Hewett' (963), 'Starella' (964), 'Somerset Maugham' (965), 'Arlanda' (966), 'Arctic Vandal' (968), 'Princess Elizabeth' (970), 'Boston Wellvale' (974), 'Nerine' (977), 'Aster' (987), 'Northern Reward' (980), 'Northern Gift' (982), 'Boat Beacon' (992), 'Zonia' (993), 'Boston Phantom' (996), 'Ben Gulvain' (998), 'Boston Kestrel' (997), tugs for Nigeria (1013-1014).
Tank calibrations with yard numbers for 'Sun XXVI' (992), 'Sun II (995), 'Boston Phantom' (996)
Cross curves of stability for 'Bee' (1017), 'Cricket' (1018), 'Gnat' (1019), 'Ladybird' (1020), 'Cicala' (1021), 'Scarab' (1022).
Rudder sternframe with yard numbers for 'Lady Elsa' (551), 'St Just' (552), 'Galleon' (553), 'George Aunger' (554), 'Kopanes' (555), 'Rylston' (556), 'Tunisian' (557), 'Malayan'(557A), 'Norse' (560), 'Angus' (560A), 'Blakkur' (566), 'Mohican' (568), 'Basuto' (569), 'Balthasar' (570), 'Negro' (571), 'Almandine' (572), 'Pyrope' (573), 'Lady Lilian' (575), 'Lady Adelaide' (586), 'Lady Madeleine' (592), 'St Andronicus' (576B), 'St Amandus' (567A), 'St Attalus' (591), 'Pentland Firth' (577), St Achilleus' (595), 'Arab' (578), 'Lorenzo' (579), 'Picador' (580), 'Basque' (581), 'Dervish' (587), 'Loch Seaforth' (582), 'Kingston Alalite' (583), 'Kingston Andalusite' (584), 'Kingston Galena' (589), 'Alexandrite' (585), 'Andradite' (588), 'Brontes' (590), 'Kingston Cornelian' (593), 'Kingston Chysolite' (599), 'Kingston Ceylonite' (600), 'Kingston Cairngorm' (601), 'Kingston Chrysoberyl' (602), 'Aragonite' (594), 'Achroite' (596), 'Lady Lavinia' (597)
Rudder and sternframe with yard numbers for 'Royal Jubilee' (603), 'Thornwick Bay' (604), 'Lady Beryl' (605), 'Kingston Cyanite' (607), 'Kingston Coral' (608), 'Kingston Cameo' (609), 'Kingston Crystal' (610), 'Cape Comorin' (611), 'Davy' (612), 'St Cathan' (613), 'St Goran' (614), 'St Kenan' (617), 'St Loman' (618), 'St Nectan' (619), 'St Nidan' (620), 'St Elstan' (634), 'St Wistan' (635), 'Lady Shirley' (615), 'Lady Jeanette' (616), 'Lady Rosemary' (622), 'Lady Hogarth' (623), 'Victrix' (624), 'Italia Caesar' (625), 'El Capitan' (626), 'Visenda' (627), 'Admiral Hawke' (639), 'Kingston Agate' (640), 'Barnett' (641), 'Boys Own' (644), 'Yorkshire Belle' (645), 'Foremost 90' (646), 'Foremost 91' (647), 'Foremost 92' (648), 'Lady Lilian' (650), 'Lady Madeleine' (651), 'St Apollo' (654), 'St Zeno' (655), 'Vizalma' (656), 'Grenadier' (703), 'Lancer' (704), 'Sapper' (705), 'Guardsman' (732), 'Homeguard' (733), 'Royal Marine' (734)
Amphion cruiser plans
Calibration tables with yard numbers for 'St John' (763), 'St Matthew' (764), 'Breughel' (765),'Thornia' (766), 'Rubens' (767), 'South Ella' (768), 'Edmond Rene' (773), 'Souvenir' (774), 'Van der Weyden' (775),'Van der Orley' (776), 'Allan Water' (777), 'Akurey' (779), 'Hvalfell' (780), 'Rodull' (787), 'Gardar Thorsteinsson' (790), 'Jon Forseti' (792), 'Nolsoyar Pall' (781), 'Joannes Patursson' (782), 'Geir' (783), 'Fylkir' (784), 'Godanes' (786), 'Isborg' (788), 'Skuli Magnusson' (791), 'Margaret Wicks' (789), 'St Chad' (794), 'Boston Seafire' (795), 'Kingston Sardius' (796), 'Kingston Peridot' (797), 'St Apollo' (798), 'St Leander' (799), 'Farnella' (802), 'Swanella' (803)
Calibration scales with yard numbers for 'Princess Anne' (901), 'St Bartholomew' (903), 'Cape Columbia' (914), 'Cape Adair' (915), 'Swanella' (919), 'Arctic Ranger' (920), 'Cape Trafalgar' (922), 'Arsenal' (928), 'Fylkir' (930), 'Zonia' (993), 'Maretta'(994), 'Stella Leonis' (944), 'Kingston Ambler' (946), 'Arctic Cavalier' (958), 'Arctic Corsair' (959), unknown (949), 'Highland Lady' (952), 'Hazel Highland' (953), 'Balnagask' (957), 'Linaria' (967), 'Cape Otranto' (972), 'Boston Weelsby' (973), 'St Gerontius' (976)
Plans for 'Tern' (874)
Diagrams with yard numbers for 'Akurey' (779), 'Hvalfell' (780), 'Geir' (783), 'Fylkir' (784), 'Lorella' (785), 'Godanes' (786), 'Isborg' (788), 'Gardar Thorsteinsson' (790), 'Margaret Wicks' (789), 'Skuli Magnusson' (791)
Circuit diagrams with yard numbers for 'Borella' (762), 'St John' (763), 'St Matthew' (764), 'Breughel', (765), 'Rubens' (767), 'Southella' (768)
Main switchboard with yard numbers for 'Michel Bernard' (769), 'Jacques Colin' (770), 'Aunis' (771), 'Artois' (772), 'Edmond Rene' (773), 'Souvenir' (774)
Rudder forgings with yard numbers for 'Lady Shirley' (615), 'Lady Jeanette' (616), 'Lady Rosemary' (622), 'Lady Hogarth' (623)
Rudder with yard numbers for 'Grenadier' (703), 'Lancer' (704), 'Sapper' (705), 'Coldstreamer' (706), 'Fusilier' (707), 'Royal Marine' (708) Arrangements with yard numbers for 'Kingston Garnett' (816), 'Kingston Zircon' (817), 'St Britwin' (821), 'St Alcuin' (822)
Sections, diagrams and arrangements with yard numbers for 'Northern Princess' (813), 'Northern Prince' (814), 'Northern Queen' (815)
Profiles, plans and arrangements for 'Van Dyck' (828)
Includes plan number and description of plan, name and address of shipbuilders, date of plan, dimensions, title, scale, and notes on name/s of ship. |